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原名:High Life又名:黑洞迷情(台) / 高大人生

分类:剧情 / 科幻 /  德国   2018 

简介: 在一艘飞往黑洞的宇宙飞船上,一群被判死刑的罪犯被赋予太空英雄般的使命,去为地球寻


太空生活影评:on infinity

Does anyone remember the “love story” in The Savage Detectives?

The girl fell in love with a tramp. The tramp suddenly died. The girl went mad. But she was rich. So she asked a team of scientists to clone the tramp and implanted the clone to the womb of a whore. A boy looking exactly the same as the tramp was born. They raised him. Five years later, the girl cloned herself and implanted her clone into her own womb. Anothe girl was born. The clone babies grew up together. The girl’s cottage was their Eden. And one day the girl died of cancer. We don’t know yet if the clones will fall in love and get married. We don’t know if they will reproduce. But the scientists kept cloning and implanting the clones until all of the girl’s fortune expires. It was what she requested.

You add infinity to infinity, you get infinity. In the Eden of space. They substitute death penalty with an jail of infinitity. It was towards the Black Hole where finally even Time and Space converge into one singularity. In the door opening at the end, the perfect brightness. Would you prefer a perfect death or perfect mystery. Perfect love and perfect confusions. Giving birth is to create another universe. Yet sometimes each universe exists to threat one another. That’s the beauty of it. Yes it’s dangerous. The way out becomes violence. So much blood and so much liquid. The sperms. Everything that flows in the ship is an attempt to crash infinity. To hit the 1 before hurtling to the absolute zero. Why do we only talk about the news of someone’s death? Why doesn’t the paper announce today, A is living! today, B is living! today, C is living! Because when one is so alive, is everyone else really alive too? I know, I’m no longer talking about the film. Where people could take infinity as a means to glory. Where everything loses track and the only hope was the first fear. A ship full of dogs. A ship doesn’t exist.


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