经济学大师 第一季

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原名:Masters of Money又名:货币大师 / 金钱大师

分类:纪录片 /  英国  2012 

简介: BBC财经编辑Stephanie Flanders带领大家探索20世纪三位卓绝的


经济学大师 第一季影评:迷人的经济

BBC出品,经济学家第一季,凯恩斯、哈耶克以及马克思,我不喜欢马克思,所以果断半途弃第三集。浮光掠影的介绍了影响当今经济政策的两大观点:国家干预经济 VS. 自由市场经济,你支持谁?
如果两种方式都不能拯救经济,那么这是不是意味着真理仍有待发现?我喜欢剧中的一句话:Countries need to work together to resolve their macro-economic problems. It’s just not enough to pretend that you can do it as an island. You may be an island geographically, but you’re not economically。没有人是一片孤岛,可大部分时候我们假装可以独善其身。
第一集 凯恩斯Master of Money
He'd been gay!
英国经济学家约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯John Maynard Keynus,支持政府干预经济。1883年出生。凯恩斯主义Keynesianism,国家干预经济的简称。第一本书《和约的经济后果》The economic Consequences of the peace。
His first big idea,in an interconnected world, when you beggar your neighbor you might well beggar yourself. 他的第一条理论:在一个互联的世界中,求人不如求己
He noticed that the times when economies looked most predictable were usually the times when things were about to go disastrously wrong. 他注意到当经济可预测的时候,通常也是将要发生重大灾难的时候。
He learned lessons about the way economies work that we still struggle with today. That you can never get rid of uncertainty and that economies are made up of people, not numbers.他从经济行为方式中得到了教训,然而我们至今仍在与之斗争。永远与不确定性为伍,因为是人而非数字造就了经济。
The idea of herd psychology helped Keynes make sense of the economic bubble that blew up in the years before the great crash of 1929. It can also do a pretty good job explaining our own great financial crash in2008.这种从众心理的想法帮助凯恩斯弄清楚1929年大崩溃之前的经济,这也很好地解释了我们在2008年的金融危机。
A market economy is not self-stabilizing. The slump in trade and employment are as bad as the worst which have ever occurred. Activity and enterprise, both individually and nationally, must be the cure.1931年凯恩斯在电台广播中提及:市场经济不会自我稳定下来。贸易和就业已衰退至前所未有的恶劣状态。活力和创造性对于个人和整个国家是最好的治疗方式。
When animal spirits are really low that might not be enough. That’s when Keynes thought government did need to make up the gap with more public spending.当动物精神彻底低落时,凯恩斯认为此时需要政府花费大量开支来弥补空缺。
Countries need to work together to resolve their macro-economic problems. It’s just not enough to pretend that you can do it as an island. You may be an island geographically, but you’re not economically。国家之间需要合作来解决宏观经济问题。国家不能像一个孤岛一样自行其是。在地理上你也许是一座孤岛,但在经济上不是。
What is thought of as a typical Keynesian solution to get more debt, borrow money, spend and cut taxes. That needs to be used more judiciously here.
第二集 哈耶克F.A. Hayek
市场经济的拥护者the free market
He believed the market should be freer than any government has ever dared to allow it to be. In the world according to Hayek, politician should step back from trying to manage capitalism’s ups and downs. They should simply set it free.
Hayek’s belief in the positive power of the unbridled free market。
哈耶克1899年生于奥地利,达尔文的进化论有助于他形成对资本主义本身的观点。1944年在英国出版《通往奴役之路》The Road to Serfdom。1974年12月10日在斯德哥尔摩,弗里德里希.冯.哈耶克荣获诺贝尔奖。
Hayek thought meddling by government could make it harder for the market to do its job by distorting the signals it was sending to buyers and sellers, and the meddling involved in the government’s control of the supply of the money, Hayek decided, could be most damaging of all.
To Hayek the lesson was clear by feeding the boom with cheap credit the Federal Reserve had helped cause the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression.
If an economy gets into trouble, should the government step in and try and fix it? Keynes was saying yes, Hayek stood up there and said no.
Hayek thought that the recession was the return to normalcy。
It became the new capitalist orthodoxy that governments could successfully manage their economies.
When it came to their actual policies, Western leaders in the 1980s usually turned to a free market thinker whose ideas they found more palatable. Milton Friedman’s belief that governments could steer the economy using their power over the supply of money in circulation is still a touchstone for governments everywhere.
第三集 马克思Karl Marx
Keynes and Hayek argued about whether government should try to tame this force of human nature, capitalism. Karl Marx had the most radical advice of all:get rid of it.
Marx divided the world into bosses and workers. To make profit, bosses squeeze what they pay workers. The crisis comes when workers then don’t have enough money to buy what bosses are trying to sell them.
Capitalism would produce bigger and bigger crises and then it would collapse.

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