
6.0 还行

原名:Murder in the First又名:黑狱风云(台)

分类:剧情 / 惊悚 /  法国   1995 

简介: 1938年,犯人亨利(Kevin Bacon 饰)试图从著名的阿尔卡特兹监狱逃出



Page 0 Henry’s escape attempt; news reel introducing the villain Glenn, the warden and Henry. (A party is always the most efficient way of introducing characters.)
Page 4 Henry’s rehabilitation condition; VO introduction of the prison’s background: it’s just a publicity stunt; contrast with the actual law of confinement cells
Page 8 Henry’s playing imaginary football in his cell; (EVERYDAY LIFE)
Page 10 Henry is taken out of the cell; (OPPORTUNITY)
-------------------------------------HENRY’S NEW SITUATION-----------------------------------
Talk with the fearsome Mr. Glenn and Henry’s extremely frightened
Page 15 Contrast of Henry’s misery and the Christmas atmosphere
Page 17 The Warden’s visit and he has found out about Henry’s circumstance and order Glenn to let him out
Page 20 Henry kills Rufus like an animal and the court opens. (True opportunity is delayed by 10 minutes)
Page 22 Introduction of the protagonist who has been doing the voice over. He is very energetic and chases the bus for sport.
Page 24 I am so excited to get an actual real case. But my boss tells me that I couldn’t make the case any worse and I can’t possibly win this case.
Page 26 I meet Henry. But Henry is frightened and catatonic. I introduce Henry’s background and am immediately sympathetic of the guy. (CHANGE OF PLAN)
———————————————PROGRESS WITH HENRY-----------------------------------
Page 30 I continue to try to talk to Henry. Henry is disappointed that I don’t follow baseball. (HENRY WON’T TALK BECAUSE THEY DON’T HAVE THE COMMON LANGUAGE)
Page 33 I try to talk to the prosecutor but he doesn’t agree with the continuance.
Page 35 I read baseball news to Henry and Henry starts to relate to me. (I TRY TO ESTABLISH COMMON LANGUAGE)
Page 37 I meet the judge and the judge only allows one week of continuance.
Page 38 First time Henry has a conflict with me about not knowing baseball and the deadline.
Page 39 I begin to think about getting Henry off the hook because of he was inhumanly treated in the confinement cells. But his big shot lawyer brother and girlfriend all tells him that this case is more about him than Henry.
Page 40 Henry starts to miss me and changes his attitude. But he still has a hard time thinking about his past. (HENRY CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT MY COMPANY NOW.)
Page 45 The opening statement of me and the prosecutor. Alcatraz is on trial.
Page 48 Reaction to the accusation from the prison and the public.
Page 52 Prosecutor’s witnesses testify that Henry cold-bloody murders Rufus.
Page 55 My boss tries to take me off the case but I use my fame and media power to fight back.(POINT OF NO RETURN)
Page 57 Henry thinks that I am wasting time saving him. All he wants is to have a friend to play cards with. But I insist on continuing.(POINT OF NO RETURN)
----------------------------------------------HIGHER STAKES-------------------------------------
Page 58 Henry goes to the prison and tries to talk to the prisoners. But the prisoners refuse to cooperate.
Page 60 Henry talks to Mr. Glenn and visits the dougons. BECAUSE HE HAS A CONFLICT WITH GLENN AND ALSO TRY TO BRIBE THE PRISONERS.
Page 64 My boss asks my girlfriend to fire me. My girlfriend and I break up. (BREAK UP RELATIONSHIPS, FAMILY AND CAREER.)
Page 65 My girlfriend is harassed by Henry and couldn’t continue.
Page 67 Henry meets me again and talks about his desire for women.
Page 68 I resigned and take Henry as a client as a private practice. They start to exchange hearts and background.
Page 72 People in power warns my brother to control me.
Page 73 My brother comes to see me and steals the picture of my witness.
Page 74 He and the witness are beaten up in his apartment.
Page 75 I find a hooker for Henry. But Henry is unable to perform.
Page 78 Mr. Glenn comes to testify.
Page 84 My witness is compromised because of my brother’s betrayal. (EVERYTHING IS LOST)
--------------------------------------------------FINAL PUSH---------------------------------------
Page 86 I realize that I can lookup the record of warden’s visit and show his negligence. Henry and I talk about philosophical topics. (HOW TO BEAT THE BIGGEST ENEMY)
Page 88 The warden testifies.
Page 94 Henry wants to die when he hears that he can avoid the gas chamber. (HOW TO FACE THE PROSPECT OF DEATH)
Page 96 I find Henry’s sister to visit him.
Page 98 I call Henry as a witness at the court. (CLIMAX)
Page 108 Henry wins the trial.


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