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原名:Days of Heaven又名:梦断天涯(港) / 天堂岁月 / 梦断情天 / 情来自有方

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  美国  1978 

简介: 20世纪初,Bill(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)本来是工厂里的一







【幕后制作】:《天堂的日子》由长期在法国为特吕弗掌镜的摄影师阿尔曼德罗(Nestor Almendros)拍摄,影片以舒缓的格调、油画式的构图和色调,准确地捕捉了世纪初的美国田园风味。结尾农场主在捕杀蝗虫时为宣泄心中的情感而放火怒烧麦田的场景,更显示影片在摄影技术方面所作出的杰出的贡献。全片几乎全是外景,而且大多是在所谓“魔术时刻”——即每天在日出前、日落后各半小时左右,天空转为深蓝或红色,但仍可清楚照映出大地上所有景物的轮廓,看起来像是从天空架设灯光,再照到地面的效果,摄影界称之为“魔术时刻”——拍摄,颇收油画与剪影之功效。影片中那晚霞映照下空旷田野里的稻草人、沾满露水的麦穗、晨曦中麦田里劳作的农民、天空中南飞的雁群、乱风吹皱湖面泛起的阵阵涟漪,光与影美不胜收,俯拾皆是,《天堂的日子》成为每个研究电影摄影者必看的影片。

【P.S.】:The seagulls of Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is a beautiful city in the west of North America, which was founded over a hundred years ago. At that time, a group of men, women and children arrived at a valley with high mountains all around it. They had traveled a long way. They had begun their journey far away in the east. After they had crossed the mountains, they found the valley. In the middle of it there was a salt lake. This was where their city now lies.

The land seemed good, and they decided to stay there. They built their homes, and made their farms, and planted their crops. The people had to work hard on their farms. If they did not grow enough food, they would have nothing to eat.

One day while they were working in the fields, some farmers saw something strange in the sky. “what is that?” asked one of them .
“Where?” asked another farmer, as he stopped to look.
“Over there ,”he answered.
They saw something coming towards them. It looked like a cloud, but it was too low in the sky. As they watched, it came nearer and nearer. Suddenly a shout went up: “Locusts! Millions of locusts!”
Every one stopped working, and looked at the sky. They were all frightened, because they knew what locusts could do. They had never seen so many of them before.

In no time the locusts came down and started eating their crops —the wheat, the vegetables, even the grass, and the leaves on the trees.

Everyone—men, women and children—tried to fight against the locusts. They tried everything , but while they were killing locusts in one place, millions more arrived in another.

What could they do?

Suddenly they heard a great noise. They looked up into the sky and saw another great cloud coming towards them. To their surprise, they saw not locusts, but seagulls. The farmers cried out, “They have come to eat what the locusts have left!”
But they found that the seagulls had come to eat, not their crops, but the locusts. Usually, the seagulls lived near the sea. But they had seen or smelt the locusts and had come to eat them. Now they were eating the locusts. In a short while they ate up millions of them. The farmers’ crops were saved!

The people were very thankful. They decided that from then on no one should ever kill a seagull . And today, if you go to Salt Lake City, you can see a monument with seagulls on top of it.


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