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原名:Lord of War又名:军火之王(台/港) / 军火商

分类:剧情 / 犯罪 /  美国   2005 

简介: 本来美国移民尤瑞(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)的家族生意是开饭



It is a film that cannot be praised too much. I hold it as one of the best anti-war films. How can I describe my feeling after watching it? Astonishment and ecstacy are not enough.

1. Yuri: Yuri has everything he dreams—an extravagant life, an angelic wife he dreams of since he is ten years old, and a lovely son. He is the lord of war. The world seems to be governed by him. But he fails as a human being. Caring solely whether the thing he does is legal or not, he makes use of any loopholes offered him. But legitimacy is not equal with righteousness. He argues that he does not shoot anyone but just wants those who are killing to use the gun he supplies, and that he provides a means for people to defend themselves. Compared with those who are selling cigareattes and cars, he is better in that at least the gun has a safety prop. Yeah, just as his brother Vitaly says, he is good—so good at justifying everything he does. But what he says is just sophism. He is a man with no conscienciousness. However, war does not stop with his awakening. When there is a will, there is gun. If we call him evil, that is because the world is hell.

2. Valentine: All people have a price but Valentine cannot be bought. Money is not what he values. What matters to him is glory and justice. After so many twists and turns, he finally gets the evidence to send Yuri to the court. But the ruthless reality prevents him. Yuri is releasted and does not spend a minute in jail. Yori is evil. But the greatest evil is the president of the United States, who sells more arms in one day than Yuri in a year. Yuri just plays the role of scapegoal. Under the vile leadership, Valentine can do nothing. After his conversation with Yuri, he says to Yuri, “I would tell you to go to hell, but I think you are already there.” It is vain to speak of humanity or sympathy when most people busy themselves with plundering.

3. Vitaly: He and Yuri are brothers in arms. From the moment he decides to be loyal to his brother, he is destined to be fucked up. He knows what they do kill inside. Fundalmently, he and his brother are two different kinds of people. In the last part of the film, he throws a grenade at the truck camion fully loaded with munitions. He cannot bear seeing those innocent children and women dying under the arms he and Yuri provide. After the first truck is bombed, he runs to bomb the other but shot on the spot. I still remember the desperation in his eyes when Yuri takes by force the grenade he seizes in his hand.

I do not shed a drop of tear when watching the film, but believe me, my heart is bleeding.

------The biggest gunrunners in the world are the US, Britain, France, Russian and China. They are also the permanent members of the United Nations.


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