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原名:The Young Pope又名:年轻的教皇 / Il giovane papa

分类:剧情 /  意大利   2016 

简介: 裘德·洛主演,《绝美之城》导演保罗·索伦蒂诺执导的八集迷你剧。裘德扮演连尼·贝拉


年轻的教宗影评:Absence is prence :)FOUR

Is that so ? Who decided that ? --John Pall II
The pope ? --Yes,the pope. There's a new pope now !--True .
好有道理 竟无法反驳,you are too tied to the past .
The past is an enormous place, with all sorts of things inside .
Not so with the present,the present is merely a narrow opening with room for only one pair of eyes,big smile, Mine.
Voiello皮笑肉不笑的走了 这不是一场令人满意的谈话 !
当Voiello马上要出门时却又被叫住,Lenny 真的很喜欢这样 之后对Sister Mary也是如此,
Your Eminence,our top priorities, you will be in charge of politics,finance,theology,appointments
and promotions,I will take care of worldy matters, travel,adulation of masses,celebrations.
--A most effective division of roles,Holy Father
--Your Emience , I was just kidding
--That wasn't obvious ? --Hardly 体会此起彼伏跌落的心情
So ,as I was saying, our top priorites are, one: the Radio Vatican singal needs boosting.
Its unacceptable that reception is so poor, Two: The pope want to see all the gifts the pope receives,
Have a storage faciity fitted out for storing all the gifts I receive.
Three: The Vatican must immediately buy back the papal tiara from the basilica in Washington DV which my predecessors ,
Who favored sobriely over tradition imprudently let go . And four ,Sister Mary will also look after you.
She will over see all your activities .and report directly back to me,Sister Mary will be your guidian angel .
两边努力对抗,谁是老大呢? And,He is the Pope !
Sister Mary 绝对是Lenny最真实的权力拥护者,训导完人,来熟悉一下自己的宫殿
皮鞋踏过之处掷地有声 不小心开错门 小孩喊出的pap 并无人理会
It all come back to this in the end, doesn't it ? To the monther, 生无尘埃,死无尘埃
I've inquired about you !所以Lenny 开始选人获得信任,最后用人?
Everyone tells me you are a shining exomple of goodness.
为什么因为游客的走马观花不再厌恶他们呢? 之前又是因为什么而厌恶!
It's very difficult to peepany thing secret here the Vatican,
Rumors fly so quickly that sometimes they arrive even before the events has take place.
Thats quite as useful piece of information for my future.
Which is exactly what it was intended to be .
so many years that I stop to counting .
It's as if time were dead.
Speaking of time, the other day during the Conclave,I read an Italian newspaper,
It was an article about this politicaian who had hidden some compromising files in the gaps between the walls of his house,
I thought,I wouldn't need to hide anything in the gaps in my house, because my mind is a gap.
--A precious skill for leading the church.嘴里吃着什么不知名的糖,什么时候吃进去的神奇
--It's not a skill ! Gutirrez, its my destiny . 怎样的宿命 !
Voiello 去求见Michael,吃了闭门羹,找到助理开始想办法对付这位new pope。
The Cardinalship 的职位对我们的Don Tommaso诱惑不小
What if someone hears us ?
Only he can hear us up there.默认了God是男的
who knows where he is !
There , by the big dipper, thats where God's house is .
God's house , what's it like ?
Half of duplex, a private swimming pool. 真能扯,这房子是Lenny梦想中的样子吧,还是以前的家就是酱紫的。
倍受折磨的Don Tommaso终于忍不住了,小跑进铁栅里
I speak frenquently with the pope, what I'm about to tell you he said to me in coversation,
not in the confessional,which means I'm not breaking the seal of confession.
What are you about to tell me ??
The pope is going through a profound crisis of faith .
What are you insinuating, Don Tommaso ?
That the pope doesn't believe in GOD !
Lenny坐在桌前 拆着送来的礼物,也在拆Sister Mary的谎言 不是什么珍贵的东西丢一边
为什么可以有这么深的执念!我不是孤儿 体会不到这种没有父母的情感
而反观我们,只有年少时 感性占据了大半部分 某个阶段会变得比较狂热
那时喜欢的黑色 现在避之不及 再喜欢吃的菜 也有腻的一天 如果感动的父母 也无非是一瞬
记忆长河里 甚至怀疑是否有人曾爱慕过自己!也记不清倾慕过几人 姓谁名!
找不到任何邮戳 mark, 哪怕一个字,但这丝毫不妨碍Lenny 极喜而泣
Sister Mary 只能心虚的祈祷着
They've manifested themselves, my mom and dad
orphan is always orphan, they never get old
Everyone is feard of you ! 试图让Lenny走上正轨
孩童的尸体堆积如山,是Lenny爬出的地方, 诡异的不行
终于可以拥抱,敞开双臂 梦里的父母仍旧年轻意气 Lenny已饱经沧桑
看着画入迷的 是想象还是梦境 再一次流鼻血
不是说track 不到任何信息吗 那有啥哪里找到的两人 被开心冲昏了头脑
中规中矩 毫无个性 傲气的没有一丝父母的气息 说是演员,连演都演的不好
谎话也编造的一塌糊涂 理智 完整的逻辑性战胜了骗局 随之而来的是心力交瘁
When you gonna grow uo !
Never .
Don Tommaso 不愿再告诉Lenny anything, 问不出谁是幕后使者 Voiello也表示无从告知
Andrew因为怜悯心而气愤离开 ,Voiello对Lenny的职责也直言不讳
受到假父母的欺骗后 开始找Michael谈心
沐浴在阳光下 放松 自然 我也渴望如此
It's time to speak the truth, Piu xiii is a total failure,I am gonna resign,Michael.
Michael并没有说什么 只是静悄悄的穿上红教袍 幻想着自己当上pope的场景
Lenny找来Sister Mary: I am going to hand in my resingation, my papacy is a failure.
Never say that again ,Lenny,you are a saint, a beautiful saint. Lenny 哭嘤嘤的样子
立马知道了是sister Mary安排了这场戏! 排除法永远是最好用的
歪着头 我们在思考 难过的情绪才能从头顶倾倒出去
Voiello 最喜爱的意大利那不勒斯球队输了 到了最后一刻 毫无挽回的余地
正如现今的Church,解说员的语气和话句 完全表达出了Voiello的心灰意冷
爬上石亭气喘吁吁 光亮的头顶冒着虚汗 验证了这是夏季的猜想
总是将头发梳成中分 背部佝偻 倚着拐杖 哮喘的红衣教主也下坐上那把椅子
sister Mary意识到得采取什么行动才行 踏不允许自己信奉的saint走入歧途 堕落
I can't escape 是的,我们无法逃避 该来的总会到来 不管是阴谋 谎言和政权
话说这种烟斗其实很一般啊 好常见的款式 既然No tracking information 那这两人有是从何而来!
哪怕是一身黑袍走过草地 Voiello眼里也是妙曼身姿 下调眼睛位置三度 戏虐里流氓气息十足
街边混混见到美女也就如此 事实证明 套路是要拉上别人一起完成的
而两位也你情我浓 哪怕是年老古稀
Voiello的书出了新序 照旧带一本给Michael
但是Michael毫不在乎 随手丢一旁 组从失去pope一职 这位导师便一蹶不振 还说自己depressed,Angelo
That's exactly what the pope wants : A marginal church
small and dead, he said it and now he's done it .
he wants to take the church back to its beginnings
In the beginings ,all this was nothing more than peter's tomb,
For waht purpose ?
To close himself in accessible and mysterious
sacrifice and suffering to get closer to God,
In his convoluted logic this strateggy is supposed to stimulate the world's curiousity and dedication.
so that everyone will want to come back to discover the mystery.
一直在纳闷为何Michael戴着墨镜 或许那是近视墨镜
吸着氧气罐 前一处还说自己要当pope 现在就信服Michael了吗!
自己也意识到 命不久矣
不管是意味满满优雅烂漫的音乐 聚会上疯狂合影的人们 还是独自喝酒 一心想灌醉的自己
究竟谁更孤独 至少年过六十有余 仍然身形姣好 面容焕发 发量惊人 特别是挺立饱满的双胸
不禁让人怀疑是不是plastic man made
Andrew是真的醉了 企图用酒精麻痹自己“you are a murder”
No no ,I came because I've never felt so alone and in despair in all my life
谁曾不是呢? 只是有的人走出 而有的人深陷其中
Andrew 弄丢了自己的十字架 还是沉在捞不到的泳池底
他相应的 失去了在信仰中的自我 也失去了作为神父的资格
或许这就是Andrew和Lenny的不同 在我看来 Lenny从来都是孤独的
食欲的人 如何平静? 闪电雷声 一倾而过的街头 沥沥的雨 黄色的路灯
看起来那么冰冷 一点都不像夏季 闪电的淡紫色光却很好看
是报复还是欲望 Ludovico对Andrew发起了侵犯
为什么一家人都想得到他呢? 父亲想得到赞同,母子却是肉体
经历此番 Andrew的精神世界开始瓦解
或者这有是Andrew和Lenny的不同 因为AngeloSanchez的死
Andrew沉寂于自责 但Lenny却说lucky him, 在他开来是一件多么无足轻重的事
你怪我不够成熟 而我觉得你没有怜悯之情
Andrew要离去 Don Tommaso也不再信任和告知Lenny任何事情
sister Mary的哭泣是因为Lenny拆穿了这对假父母 还是Andrew的离开?
或者都是 Lenny对小孩子的亲近 让Esther一家心生怪异
Michael不做任何解释和表态 他可一心等着这个位置呢!
biggest narco的气场真不是盖的 只是出了第三者 相当护短
这是Lenny第一次要放弃 但是被sister Mary劝阻了 其实 Pope庄园外面是农场吗?
Lenny悲伤的眼神我都看在心里 虽然造型很出戏 但这个场景确实震惊
我们变得和疲惫 经过一连串事情 众散亲离 连袋鼠都不放过 让原本不打算去Africa的 改变了主意
面对脱掉衣服的女主人声言诱惑时 刚吐完的Andrew半醉半醒
靠着马桶大声失笑起来 几近癫狂
而此时 出了大笑还能做何表情? 嘲笑我们自己一人的困境 无人在意
还是在追逐各自 欲望 我们以为可以排解孤独
却让孤独更加沮丧 浮夸的笑声只是为了掩盖内心的失望无趣


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