故事发生在1953年,彼时,韩国和朝鲜之间的争斗正值最盛之时,国内情势十分紧张。南福(薛景求 饰)本是老实本分的农民,靠着土地吃饭,虽然日子过得紧紧巴巴,但也不失宁静和祥和。战争的到来彻底改变了他的命运,应召入伍后,对如何打仗一无所知的南福就这样糊里糊涂的成为了一名大街上随处可见的韩国下等兵。 某日,上司将一份十分重要的机密文件交给南福,命他送往指定地点,这封文件是如此的重要,以至于关系到战争的成败。然而,南福却将文件给搞丢了,而这份文件又恰恰被朝鲜人民军的士兵荣光(吕珍九 饰)给拾到了,在两人之间,一场你藏我找的猫鼠游戏就此拉开序幕。24th of July in the year 1953, three days left until North and South Korea will sign the truce. Nam-bok is a normal soldier who just wants to go home to his farm. Instead he must bring a secret paper to the Western front but on his way, he is attacked by North Korean forces which causes him to loose the paper. Accidently the secret paper is discovered by Young-gwang, a North Korean soldier and the last remaining survivor of his unit. While Nam-bok is searching for his important papers, he sees Young-gwang stealing them. Now Nam-bok fights like a lion to get the secret paper back.下载电影就来乐比TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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