

乐比TV为您提供2018年由本渡枫,大西沙织,和气杏未,木野日菜,松田利冴,铃木绘理,濑户麻沙美,内山夕实,市道真央,渊上舞,水濑祈,中原麻衣,雪野五月,野上尤加奈,朴璐美,小清水亚美,伊藤静,种田梨沙,川澄绫子,星野充昭,大和田仁美,井泽佳之实,日高里菜,斋藤千和,喜多村英梨,松田飒水,井上穗乃花,村濑克辉,佳穗成美,水谷麻铃,清水彩香,川崎芽衣子,长江里加,增谷康纪,进藤尚美,下地紫野,大野柚布子,小形满,柚木凉香,绫濑有,三瓶由布子主演,柿本广大,信田祐,牧野友映,笔坂明规,下司泰弘,浅见松雄,工藤宽显,小林孝志,福井洋平,白石道太,滨崎彻,山内东生雄导演的《刀使之巫女》/原名《刀使ノ巫女》/又名《Toji no Miko / 刀使巫女 / 刀使的巫女》剧情 动画 影视在线观看完整版,《刀使之巫女》百度云网盘资源以及《刀使之巫女》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《刀使之巫女》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The story is centered around a group of shrine maiden who wield swords while wearing school uniforms known as "Toji", and they serve as a unit in the police force in order to exorcise strange creatures known only as "aratama". The government authorizes the Toji to wear swords and serve as government officials, and the government has set up five schools throughout the country for the girls to attend. The girls live ordinary school lives, while occasionally performing their duties, wielding their swords and using various powers to fight and protect the people. In the spring, the five schools send their best Toji to compete in a tournament. As the tournament comes closer, all of the representatives rigorously train themselves in order to get stronger and improve their skills.




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