
6.0 还行

分类:剧情  地区:日本  年份:2006 

主演:长泽雅美 小泉今日子 Kyôko Koizumi 堤真一 绪形拳 山本龙二 中尾明庆 田口浩正 井泽健 森廉 本田博太郎 

导演:平川雄一朗 / 加藤新 / 泉吉紘 Yoshihiro Izumi

泉吉紘 Yoshihiro Izumi




乐比TV为您提供2006年由长泽雅美,小泉今日子 Kyôko Koizumi,堤真一,绪形拳,山本龙二,中尾明庆,田口浩正,井泽健,森廉,本田博太郎主演,平川雄一朗,加藤新导演的《水手服与机关枪》/原名《セーラー服と機関銃》/又名《Sailor fuku to kikanjuu》剧情 影视在线观看完整版,《水手服与机关枪》百度云网盘资源以及《水手服与机关枪》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《水手服与机关枪》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

原本过着平凡生活的女高中生星泉(长泽雅美 饰),突然得知了父亲车祸身亡的噩耗。当她还来不及悲伤之际,另一伙凶巴巴的人马找上门来。原来这些人是黑帮组织目高组的成员

Plot Summary:High school student Hoshi Izumi loses her father suddenly in an accident. One day, Sakuma, the waka gashira of a small and weak Yakuza gang in Asakusa - the Medaka Gumi - pays Izumi a visit along with the gang members. The death of their former kumicho (Boss) puts Medaka Gumi on the verge of a breakup. Therefore, Sakuma begs Izumi, the former boss's only distant relative left, to succeed to the kumicho position. Izumi is taken by surprise and keeps refusing at first. However, she ends up becoming the 8th kumicho of the Medaka Gumi! The police tell her that her father's death may possibly be a homicide case. There's also Mayumi, a mysterious woman staring closely at Izumi's father's photograph at his funeral. The situation becomes complicated when the drug-dealing vicious yakuza, Hamaguchi Gumi, comes into the picture as well as Sandaiji Hajime, a politician whose public stance is to eliminate drugs.




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