阿拉伯恐怖份子计划在超级杯美式足球决赛当天,引爆炸弹轰掉满场81000名球迷与亲临现场观战的美国总统。令美国联邦调查局FBI不解的是:炸弹究竟藏在哪里?出人意表的答案是远在天边、近在眼前,炸弹就设于漂浮现场上空的Goodyear小型飞船内!Terrorist organization Black September is planning an attack on the United States. A woman called Dahlia is the one overseeing the operation. She was in the Middle East with the other members of the organization, discussing the operation when some Israelis came in; the leader, Major Kobakov had his gun on her but didn't shoot her. Kobakov then informed the US what they found. Though they don't know what their operation is, Kobakov assures them that it will be devastating. So, with FBI man, Corley, they try to find out what it is before it's too late. But they both have different ways of doing things, and since Kobakov is the visitor, he is warned to watch it. Dahlia's "partner in crime" is Michael Lander, a Vietnam P.O.W., who is psychologically scarred by that experience, thus making him very susceptible to her machinations.下载电影就来乐比TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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