莎蒂·麦基Sadie McKee(1934)

6.0 还行

分类:剧情 爱情  地区:美国  年份:1934 

主演:Joan Crawford Gene Raymond Franchot Tone 

导演:Clarence Brown / John Meehan/Viña Delmar

John Meehan/Viña Delmar




乐比TV为您提供1934年由Joan Crawford,Gene Raymond,Franchot Tone主演,Clarence Brown导演的《莎蒂·麦基》/原名《Sadie McKee》/又名《春满情深 / 春浓情深》剧情 爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《莎蒂·麦基》百度云网盘资源以及《莎蒂·麦基》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《莎蒂·麦基》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

Sadie McKee的一生跌宕起伏。她是富有的阿尔德森家族的厨师之女,当律师的迈克.阿尔德森喜欢她,但她与男友汤米私奔至纽约。二人本来准备结婚,但是汤米勾搭上

Plot Summary:The life of Sadie McKee takes many twists and turns. She starts as the daughter of the cook for the well off Alderson family. Lawyer Michael Alderson likes Sadie but she runs off to New York City with boyfriend Tommy to get married. Before they get married, Tommy takes up with show girl Dolly and deserts her. Sadie stays in New York and becomes involved with Michael's boss, millionaire Brennan. She marries the chronically alcoholic Brennan for his money. Michael views her as a golddigger at first, but then sees her help Brennan beat his alcoholism. Sadie leaves Brennan to try and find Tommy when she hears that her old flame is in trouble. Little does she know just how much trouble.




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