都铎王朝 第一季

6.0 还行

原名:The Tudors又名:

分类:剧情 / 爱情 / 历史 / 战争 /  爱尔兰   2007 

简介: 16世纪中叶,英国驻法国大使遭到暗杀,而且死者正是年轻的英国国王亨利八世(乔纳森


都铎王朝 第一季影评:Thou shalt not watch this shite.

God, I nearly fell asleep watching this!
And I can't stop laughing at John's accent, it's so funny, yes, I know you are trying to speak posh English, but you are frigging Irish, and it's not working!It's bloody awful! get a voice coach or something!

Because of that, it was a huge turn off for me, and made me cringe whenever John comes on screen.

And I know, the lead is oh so good looking, and he takes off his shirt whenever it's possible, it still an awful awful period drama.
They mixed up the facts, tried to make people feel sorry for poor Henry VIII with his puppy dog eyes,("o I can't get a divorce, I am so sad and angry."and "sorry Katherine, you are a great girl and all, but I just don't love you" blah blah blah) the whole thing is just boring! Of course, it might be becuase I personally hate Henry VIII, who knows?

But I do like the costumes, they are probably the only good thing out of this show, but... the production team doesn't seem to get them right either, most of the costumes are historically inaccuate, I know they are o so pretty, but they are not right! Just piss me off.(Yes, I know most people don't care about things like that, but being a period drama costume and history channel junkie, trust me, the costumes are not Tudorian at all. I mean, where's the cock-piece? And where is the headdress?)

And the plot? Well, it's rubbish, too. The lines are boring and long, lack the wittiness that most period drama has.

So overall an AWFUL drama that is a waste of time.

都铎王朝 第一季的相关影评

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