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原名:Anders als die Andern又名:Different from the Others

分类:剧情 / 同性 /  德国  1919 

简介: 本片毫不含糊地正面描写了同性恋情,有些镜头对今天的观众来说还是非常具有挑逗性。男


与众不同影评:Great Lines


- For unknown reasons, the respected circuit court judge H. W. took his own life by shooting himself.

出于不明原因,备受尊敬的巡回法院法官H. W.开枪自杀了。

- Paul Körner senses a common thread: the sword of Damocles that is §175 made life impossible for these unfortunate individuals. In his mind's eye he sees an endless procession of them, from all times and countries, passing in review.

The figures appearing in this procession include such luminaries as

Peter Tchaikovsky, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, King Friedrich Il of Prussia, and King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

Körner发现了一个共同的线索: 那达摩克利斯之剑,也就是§175(德国刑事法第175条,内容是:非自然奸淫、男子与男子间性交以及人类对野兽性交者,处监禁刑或褫夺公权。最早于1871年5月15日颁布,于两德统一后的1994年完全废除),让这些不幸的人无法生活。在他的脑海里,他看到了一个无穷无尽的队伍,来自各个时代和国家的那些人,在Körner的回忆中经过。

- "You mustn't think poorly of your son because he is homosexual. He is not at all to blame for his orientation. It is neither a vice nor a crime, indeed, not even an illness, but instead a variation, one of the borderline cases that occur frequently in nature."

"Your son suffers not from his condition, but rather from the false judgment of it. This is the legal and social condemnation of his feelings, along with widespread misconceptions about their expression."


- "Love for one's own sex can be just as pure and noble as that for the opposite sex. This orientation is to be found among many respectable people in all levels of society."


- "I'm giving you the money, but you know that I can now report you for blackmail."

"And I can turn you in for § 175."


- "Nature is boundless in its creations. Between all opposites there are transitions, and this is also true of the sexes. Thus, apart from man and woman, there are also men with womanly physical and psychological traits, as well as women with all sorts of male characteristics."


- "Femininity and homosexuality often occur together, but by no means always. Thus there are feminine men who are not homosexual, and homosexuals who make little or no female impression."


- "The persecution of homosexuals belongs in the same sad chapter of human history in which the persecution of heretics and witches is inscribed. For 1,500 years, these unfortunates were dealt with by fire and sword."

"It was not until the French Revolution that a transformation came about. Everywhere that the Napoleonic Code was introduced, the laws against homosexuality fell, because they were seen as a violation of the fundamental rights of the individual. In many countries, there was a direct shift from the death penalty to complete freedom under the law."


- "May justice soon prevail over this grave injustice, science conquer superstition, love achieve victory over hatred!"


- "Else asks the sexologist whether there is truly no prospect of curing Körner with her love, and he counsels her: "As hard as it may be for you, you must give him up. Such people are not suited for marriage.

Nature itself forbids it."


- "In accordance with the testimony by the expert witness, we are persuaded that Paul Körner is an honorable individual who has hurt no one."

"A judge can only carry out the law. As long as § 175 exists, we are not entitled to grant acquittal. The court therefore declares a sentence of one week in prison."


- We greatly regret to inform you that because of this scandal, we cannot continue your concert tour. Moreover, we wish to cancel our contract with you. ——Concert Agency Seidler & Co.


- In his despair, Körner again sees in his mind's eye that procession of victims of the penal law, and he himself now joins the file as its final member.


- Körner's family is upset about Kurt's presence. Else lashes out at them: "Go ahead, just turn away! You and the rest of society have his death on your conscience!"


- Kurt is inconsolable and wants to take his own life, too. The physician and sexologist, who is also present, restrains him.

"If you want to honor the memory of your friend, then you mustn't take your own life, but instead keep on living to change the prejudices whose victim - one of countless many - this dead man has become."

"This is the life task I assign to you. Just as Zola struggled on behalf of one man who innocently languished in prison, what matters now is to restore honor and justice to the many thousands before us, with us, and after us.

Through knowledge to justice!"



- Over an open law book of the German Republic, a large hand appears, holding a brush.

Drawing a large X, it strikes out once and for all § 175, that horrible law to which clings so much blood and tears.



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