O Diabo na Cama(1989)

6.0 还行

分类:喜剧  地区:巴西  年份:1989 

主演:Ankito 乔纳斯·布洛赫 兰多·布赞卡 Felipe Carone Cláudia Costa Claudio D'Oliani Márcia Dorneles Paulo Figueiredo Monique Lafond Zezé Macedo Fernando Reski Telma Reston Bemvindo Sequeira Débora Soares Germano Vezzani 

导演:米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼 / 米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼 Michele Massimo Tarantini

米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼 Michele Massimo Tarantini




乐比TV为您提供1989年由Ankito,乔纳斯·布洛赫,兰多·布赞卡,Felipe Carone,Cláudia Costa,Claudio D'Oliani,Márcia Dorneles,Paulo Figueiredo,Monique Lafond,Zezé Macedo,Fernando Reski,Telma Reston,Bemvindo Sequeira,Débora Soares,Germano Vezzani主演,米歇尔·马西莫·塔兰蒂尼导演的《O Diabo na Cama》喜剧 电影在线观看完整版,《O Diabo na Cama》百度云网盘资源以及《O Diabo na Cama》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《O Diabo na Cama》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In São Paulo, the company of the clothier Carlos is near bankruptcy, with the creditors chasing him and without any order. When he receives a correspondence from a wealthy German entrepreneur, Herr Lachter, proposing a deal of thousands of trousers and jackets, it seems to be the salvation of his company. His imbecile cousin Pepino offers to go to Rio de Janeiro first to see the habits of Herr Lachter for a better negotiation. In Hotel Gloria, he collects information from the staff that the German is a lady-killer, having sex with the wives of his clients before signing the contract. Pepino hires Joana Coxalonga, a street prostitute, to pretend to be Carlos's wife during the dinner negotiation. But when Carlos's wife unexpectedly arrives in the hotel to spend a second honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro with Carlos, confusion begins.




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