
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 喜剧 爱情 悬疑  地区:中国大陆   年份:2011 

主演:文章 白百何 郭涛 张静初 戴立忍 莫文蔚 段博文 黄幻 

导演:赵天宇 / 赵天宇 Tianyu Zhao/阿美 A Mei

赵天宇 Tianyu Zhao/阿美 A Mei




乐比TV为您提供2011年由文章,白百何,郭涛,张静初,戴立忍,莫文蔚,段博文,黄幻主演,赵天宇导演的《万有引力》/又名《The Law of Attraction》剧情 喜剧 爱情 悬疑 电影在线观看完整版,《万有引力》百度云网盘资源以及《万有引力》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《万有引力》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

这是四个与爱情有关的故事:审计员高远(文章 饰)三年来重复着两地奔忙的工作,在他前往外地送交一份重要文件之时,机场安检员石晓琳(白百何 饰)却将他扣留,耽误了航

Plot Summary:Beijing, the present day. Encounter. For three years, Gao Yuan (Zhang Wen), a 26-year-old low-level accountant in an oil company, has been catching the same flight every Tuesday to Yulin, central China, in connection with an important contract. On this Tuesday, going for an especially crucial meeting, he's delayed during the security check by a diligent young officer, Shi Xiaolin (Baihe Bai), whose hand scanner wrongly keeps registering metal on him. Furious, Gao Yuan ends up missing his flight - the only one of the week - and berates Shi Xiaolin for ruining his career. She apologies and helps him get on a flight to Xi'an instead, from where he can catch a coach, but that flight is then delayed by bad weather. The two end up having lunch together, during which she suddenly reveals she knows an awful lot about him. Giving Birth. Mathematics professor Wang Yong (Tao Guo) and Xuelian (Jingchu Zhang) are a happily married couple in their 30s but childless. After her sister gives birth, ...





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