波士顿法律 第一季

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原名:Boston Legal又名:律师风云 第一季

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 /  美国  2004 

简介: 故事发生在波士顿一家大型律师事务所。阿伦·索尔(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Sp


波士顿法律 第一季影评:《波士顿法律》笔记 104 Change of Course

Change of Course 力挽狂澜。这集两个Case都是为已知犯罪的人辩论,为其脱罪。

案一:世界五百强企业的CEO(The CEO of a fortune 500 company)在商场偷$200的围巾,如果定罪则不能再当CEO,鉴于她是事务所最大的客户,资深合伙人Paul找到Allen,我相信他以前对他一定是不屑的,这次有事相求,瞧说得多委婉:We have exhausted all conventional means to make this go away. We have failed. We now need an attorney with experience in, perhaps... unconventional means. 我们已竭尽全力以所有常规的方式帮她脱罪,但是失败了,现在我们需要一个在打破常规方面经验丰富的律师。 Allen利用Sally接近目击店员,掌握他的秘密,然后恐吓,勒索,胁迫他改变口供。他达到了目的,却令Sally反感。


- Now his lawyer suggests he was perhaps delusional when he confessed, or that he simply lied to protect the real killer, a friend or loved one. Desperate suggestions for a desperate client. It's insulting to this court, to you and especially to that woman and her two children. Warren Litch murdered her husband. Warren Litch killed their father. He admitted to the police that he did so. Let's not waste any more time.

- I don't know about you, but if I hear that somebody confessed to a crime, I just assume he's guilty. But if I hear the confession is coerced, then... for example, you could have a man bleeding out with a stomach wound, put him in a room with police and clergy who keep insisting to him that he did something, and he might actually come to believe it. My god, we all assume Warren Litch is guilty, but what if he isn't? Now let's turn to the other evidence. Wait... There is no other evidence. No gun, no witnesses, no fibers, no forensics. All they have is that coerced confession. Now, you might think he did it. And if you're determined, you can even still assume it, I suppose. But if you're to uphold the law and demand proof beyond all reasonable doubt, and if we don't demand that, do we really wanna send a message to the police,"Hey, forget the evidence. Just bring us that confession."

其实,律师不是道德教育者,不是正义和秩序的维护者,他们只是辩护者,竭尽所能钻营空子,把黑说成白。剧中某attorney说: ”It's hard to care for a person who committed such a heinous. It's hard to reconcile what we do and who we are sometimes. 真的很困难,去帮助一个罪大恶极的人,有时候不违背自己的意志做事真难。” But I’m just doing my job, 只是职责所在。

I'm gonna give you some very sound advice. Run. This is a bad business. It is an often filthy, dehumanizing, mean-spirited job. I assure you I take no pleasure in it. It just comes easily to me. But you are not that way. So I suggest you think long and hard about whether you really wanna wake up every morning, with all the promise that morning conveys, and come here.

-the store clerk has recanted. The case might even be dropped. 这个商店职员翻供了。这个案子就这么结了。The district attorney has lodged a complaint against you for witness tampering, intimidation, obstruction of justice, extortion. This firm does not engage in that kind of conduct, counsel. We do not intimidate or blackmail. This firm conduct themselves with integrity always. Do I make myself clear? 地方检查官已经投诉你了,罪名是干扰、恐吓证人,妨碍司法公正,勒索。而公司不会参与那些行为,律师,我们绝不会恐吓或勒索,我们这个律师行的律师,行事总是诚实而又光明磊落的。我说得够明白吗?
-More than clear. Transparent. 再明白不过了,清晰明了。
recant:放弃,取消前言, 改变论调
Lodge a complaint against 提出不满意见, 对...提出控告;
tamper: 干预, 玩弄, 贿赂,篡改; extortion: 勒索, 敲诈

这又是多么冠冕堂皇道貌岸然的虚伪嘴脸。一句thank you,算什么?


He's probably more equipped than me. 他看起来比我还有把握。Equipped: 整装的,指准备充分,有把握的。
He seems to have his wits about him. 他看起来心智尚全。Wit:心智,智慧。
I didn't have much to cross him with. 我没有什么好问他的。Cross: 交叉问讯,此处指对方律师的问讯。

The prosecution rests , your honor. 原告请求休庭,法官大人。Prosecution:【法律】 检举,诉讼:一个法律诉讼程序的设立和执行。The defense rests, your honor. 被告同意休庭。

- Madam Foreperson, The jury has reached a unanimous verdict? 陪审团主席,陪审团已经做出一致裁定了吗?
- We have, your honor. 是的,法官大人。
- Defendent, please rise. Madam Foreperson, what say you? 被告,请起立。 陪审团主席,你们的裁决是?
- We the jury, in the matter of the commonwealth of Massachusetts versus WL, on the charge of first-degree murder, we find the defendant WL guilty. 陪审团决定,M州诉WL一案,一级谋杀的指控,裁定被告WL 有罪。
- Members of the jury, I would like to thank you for your service in this matter. You are hereby excused. 陪审团各位成员,感谢你们为本案做出的努力,你们可以解散了。Please be sure to sign out with the courtroom deputy,so you are credited for your time here. 请到法庭代表处签出,以便记录你们已履行的义务。The defendant is to be retained in county until sentencing, which shall be scheduled within 60 days' time. If that is all, then we are adjourned. 被告在判决前将被移交回故乡,判决将在60天内做出。如果没有异议,休庭。

I'll review any grounds for appeal. The confession, there are grounds. 我会尽一切可能帮你上诉,那个供认,还有回旋余地。Get a little tune-up. 做一点调整。


We either go forward or go in opposite direction, because I don't like where we are now. 我们要么更进一步,要么后退。这句话很好用,适用于每对情侣。可惜 Allen和Sally分手了,我宁愿相信他心中是在乎她,只是怕她受到污染和伤害。

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