橡树,十万火急Stejar – extremă urgență(1973)

6.0 还行

分类:战争  地区:罗马尼亚  年份:1973 

主演:Ion Caramitru Geo Barton 

导演:第努·科恰 / Horia Lovinescu/Mihai Opris

Horia Lovinescu/Mihai Opris

1973罗马尼亚语 , 德语



乐比TV为您提供1973年由Ion Caramitru,Geo Barton主演,第努·科恰导演的《橡树,十万火急》/原名《Stejar – extremă urgență》/又名《Stejar, extrema urgenta / Oak Tree, Top Emergency》战争 电影在线观看完整版,《橡树,十万火急》百度云网盘资源以及《橡树,十万火急》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《橡树,十万火急》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The title refers to the code of action for the \"823\" arms uprising against the Nazis in 1944. At that time, Romania was a puppet government of the Nazis, and the German high Command developed a secret operation plan \"Romania Margarita II\", in an attempt to fully occupy Romania. The Romanian Communist Party, through the party underground, sent Captain Udrea, a patriotic officer of the Romanian armed forces, to try to obtain this secret plan. Oudreya in underground party member toma and other people's cooperation, eliminated all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, finally defeated his old classmate when studying abroad in Germany Werner, obtained the plan. Under the leadership of the Communist Party and based on this information, the armed forces and the Patriotic Guard, with the working class as the main body, successfully launched the armed uprising of August 23, 1944, which was of great historical significance, overthrew the Antonescu puppet group and began the struggle for the liberation of the motherland.




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