
6.0 还行

分类:剧情  地区:日本  年份:2015 

主演:武井咲 稻森泉 濑户康史 要润 内藤理沙 原干惠 杉本哲太 吹越满 浅野和之 麻生祐未 竹中直人 风间杜夫 小泉孝太郎 

导演:田村直己 / 小松隆志 / 内館牧子





乐比TV为您提供2015年由武井咲,稻森泉,濑户康史,要润,内藤理沙,原干惠,杉本哲太,吹越满,浅野和之,麻生祐未,竹中直人,风间杜夫,小泉孝太郎主演,田村直己,小松隆志导演的《年龄歧视》/原名《エイジハラスメント》/又名《年龄欺凌 / Age Harassment》剧情 影视在线观看完整版,《年龄歧视》百度云网盘资源以及《年龄歧视》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《年龄歧视》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

踌躇满志的职场新人吉井英美里(武井咲 饰)如愿加入大型综合商社帝都物产,可是她并未被分配到第一志愿的精英部门纤维一课,而是来到了一向被人轻视和嘲讽的总务部。总务

Plot Summary:Emiri Yoshii (Emi Takei) begins work at a general trading company. Due to her family's failure in business, she had to give up her dream of earning a MBA in America. Now, she hopes to become an executive of a company. Emiri is sent to the general affairs department at the trading company. She freaks out when she learns that lower level employees have to wear uniforms and she has to deal with everything from changing light bulbs to ordering business cards. Nonetheless, she works hard to pay off her family's debt. Emiri then finds herself in the crosshair of coworkers. Senior female employees are perturbed that she doesn't drink coffee with them and skips their gatherings. Meanwhile, the male employees like working with her, but only when they need an attractive women for matters like entertaining clients. The male employees do not give her serious work. Emiri, who appears popular among the male employees, soon becomes an outcast among the senior female employees. She becomes fed up with her situation and takes action.




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