
6.0 还行

原名:Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas又名:仙巴之七海游踪 / 辛巴达航海 / 辛巴达历险记

分类:动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻 / 冒险 /  美国  2003 




Eris: Wake up, my beauties. Rise and shine. It's a brand new day and the mortal world is at peace. But not for long. Just look at them; I pull one tiny thread and their whole world unravels into chaos. Glorious chaos.

Proteus: It's my job to bring the Book of Peace safely to Syracuse.
Sinbad: Really? See, now I just feel bad, 'cause you're gonna get fired.

Sinbad: [after one of Proteus' men was eaten and then spit up my a sea monster but goes back to fighting it anyway] Give that guy a raise!

Sinbad: And you are?
Eris: Eris, the goddess of discord. You may have seen my likeness on the temple walls.
Sinbad: You know, they don't do you justice.

Eris: You're not thinking big enough, Sinbad. Steal the book for ransom and you can be rich enough to lounge on an island beach. Steal the book for me, and you can buy the beach. And the island. And the world.

Eris: Now. About my Sea Monster.
Sinbad: Right, right, listen, I'm sorry about that. I don't suppose a heartfelt apology would do.
Eris: [chuckles wryly] Heartfelt? From you? Sinbad! You don't have a heart.

[about Sinbad]
Eris: He's so cute. And so gullible.

Kale: What happened down there?
Sinbad: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Kale: Try me.
Sinbad: Okay, here goes. So I meet Eris, the goddess of discord? She's got a major crush on me, and she invited me back to her place.

Proteus: Do you have any idea how serious this is?
Sinbad: Do you have any idea how many times I've heard that today?

Sinbad: Look, this is the way it works. First, I actually commit a crime, *then* you get to blame me for it!

Kale: Fiji?
Sinbad: Think of the beaches!
Kale: Beautiful - if you like mosquitoes.
Sinbad: Think of the sun!
Kale: It's monsoon season!
Sinbad: The women, then!
Kale: They're cannibals there.
Sinbad: Exactly!

[Sinbad finds out Marina sneaked onto the ship]
Sinbad: What do you think you're doing here?
Marina: I'm here to make sure you get the Book of Peace. Or bring back your dead body if you fail.
Sinbad: *Really.* And how are you going to pull that off?
Marina: By whatever means necessary.
Sinbad: Did you bring a crew?
Marina: No.
Sinbad: You know how to get to Tartarus?
Marina: Um... no.
Sinbad: Can you navigate on your own?
Marina: Yes!
Sinbad: Well good! Then I'll dump your butt in a rowboat and you can paddle all the way back to Syracuse. 'Cause we're going to Fiji.
[Marina is trying to get Sinbad to go to Tartarus and get the Book of Peace back to save Proteus]
Marina: You're really not going to lose any sleep over this, are you?
Sinbad: Not a wink.
Marina: Because me, I'd be tossing and turning, knowing I'm alive... because I let my friend die.
Sinbad: Augh! I'm not responsible for this mess! And I didn't ask Proteus to put his neck on the line for me!
Marina: Look, clearly I can't appeal to your *honour*. But I have other ways of convincing you.
Sinbad: Really? Uh... Just how do you expect to do that?
Marina : By speaking your language.
[holds up a large diamond]
Sinbad: [takes the diamond] Keep talking.
Marina: [Marina empties a small bag of jewels into his hand. Sinbad considers it]
Sinbad: Yup, this'll do! But - not for first class.
Marina: Sinbad, you're not a very complicated guy. All someone has to do is imagine the most *gutless* course of action and you're bound to take it!
[Sinbad is dragging Marina over the ship to her new "quarters", while she fights him furiously]
Sinbad: As you can see, we're well equipped to accommodate the most discerning of royal taste. We have excellent ocean views! Luxurious living quarters -
[dumps her into the storeroom]
Sinbad: with three gourmet meals a day. Pickles, eggs, and pickles!
[Spike comes on screen]
Sinbad: Oh hey Spike, there you are.
[to Marina]
Sinbad: I'd like to introduce you to your new bunkmate, or actually you're *his* new bunkmate, as it's actually his bunk. We do hope you have a pleasant stay aboard the Chimera! Oh. If he starts hugging your leg - it means he likes you.

Marina: Are you sure you...
Sinbad: Yes, we have done this kind of thing before, no, there is no other way, and yes, you do have my permission to stand there quietly and receive a free lesson in sailing. Besides, a ship is no place for a woman.

Sinbad: Who's bad? Sin-bad!

[Marina saved the crew from the Sirens, all Sinbad does is blame her for the damage she did to the ship]
Marina: Are you crazy? I saved your life!
Sinbad: Oh, I would've been fine. I always am.
Marina: Right.
[walks away muttering toward her "cabin"]
Marina: So ungrateful. It's just typical.
Sinbad: And you chipped the paint! Right here, look at it! That's more than a little scratch!
[Marina slams the door behind her, the crew and Spike look at Sinbad reproachfully]
Sinbad: [groans angrily] The dog - and the crew - and th-th-that *woman*!
[knocks at Marina's door]
Sinbad: [both shouting]
Marina: What?
Sinbad: Thank you!
Marina: You're welcome!
Sinbad: No problem!
Marina: Don't worry about it!
Sinbad: I won't!
Marina: Good!
Sinbad: Good-bye!
Marina: Bye to you!
[slams door shut again]

Marina: Knife, please.
Sinbad: Oh, right, like I'd give you a weapon.

Rat: [Sinbad is looking annoyed after Marina compliments a sailor for "courtesy"] You know, you really ought to be a little more courteous.
Sinbad : [Sinbad punches Rat off screen] Oh, Great. Now I'm getting etiquette lessons from a bilge rat.

[about Marina]
Sinbad: How can one woman do so much damage?

Sinbad: A sword at my throat
Sinbad: at my chest
Sinbad: at my
[points towards his groin]
Sinbad: [quick cut to sailor]
Sailor: Pickles and eggs!

Eris: Enough talking! Time for some screaming.

[it is cold and Kale is bare-chested]
Sinbad: Put a shirt on before you poke someone's eye out!

[Going to rescue Marina from a giant bird]
Sinbad: She couldn't see the bird? Everyone else saw it. It's as big as the freaking ship! Marina? Marina is looking the other way.

Marina: You're rescuing me?
Sinbad: Well - yes, if that's what you want to call it. But this is going to cost you another diamond. Rescues are not part of the usual tourist package.
Marina: So, how do we get down?
Sinbad: I don't know.
[She stares at him]
Sinbad: I don't know yet. I'm workin' on it.
Marina: You scaled a thousand-foot tower of ice, and you don't know how to get down?
Sinbad: Hey, if you'd rather take your chances by yourself, that can be arranged!
Marina: [plotting how to escape the Roq] So. What do we have to work with? Um... ropes?
Sinbad: Uh... no.
Marina: Grappling hooks?
Sinbad: Yeah-no.
Marina: [exasperated] Your swords?
Sinbad: Hey, I've got this!
[pulls out a knife]
Marina: Oh, great. He can pick his teeth when he's done with us!

[after hooking onto the fish and everyone is seasick]
Sailors: No Spike... Don't...
[Spike vomits]
Sailor: Who gave *him* carrots?

[Everyone is seasick from being towed in the wake of a giant fish]
Sinbad: Whose idea was that again?
Marina: I don't know... but he owes me lunch.

Sinbad: Pray to the gods. We may be meeting them soon.

Sinbad: What is it?
Rat: It just ends, captain. It's the edge of the world.
Jin: Pay up. It's flat.

[In Eris' Realm of Chaos]
Eris: Make yourself at home.
Sinbad: Thank you. Uh... nice place you got here.
Eris: Like it? I'm planning on doing the whole world this way.
Sinbad: Wow. That's a - good plan! Well, I see you're busy, so listen, we'll just take the Book of Peace and - get out of your way.

Eris: Now we all know what happens if you get the Book of Peace. You return it to Syracuse and save Proteus. But if you don't get the Book, you have a choice to make. Either sail to paradise with the woman of your dreams, or return to Syracuse to die. You're either a thief or a hero. So here's my question: If you don't get the Book, will you go back to die?

Sinbad: Well, well, well. This has got to be a little embarrassing for you, Eris.
Eris: [chuckles] Don't push your luck, Sinbad. You're cute. But not *that* cute.

Sinbad: These joints were from the Jasmine Sea. That's halfway around the world.
Marina: Then we'd better get started.
Sinbad: Well, you know, that means going through the Hydra's lair...
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Sinbad: The Minotaur's haven.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Sinbad: The Cyclops' den.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Sinbad: Under the Swansea Bridge.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Sinbad: Throught the China Seas. That's a very long voyage, and it's very, very dangerous.
Marina: Don't worry, I'll protect you.






Eris, goddess of Chaos



pack up







So be it.



pull off



complicated/ sophisticated


toss and turn

accommodate to 适应





I’m doing this only for money.

The dragon’s teeth








mahogany n. 桃花心木

Damascus 大马士革

key jingle 钥匙叮当响



tree sap

common courtesy

courteous a. 有礼貌的


etiquette lessons




veer off




We took different paths.


grasping hook


be jealous of


indistinct a. 模糊的

pay up

·Follow that star beyond the horizon.




tumble into


move in on



pass off

play coy with


all part of test

bound of eternity

a heck of

hammock n. 吊床



sail beyond the horizon

follow your heart

cast off

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