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原名:What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole又名:掉进兔子洞 / 我们到底知道多少续集

分类:剧情 / 纪录片 /  美国  2006 








要了解这个会让人眼前一亮的新世界并不需要什么科学基础,只要尊重常识即可。其实我们都耳闻目睹过不少跟这新科学(其实不能说新,因为量子论已经发展了 120 年)密切相关的所谓的怪事。


量子科普做得浅显易懂又生动有趣的有下面两件产品,一部科教片,一本历史故事书。上面那视频,就出自这部电影《关于宇宙,你知道个叉!?》(What the βLēēp!?,2006)里面的一小段。


卡通 Q 博士:















物理学家阿米特·戈斯瓦米(Amit Goswami):


物理学家弗雷德·沃尔夫(Fred Alan Wolf,1934- ):





物理学家大卫·阿尔伯特(David Albert,1954- ):


一旦纳入观察者,矛盾就来了。我们被迫这样来谈量子力学,“看,这书之所以这样,是因为量子力学。” “我看到它,是因为我在那。”你最好不要分析这话的后半段,从应用量子力学的角度。因为它会崩溃。






心理学家杰弗里·萨提纳瓦(Jeffrey Satinover,1947- ):




也就是说,根据量子力学的法则来问问题,“波函数均匀分布在整个篮球场上的篮球会在哪里?”其逻辑等同于询问“5 这个数字的婚姻状况”,是吧?不是你不知道答案,你不会碰巧知道数字 5 是已婚还是单身,这个问题根本就不合情理,数字 5 根本就没有婚姻状况,也就没啥好问的。同样的,如果一个篮球的波函数均匀分布在整个篮球场上,那么篮球的位置甚至不可能被询问。










心理学家迪恩·雷丁(Dean Radin,1952- ):




卡通 Q 博士:





Cartoon Dr. Q

And here we are, the granddaddy of all quantum weirdness: the infamous double-slit experiment.
To understand this experiment, we first need to see how particles or little balls of matter, act. If we randomly shoot a small object, say a marble, at the screen we see a pattern on the back wall where they went through the slit and hit.

Now, if we add a second slit we would expect to see a second band duplicated to the right.

Now, let's look at waves. The waves hit the slit and radiate out striking the back wall with the most intensity directly in line with the slit. The line of brightness on the back screen shows that intensity. This is similar to the line the marbles make. But when we add the second slit something different happens. If the top of one wave meets the bottom of another wave they cancel each other out. So now there is an interference pattern on the back wall. Places where the two tops meet are the highest intensity—the bright lines—and where they cancel, there is nothing.

So, when we throw things, that is, matter, through two slits we get this—two bands of hits. And with waves, we get an interference pattern of many bands. Good, so far. Now, let's go quantum.

An electron is a tiny, tiny bit of matter like a tiny marble. Let's fire a stream through one slit. It behaves just like the marble: a single band. So if we shoot these tiny bits through two slits we should get, like the marbles, two bands.

What? An interference pattern. We fired electrons, tiny bits of matter, through. But we get a pattern like waves not like little marbles. How? How could pieces of matter create an interference pattern like a wave? It doesn't make sense.

But physicists are clever. They thought, "Maybe those little balls are bouncing off each other and creating that pattern. " So they decide to shoot electrons through one at a time. There is no way they could interfere with each other. But after an hour of this, the same interference pattern is seen to emerge.

The conclusion is inescapable. The single electron leaves as a particle becomes a wave of potentials goes through both slits and interferes with itself to hit the wall like a particle. But mathematically, it's even stranger. It goes through both slits and it goes through neither. And it goes through just one and it goes through just the other. All of these possibilities are in superposition with each other. But physicists were completely baffled by this. So they decided to peek and see which slit it actually goes through. They put a measuring device by one slit to see which one it went through and let it fly.

But the quantum world is far more mysterious than they could've imagined. When they observed, the electron went back to behaving like a little marble. It produced a pattern of two bands not an interference pattern of many. The very act of measuring, or observing which slit it went through meant it only went through one, not both. The electron decided to act differently as though it was aware it was being watched. And it was here that physicists stepped forever into the strange, never—world of quantum events.

What is matter, marbles or waves? And waves of what? And what does an observer have to do with any of this? The observer collapsed the wave function simply by observing.

Amit Goswami:

We are always the observer. But sometimes we identify with the events so much so that we even lose the aspect of the observer. That's why the materialist gets totally lost and thinks that we could do without the observer.

Fred Alan WolfPh.D.(1934- ):

The physics data tells us that the—that an object itself is really a simplification for what's we call "out there. " One is particularly—When we're looking at atomic and subatomic particles or atomic and subatomic matter in any form what we find is how we go to look at it or what we choose to examine it with actually changes the properties of what we observe to be out there.


Is this the observer and which is so intricate to understanding the wacky, weird world of quantum particles and how they react? Is this then the observer? And even though we cannot have a quantum field without the observation of scientists who have gone there who have uncovered it layer after layer after layer. They're all observers but not one of them agree conclusively on all points in the field because they're perceiving the field mathematically from different angles of perception.

David Albert Ph.D.(1954- ):

We don't know in quantum mechanics how to hook ourselves as observers up with the world. We don't know how to treat ourselves as observers as just another part of the physical system that we're describing. The only way we know how to do quantum mechanics as it's traditionally formulated is to keep the observer outside of the system you're describing. Uh, the minute you put him in, you get all these paradoxes. And we're forced to say things in quantum mechanics like "Look, the book is doing what it's doing because of quantum mechanics." "And I see that because I'm there and I see it." "And you'd better not try to analyze that second part of the sentence in terms of applying quantum mechanics to it, because it's gonna break down. " That's why there are these two separate laws of the evolutions of physical systems one that applies when you're not looking at them the other that applies when you are. But that's crazy.

Fred Alan Wolf

There's no way that we're ever going to mathematize or put into mathematical formula this very act in which a conscious observer comes up with the answer. People say, "Oh, the measuring instruments, the recorder records it. And there it is. It's on the tape. It's recorded. " You forgot one part of the equation. Somebody has to look at the tape. And until somebody looks at the tape, it ain't recorded at all.

Amit Goswami:

When you are not looking, they are waves of possibility. When we are looking, then they're particles of experience.

Jeffrey Satinover M.D.(1947- ):

A particle, which we think of as a solid thing really exists in a so-called "superposition" a spread-out wave of possible locations and it's in all of those at once. The instant you check on it it snaps into just one of those possible positions.

David Albert

It's easy to generate situations where the equations of motion will predict that, say, the wave function—the psi of a certain basketball—is uniformly distributed all over the basketball court. We don't have any idea what a state like that would look like. Um, according to the law of quantum mechanics that's supposed to be a state in which it fails to make any sense even to ask the question, "Where is the basketball?" That is, according to the law of quantum mechanics asking the question, "Where is a basketball whose psi is uniformly distributed over a whole basketball court?" is the logical equivalent of asking about, say, the marital status of the number five. Okay? It's not that you don't know the answer—you don't happen to know whether the number five is married or a bachelor—it's that the question somehow is radically inappropriate in the first place. The number five doesn't have a marital status. There's nothing there to ask about. And similarly, a basketball whose wave function was uniformly distributed over the entire basketball court would not have a position that could even coherently be asked about.

Now, um, the crux of the measurement problem is precisely that although the Schrodinger equation predicts under certain circumstances—circumstances which we basically know how to reproduce in the laboratory—that basketballs should go into states like that—states where there fails to be any intelligible fact—um, any—any sensible question even about where they are. And yet, when we go look—look at the basketball court in situations like that we invariably see either a basketball over here or a basketball over there or a basketball over there. The fact that we see the basketball in some specific location as opposed to seeing it in some science fiction state that we can't even imagine what it looks like where there fails to be a question about what its location is—The fact that we always see it in some definite location is an explicit violation of these equations of motion. And it's exactly there that the measurement problem comes up.

Fred Alan Wolf

When you observe, things happen. When you don't, they don't.


Superheroes use superposition with the world being potential strips of reality until we choose. Heroes choose what they want—being in many places at once, experiencing many possibilities all at once and then collapsing on the one. The question is, how far down the rabbit hole do you wanna go?

Jeffrey Satinover

Your own mind is creating multiple possibilities in your subconscious. The superpositions of possibilities are in your subconscious. I mean, you may be consciously aware of them, but they exist, I think in superposition of multiple possibilities—which after a while will collapse to one or the other.

Dean Radin(1952- ):

project or plan into the future or cast a thought ahead of itself.


Nice shot.

Dr. Q

But the great, great grandaddy of wacky quantum weirdness is entanglement. If time reversal symmetry destroys the notion of time then entanglement crushes our experience of space.Two objects, two electrons created together are entangled. Send one to the other side of the universe. Now, do something to one and the other responds instantly. Instantly. So, either information is traveling infinitely fast or in reality, they are still connected. They are entangled. And since everything was entangled at the moment of the big bang that means everything is still touching. Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate objects.

电影《What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole》(2006)字幕



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