
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 传记 犯罪  地区:法国   年份:1973 

主演:史蒂夫·麦奎因 达斯汀·霍夫曼 维克托·乔里 唐·戈登 安东尼·泽比 伍德罗夫·帕弗雷 乔治·库鲁里斯 瓦尔·埃弗里 格雷戈里·西拉 维克·泰拜克 E·J·安德烈 兰-莱瑟 利亚姆·邓恩 彼得·布罗科 理查德·法恩斯沃斯 达尔顿·特朗勃 Robert Deman Bill Mumy Ratna Assan William Smithers Mills Watson Ron Soble Barbara Morrison Richard Angarola John Quade Fred Sadoff Allen Jaffe 安·伯恩·霍夫曼 Harry Monty 肯·马格尔斯顿 

导演:富兰克林·沙夫纳 / 达尔顿·特朗勃 Dalton Trumbo/洛伦佐·森普尔 Lorenzo Semple Jr./亨利·沙里埃 Henri Charrière/威廉姆·高德曼 William Goldman

达尔顿·特朗勃 Dalton Trumbo/洛伦佐·森普尔 Lorenzo Semple Jr./亨利·沙里埃 Henri Charrière/威廉姆·高德曼 William Goldman

1973-12-16(美国)英语 , 西班牙语



乐比TV为您提供1973年由史蒂夫·麦奎因,达斯汀·霍夫曼,维克托·乔里,唐·戈登,安东尼·泽比,伍德罗夫·帕弗雷,乔治·库鲁里斯,瓦尔·埃弗里,格雷戈里·西拉,维克·泰拜克,E·J·安德烈,兰-莱瑟,利亚姆·邓恩,彼得·布罗科,理查德·法恩斯沃斯,达尔顿·特朗勃,Robert Deman,Bill Mumy,Ratna Assan,William Smithers,Mills Watson,Ron Soble,Barbara Morrison,Richard Angarola,John Quade,Fred Sadoff,Allen Jaffe,安·伯恩·霍夫曼,Harry Monty,肯·马格尔斯顿主演,富兰克林·沙夫纳导演的《巴比龙》/原名《Papillon》/又名《恶魔岛 / 巴比笼 / 蝴蝶》剧情 传记 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《巴比龙》百度云网盘资源以及《巴比龙》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《巴比龙》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A semi-fictional account of Henri Charrière's time in the penal system in French Guyana - some of it spent on infamous Devil's Island - is presented. It's the early 1930s. Charrière - nicknamed Papillon because of his butterfly tattoo - and Louis Dega are two among many who have been convicted in the French judicial system, they now being transferred to French Guyana where they will serve their time, never to return to France even if they are ever released. A safe-cracker by criminal profession, Papillon is serving a life sentence for murdering a pimp, a crime for which he adamantly states he was framed. Dega is a wealthy counterfeiter, who expects his well-to-do wife eventually to get him released. On Papillon's initiative, Papillon and Dega enter into a business arrangement: Papillon will provide protection for Dega, while Dega will finance Papillon's escape attempt. As Papillon and Degas' time together lasts longer than either expects, their burgeoning friendship ends up being an important factor altering their original plans, needed as they work with and against others who are trying to achieve their own goals, sometime conflicting with Papillon and Dega's.




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