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原名:Bill Cunningham New York又名:街拍皇帝 / 街拍鼻祖比尔

分类:纪录片 / 传记 /  美国   2010 





1 你这一生有爱过谁吗?

2 听说你每周日会去做礼拜,原因是?





下文是Bill的生平介绍,来源于纪录片官网地址,参考工具有道翻译,来自一个非英语专业的超业余读者小铁,仅此纪念这位忠于自由与美的记录者Bill Cunningham。




William John "Bill" Cunningham Jr. (March 13, 1929– June 25, 2016) was an American fashion photographer for The New York Times, known for his candid and street photography.A Harvard University dropout, he first became known as a designer of women's hats before moving on to writing about fashion for Women's Wear Dailyand the Chicago Tribune. He began taking candid photographs on the the streets of New York City, and his work came to the attention of The New York Timeswith a 1978 capture of Greta Garbo in an unguarded moment.


Early life and education


William John Cunningham Jr. was born into an Irish Catholic family and raised in Boston. He never lost his Boston accent. He had two sisters and an older brother. His parents were religious and used corporal punishment. He had his first exposure to the fashion world as a stockboy in Bonwit Teller's Boston Store. He later said his interest in fashion began in church: "I could never concentrate on Sunday church services because I'd be concentrating on women's hats." After attending Harvard University on scholarship for two months, he dropped out in 1948 and moved to New York City at the age of 19, where he worked again at Bonwit Teller, this time in the advertising department. Not long after, he quit his job and struck out on his own, making hats under the name "William J". He was drafted during the Korean War and was stationed in France, where he had his first exposure to French fashion. After serving a tour in the U.S. Army, he returned to New York in 1953 and his work as a milliner. In 1958, a New York Times critic wrote that he had "cornered the face-framing market with some of the most extraordinarily pretty cocktail hats ever imagined." He also worked for Chez Ninon, a couture salon that sold copies of designs by Chanel, Givenchy, and Dior. His clients in the 1950s included Marilyn Monroe, Katharine Hepburn, and future First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier. Encouraged by his clients, he started writing, first for Women's Wear Daily and then for the Chicago Tribune. He closed his hat shop in 1962. Following the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, Jacqueline Kennedy sent Cunningham a red Balenciaga suit she had bought at Chez Ninon. He dyed it black and she wore it to the funeral.

威廉·约翰·坎宁安出生于一个爱尔兰的天主教家庭,在波士顿长大。他从未失去过他的波士顿口音。在他的上面还有两个姐姐和一个哥哥,而他的父母信教并使用体罚。他第一次接触到时尚界是他在Bonwit Teller公司的波士顿店当店员的时候。后来他说,他对时尚的兴趣始于教堂:“我无法专注于做礼拜,因为我总是更关注女人的帽子。”1948年,凭借奖学金进入哈佛大学的威廉·约翰·坎宁安在两个月后辍学,那年他19岁。他搬去了纽约,再次加入Bonwit Teller公司,这次是在广告部。不久,他辞掉了工作开始自己创业,以“William J”的名字开始制作帽子。他在朝鲜战争时期应征入伍并驻守在法国,那是他第一次接触到法国时尚。在美国陆军服役后,他于1953年回到纽约,开始了自己的女帽生意。1958年,《纽约时报》的一位评论家写道,“他用一些极其漂亮的鸡尾酒帽垄断了面部轮廓市场。”(大概这个意思?)他还曾在Chez Ninon工作,这是一家出售香奈儿、纪梵希和迪奥服装的时装沙龙。二十世纪五十年代,他的客户包括玛丽莲·梦露,凯瑟琳·赫本和未来的第一夫人杰奎琳·布维尔,在她们的鼓励下,他开始写作,相继为《女装日报》和《芝加哥论坛》撰稿。1962年,他关掉了他的帽子店。1963年,肯尼迪总统遇刺,杰奎琳·布维尔将一套她在Chez Ninon买来的红色巴黎世家套装寄给他,他将它染成黑色后,她穿着它参加了葬礼。



Cunningham contributed significantly to fashion journalism, introducing American audiences to Azzedine Alaïa and Jean Paul Gaultier. While working at Women's Wear Daily and the Chicago Tribune, he began taking candid photographs of fashion on the streets of New York. He was a self-taught photographer. He took one such photograph of Greta Garbo, though he later said he had not recognized her while photographing her nutria coat: "I thought: 'Look at the cut of that shoulder. It's so beautiful.' All I had noticed was the coat, and the shoulder." He then published a group of impromptu pictures in the New York Times in December 1978, which soon became the regular series On the Street. His editor at the New York Times, Arthur Gelb, called these photographs "a turning point for the Times, because it was the first time the paper had run pictures of well-known people without getting their permission." He nevertheless joked about his role at the paper: "I'm just the fluff. I fill around the ads, if we have any." He pioneered the paper's coverage of the gay community, photographing a fundraising event in the Fire Island Pines in 1979 letting the perceptive reader interpret his photos without verbal clues. By the 1990s, he integrated AIDS benefits, pride parades, and Wigstock into his coverage.

坎宁安为时尚新闻作出了重要贡献,他将阿瑟丁·阿拉亚和让·保罗·高缇耶介绍给了美国观众。当他为《女装日报》和《芝加哥论坛》工作时,他开始偷拍纽约街头的时尚照片。他是一个自学成才的摄影师,有一次他给葛丽泰·嘉宝拍了一张照片,不过后来他说,当他在拍那件海狸鼠大衣时他并没有认出它的主人是葛丽泰·嘉宝。“我在想:看看这肩膀的线条,它是如此美丽。我当时全神贯注地盯着那件衣服和肩膀看。”1978年,他在《纽约时报》上面发表了一组即兴照片,很快它便成为了固定的专栏“On the Street”。他在《纽约时报》的编辑阿瑟·盖尔布称这些照片是“《纽约时报》的一个转折点,因为那是我们第一次未经允许刊登了名人的照片。”不过,他还是拿自己在报社的角色开玩笑:“我只是个无足轻重的人。如果我们有广告的话,我会把广告填满报纸。”他是《纽约时报》报道同性恋群体的先驱,1979年,他在火岛松树林拍摄了一场筹款活动,让敏锐的读者在没有文字线索的情况下解读他的照片。到了二十世纪九十年代,他将艾滋病权益、骄傲游行和假发嘉年华纳入了他的报道范围。

Cunningham photographed people and the passing scene in the streets of Manhattan, often at the corner Fifth Avenue and 57th Street. As he worked, his focus was on clothing as personal expression. He did not photograph people in the manner of paparazzi, preferring genuine personal style to celebrity. He once explained why he was not joining a group of photographers who swarmed around Catherine Deneuve: "But she isn't wearing anything interesting." Late in life he explained: "I am not fond of photographing women who borrow dresses. I prefer parties where women spend their own money and wear their own dresses.... When you spend your own money, you make a different choice." Instead, wrote Hilton Als in The New Yorker, "He loved 'the kids,' he said, who wore their souls on sleeves he had never seen before, or in quite that way." He was uninterested in those who showcased clothing they had not chosen themselves, which they modeled on the red carpet at celebrity events. Most of his pictures, he said, were never published. His fashion philosophy was populist and democratic:


Fashion is as vital and as interesting today as ever. I know what people with a more formal attitude mean when they say they're horrified by what they see on the street. But fashion is doing its job. It's mirroring exactly our times.


He wrote fashion criticism and published photo essays in Details, beginning with six pages in its first issue in March 1985 and sometimes filling forty pages. He was part owner of the magazine for a time as well. His work there included an illustrated essay that showed similarities between the work of Isaac Mizrahi and earlier Geoffrey Beene designs, which Mizrahi called "unbelievably unfair and arbitrary". In any essay in Details in 1989, he was the first to apply the word "deconstructionism" to fashion.


His personal philosophy was: "You see, if you don't take money, they can't tell you what to do, kid."He sometimes said it another way: "Money is the cheapest thing. Liberty is the most expensive." He declined all gifts from those he photographed, even offers of food and drink at gala parties. He said: "I just try to play a straight game, and in New York that's very... almost impossible. To be honest and straight in New York, that's like Don Quixote fighting windmills." Though he contributed to the New York Times regularly beginning in the 1970s, he did not become an employee until 1994, when he decided he needed to have health insurance coverage after being hit by a truck while biking. Most of his pictures were never sold or published. He said: "I'm really doing this for myself. I'm stealing people's shadows, so I don't feel as guilty when I don't sell them."


Designer Oscar de la Renta said: "More than anyone else in the city, he has the whole visual history of the last 40 or 50 years of New York. It's the total scope of fashion in the life of New York."He made a career taking unexpected photographs of everyday people, socialites and fashion personalities, many of whom valued his company. According to David Rockefeller, Brooke Astor asked that Cunningham attend her 100th birthday party, the only member of the media invited.


He cultivated his own fashion signature, dressing in his personal uniform that included black sneakers and a blue work man's jacket. His only accessory was a camera. He travelled Manhattan by bicycle, repeatedly replacing those that were stolen or damaged in accidents. He praised the city's bike sharing program when it launched in 2013: "There are bikes everywhere and it's perfect for the New Yorkers who have always been totally impatient. What I love, is to see them all on wheels, on their way to work in the morning in their business suits, the women in their office clothes ... It has a very humorous and a very practical effect for New Yorkers ... I mean, it's wonderful." After breaking a kneecap in a biking accident in 2015, he wore a cast and used a cane to cover a Mostly Mozart Festival gala.

他打造了自己的时尚标志,穿着自己的制服——包括黑色运动鞋和蓝色工人外套。他唯一的配件是一台照相机。他骑着自行车在曼哈顿旅行,不断更换因盗窃和事故中被损坏的自行车。他赞美纽约在2013年推出的一项城市自行车共享计划:“到处都是自行车,这特别适合那些总是没有耐心的纽约人。我很喜欢看他们在早晨骑着自行车去上班,男人穿着西装,女人穿着工作服…这些自行车对纽约人来说是那么幽默又如此使用…我是指,这真是太棒了。”2015年,他在一次自行车事故中膝盖骨骨折,他拄着拐杖,打着石膏参加了Mostly Mozart Festival音乐庆典。

For eight years beginning in 1968, Cunningham built a collection of vintage fashions and photographed Editta Sherman in vintage costumes using significant Manhattan buildings of the same period as the backdrop. Years later he explained that "We would collect all these wonderful dresses in thrift shops and at street fairs. There is a picture of two 1860 taffeta dresses, pre–Civil War–we paid $20 apiece. No one wanted this stuff. A Courrèges I think was $2. The kids were into mixing up hippie stuff, and I was just crazed for all the high fashion." They project grew to 1,800 locations and 500 outfits. A selection of these photos were displayed in 1977 in an exhibit at the Fashion Institute of Technology called the "Facades Project". In 1978, he published Facades, a collection of 128 of these photographs.

从1968年开始的八年里,坎宁安涉及了一系列复古时装,并以曼哈顿的一些标志性建筑建筑为背景,为Editta Sherman拍摄了复古时装的照片。几年后他解释道:“我们会在旧货市场和集市上收集这些漂亮的衣服。这张照片是两件1860年内战时期的塔夫绸连衣裙,没人会要这个,但我们付了20美元,一件我认为它只值2美元的长裙。孩子们喜欢混搭嬉皮风格,而我对所有的高级时尚着迷。”他们的项目发展至1800个地点和500件衣服。1977年,一部分精选照片在一家时装技术学院的一个名为“Facades Project”的展览中展出。1978年,他出版了一本《Facades》,收录了其中的128张照片。

Awards and Honors


In 1983 the Council of Fashion Designers of America named Cunningham the outstanding photographer of the year. In 2008 he was awarded the Officier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Ministry of Culture. As he accepted the award at a Paris ceremony, he photographed the audience and then told them: "It's as true today as it ever was: he who seeks beauty will find it." In 2009, he was named a "living landmark" by the New York Landmarks Conservancy. In 2012 he received the Carnegie Hall Medal of Excellence. The invitations to the award ceremony at the Waldorf Astoria read "Come Dressed for Bill"


Cunningham died age 87 in New York City on June 25, 2016, after being hospitalized for a stroke. His death was widely reported in both the fashion and the general press.







英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如 William John Cunningham。

但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill Cunningham。

而在英语的昵称里,Bill属于William 的一个昵称。

这就是为什么在纪录片里,Bill早期开女帽店时在帽子里缝制的名字是“William J”,而后来大家都称他为Bill。




等一个下雨天,带上相机出门拍照吧^ ^

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