非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季Transporter: The Series(2012)

6.0 还行

分类:动作 犯罪  地区:加拿大   年份:2012 

主演:克里斯·范斯 弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂 安德里娅·奥斯瓦特 马洛可·伯尼尼 Marc Andrew Smith 

导演:Andy Mikita / Mahin Choudhary/David Kashyap

Mahin Choudhary/David Kashyap




乐比TV为您提供2012年由克里斯·范斯,弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂,安德里娅·奥斯瓦特,马洛可·伯尼尼,Marc Andrew Smith主演,Andy Mikita导演的《非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季》/原名《Transporter: The Series》/又名《Transporter》动作 犯罪 影视在线观看完整版,《非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季》百度云网盘资源以及《非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Frank Martin returns as the Transporter with one very simple task - to deliver the package against all the odds. However, something that sounds so simple, is rarely so. Joined by two new team members, Caterina Boldieu, an ex- DGSE agent and later in the series, Jules Faroux, a computer and mechanical whizz, Frank is hired to deliver a diverse range of packages - from pop princesses to priceless paintings. Frank Martin takes the jobs no other transporter will touch or can achieve - simply because they are too challenging and the odds seemingly insurmountable. That is why he is considered the best transporter in the world. Frank's jobs take him to many beautiful locations around the world, but they also draw him into danger and mystery. And more often than not, solving that mystery will lead Frank to successfully completing his mission. However Frank's jobs aren't solely about the packages he must deliver but also about the people he meets. While his emphasis is always on completing the mission, Frank is unable to avoid the human emotions that come with dealing with clients in difficult situations - no matter how hard he tries. Transporter - The Series: Season 2 is an exciting, emotional, witting, adrenaline-fuelled twelve part series which will have the audience sitting on the edge of their seats as Frank drives them (sometimes quite literally!) through the twists and turns of each episode.

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季的影评列表

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130104,s01e03, too yellow too violent.

20130104,s01e03, too yellow too violent.

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20121230,s01e01, French girl is always just so so.....

20121230,s01e01, French girl is always just s

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130126,s01e07, A cup again, dissapointed.

20130126,s01e07,A cup again, dissapointed.

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130212,s01e10, mark but no comment.

20130212,s01e10, mark but no comment.

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130102,s01e02, 快递员居然还玩跑酷,待移植的心脏这么折腾。。喜欢欧洲的小镇。

20130102,s01e02, 快递员居然还玩跑酷,待移植的心脏这么折腾。。喜欢欧洲的小

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130111,加拿大版s01e01,原来以为美版够黄够暴力了,但加拿大版是不是没有尺度的啊?


非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130112,Canadian vision:s01e02, payback is a bitch! for the brot

20130112,Canadian vision:s01e02, payback is a

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130112,s01e04, the U.S. version is too clean to only see the ma

20130112,s01e04, the U.S. version is too clea

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130112,s01e05, old hero is deserted like old dog.

20130112,s01e05, old hero is deserted like ol

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130113,s01e06,Chinese are hacked again,

20130113,s01e06,Chinese are hacked again,

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130211,s01e09, drivers always have benefits.

20130211,s01e09, drivers always have benefits

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Jack • 20130213,s01e11, more and more old-fashioned, let it go.

20130213,s01e11, more and more old-fashioned,

非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Riobluemoon • 微评论:非常人贩S1E02


非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
Riobluemoon • 微评论:非常人贩S1E01


非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
李春宇 • 我想知道在哪看


非常人贩:电视剧版 第一季
IORI • 想知道奥迪赞助了多少银子


  • 0.0分 高清


  • 8.4分 高清


  • 0.0分 高清

    Pour le plaisir

  • 0.0分 高清

    HS - hors service

  • 8.2分 高清


  • 0.0分 高清


  • 0.0分 高清


  • 0.0分 高清





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