主演:詹森·舒瓦兹曼 比尔·默瑞 奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 西摩·卡塞尔 布莱恩·考克斯 梅森·甘布 萨拉·塔娜卡 斯特芬·马克尔 康妮·尼尔森 卢克·威尔逊 迪帕克·帕拉纳 安德鲁·威尔逊 华莱士·沃洛达斯基 布赖恩·滕博姆 埃里克·蔡斯·安德森 库玛·帕拉纳 斯蒂芬·迪南
才华横溢,有一腔理想抱负的热血少年马克斯·费舍尔(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman饰),在休斯敦一间贵族预备学校就读。初入名校的马克斯,却把全部的心思都投注于社团上。凭借着过人的聪明才智,他很快在各种社团里游刃有余。然而过分忽视功课的他,不久就面临着被退学的威胁。因缘际会,他与事业成功的商业大亨赫尔曼·布卢姆(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)成为了忘年之交,学会了很多人生真理。然而这一切都终结在了才貌双全的女老师露丝玛丽·克罗丝(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams饰)手里。马克斯深陷爱情的世界里,不能自拔。 本片凭借着处处充满针锋相对的机智对白与幽默感,以及新老演员对角色的成功塑造和诠释,荣获1999年第56届金球奖电影类-最佳男配角提名及1999年独立精神奖最佳导演、最佳男配角等多项大奖。Max Fischer is a precocious 15-year-old whose reason for living is his attendance at Rushmore, a private school where he's not doing well in any of his classes, but where he's the king of extracurricular activities - from being in the beekeeping society to writing and producing plays, there's very little after school he doesn't do. His life begins to change, however, when he finds out he's on academic probation, and when he stumbles into love with Miss Cross, a pretty teacher of the elementary school at Rushmore. Added to the mix is his friendship with Herman Blume, wealthy industrialist and father to boys who attend the school, and who also finds himself attracted to Miss Cross. Max's fate becomes inextricably tied to this odd love triangle, and how he sets about resolving it is the story in the film.下载电影就来乐比TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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