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原名:Evil Under the Sun又名:艳阳下的谋杀案 / 午日奇尸

分类:悬疑 / 犯罪 /  英国  1982 



阳光下的罪恶影评:Ah les femmes!

根据看的小说,来和电影做个对比。电影的视觉图像正好可以让我脑补一下书中的场景。我不知道为什么在看书的时候,看到Marshall,脑子浮现的是Matt Damon的样子😂
👩Christine Redfern
👩Arlena Marshall
👩Rosamund Darnley :电影里合为了旅店女老板。
👙👒Christine Redfern
1⃣️ 首先,这部电影里的Mrs Redfern竟然是Jane Birkin扮演的(看片之前完全不知道😺)。在出场的时候,因为丈夫出轨,她表现得像个受气小媳妇儿,但是在小说(未揭露真实身份以前),她是一个沉着,忠诚,聪明,有艺术天赋的女性(不然就不会去海湾画画了)。一开始,我对Christine是充满好感的。
She is quiet, pretty in a washed-out way. She is, I think, devoted to her husband. She has something that Arlena Marshall did not have.’ ‘What is that?’ ‘Brains.’ Inspector Colgate sighed. He said: ‘Brains don’t count for much when it comes to an infatuation, sir.’
2⃣️ 电影:这是Chiritine看到丈夫和Arlena出轨,哭诉的场景。
原著:小说里是雨过后,月色温柔,繁星满天的场景。“The rain has stopped and the mist had dispersed. it was a fine night again." Chrisitine坐在湿漉漉的椅子上,Poirot劝他垫块手绢,不然容易着凉。Chrisitine拒绝了。其实小说里她表现得比较冷漠和倔强,直到Poirot开导后才忍不住大哭的。
Hercule Poirot paused in the hall on his way from the dining room. The doors were open—a breath of soft night air came in. The rain had stopped and the mist had dispersed. It was a fine night again.
Hercule Poirot found Mrs Redfern in her favourite seat on the cliff ledge. He stopped by her and said: ‘This seat is damp. You should not sit here. You will catch the chill.’
‘No, I shan’t. And what does it matter anyway.’
‘Tscha, tscha, you are not a child! You are an educated woman. You must look at things sensibly.’
She said coldly: ‘I can assure you I never take cold.’
Poirot said: ‘It has been a wet day. The wind blew, the rain came down, and the mist was everywhere so that one could not see through it. Eh bien, what is it like now? The mists have rolled away, the sky is clear and up above the stars shine. That is like life, Madame.’
Christine said in a low fierce voice: ‘Do you know what I am most sick of in this place?’
‘What, Madame?’
‘Pity.’ She brought the word out like the flick of a whip. She went on:
‘Do you think I don’t know? That I can’t see? All the time people are saying: “Poor Mrs Redfern—that poor little woman.” And anyway I’m not little, I’m tall. They say little because they are sorry for me. And I can’t bear it!’
Cautiously, Hercule Poirot spread his handkerchief on the seat and sat down. He said thoughtfully: ‘There is something in that.’ ‘That woman—’ said Christine and stopped. Poirot said gravely: ‘Will you allow me to tell you something, Madame? Something that is as true as the stars above us? The Arlena Stuarts—or Arlena Marshalls—of this world—do not count.’
Christine Redfern said: ‘Nonsense.’
‘I assure you, it is true. Their Empire is of the moment and for the moment. To count—really and truly to count—a woman must have goodness or brains.’
Christine said scornfully: ‘Do you think men care for goodness or brains?’
3⃣️ 原著:Arlena死后,警官来问话时,Chrisitine穿着是网球服; 因为在案发的时候,她在打网球。换上网球服,气质就显现出来了。这段描述我也很喜欢。
She was, as always, calm and a little precise in manner. She was wearing a white tennis frock and a pale blue pullover. It accentuated her fair, rather anaemic prettiness. Yet, Hercule Poirot thought to himself, it was neither a silly face nor a weak one. It had plenty of resolution, courage and good sense. He nodded appreciatively.
4⃣️ 还有一些搞笑的装束描写,比如穿得像棵“发蔫的生菜” 😂
Christine 和Linda准备go sketching时候:
She was wearing beach pyjamas of a loose floppy pattern with long sleeves and wide legs. They were made of some green material with a yellow design. Rosamund’s tongue itched to tell her that yellow and green were the most unbecoming colours possible for her fair, slightly anaemic complexion. It always annoyed Rosamund when people had no clothes sense. She thought: ‘If I dressed that girl, I’d soon make her husband sit up and take notice. However much of a fool Arlena is, she does know how to dress. This wretched girl looks just like a wilting lettuce.’
通过这部电影,我终于见识到了这种beach pyjama长什么样了。😂
5⃣️ 最后在影片里,Chiritine在真相揭发后,因为侦探找不到证据,洋洋得意,换装后,准备撤离旅店的时候,哇,真的被惊艳到了!和她之前的穿着,判若两人!(书上未出现)
👙👒Arlena Marshall
红发,妖艳,拜金,自大,喜欢展现自己,让男人围绕自己。她的闪闪发光的确让男人移不开眼,但是也让女人都嫉妒她。"a personification of evil; a menace; she was a woman who liked smashing up homes."
Mrs. Redfern形容她 likes a beast. 书中也描述她为“a sleek happy cat-it was animal, not human.” 但是Poirot 却认为她没脑子,她的美,只是昙花一现。
Her arrival had all the importance of a stage entrance.
Moreover, she walked as though she knew it. There was no self-consciousness apparent. It would seem that she was too used to the invariable effect her presence produced.
She was tall and slender. She wore a simple backless white bathing dress and every inch of her exposed body was tanned a beautiful even shade of bronze. She was as perfect as a statue. Her hair was a rich flaming auburn curling richly and intimately into her neck. Her face had that slight hardness which is seen when thirty years have come and gone, but the whole effect of her was one of youth—of superb and triumphant vitality. There was a Chinese immobility about her face, and an upward slant of the dark blue eyes. On her head she wore a fantastic Chinese hat of jade green cardboard.
There was that about her which made every other woman on the beach seem faded and insignificant. And with equal inevitability, the eye of every male present was drawn and riveted on her.
Arlena在原著里戴的一直是jade-green hat;在被掐死的那一天,戴的也是这顶帽子。
在电影里,都替换成了红色,可能因为视觉需要吧,这红色,的确很扎眼。但也可以自行脑补一下,如果换成绿玉色,会是什么样。 😂
描述:Arlena在被掐死的那一天到pixy cove 和情人幽会。因为不想被别人知道,就骗Poirot说自己想一个人呆着;但是老狐狸一眼就看穿了,她才不是一个想要独处的女人呢。
‘M. Poirot?’
Poirot leaped to the water’s edge.
Arlena Marshall said: ‘Do something for me, will you?’ ‘Anything.’ She smiled at him. She murmured: ‘Don’t tell anyone where I am.’ She made her glance appealing. ‘Everyone will follow me about so. I just want for once to be alone.’
She paddled off vigorously.
Poirot walked up the beach. He murmured to himself: ‘Ah ça, jamais! That, par exemple, I do not believe.’ He doubted if Arlena Stuart, to give her her stage name, had ever wanted to be alone in her life.
Patrick 发现她“尸体”的时候:
Patrick Redfern got there first but Emily Brewster was close behind him. She saw, as one sees in a dream, the bronzed limbs, the white backless bathing dress—the red curl of hair escaping under the jade-green hat; saw something else too—the curious unnatural angle of the outspread arms. Felt, in that minute, that this body had not lain down but had been thrown …


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