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原名:Pride and Prejudice又名:傲慢与偏见 BBC版 / 傲慢与偏见(迷你剧) / Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  英国  1995 





原文链接 Jennifer Ehle: Behind the scenes of Pride and Prejudice



We invite you to learn more about the making of "Pride and Prejudice" (1995).


The 1995 version of "Pride and Prejudice" is the fourth film adaptation of Jane Austen's most beloved novel. Its predecessors were released in 1940, 1967, and 1979.
1995年版的《傲慢与偏见》是根据简·奥斯汀最受欢迎的小说改编的第四部电视剧。它的前身分别于 1940 年、1967 年和 1979 年发布。

Producer Sue Birtwistle had read Pride and Prejudice "at least one hundred and fifty times" from the age of fifteen when she decided to pursue a film adaptation: "I am still finding things in [the novel]. I admire Austen so much more now that I see there is not a word wasted [in her novels]." 1
制片人苏·伯特威斯尔 (Sue Birtwistle) 从 15 岁起就决定将《傲慢与偏见》改编成剧集,她已将《傲慢与偏见》读了“至少一百五十遍”:“我仍然在[小说]中找到东西。我现在更加钦佩奥斯汀了我发现[在她的小说中]没有浪费一个词。” 1

Birtwistle first met screenwriter Andrew Davies at Coventry College in England. Davies was Birtwistle's English tutor during her freshman year, and the two discussed making Pride and Prejudice into a film adaptation. Davies remarks: "I well recall Sue's entrepreneurial flair. Even in those days she was already very much a producer... We had similar ideas about how Pride and Predjudice should be approached when we talked about it -- it's just that we seem to have taken a bit of time getting round to it! It was always my ambition when I was a lecturer that my pupils would eventually get powerful positions and be able to employ me in my old age. But Sue seems to have been the only one that's managed to do it!" 2
比特威索在英国考文垂学院第一次见到了编剧安德鲁·戴维斯。戴维斯是波特维斯特一年级时的英语导师,两人讨论将《傲慢与偏见》改编成电影。戴维斯说道:“我清楚地记得苏的创业天赋。即使在那些日子里,她已经是一名制片人了……当我们谈论《傲慢与偏见》时,我们对于如何处理它有着相似的想法——只是我们似乎我花了一点时间才开始做这件事!当我还是一名讲师时,我一直有一个抱负,那就是我的学生最终能够获得有权有势的职位,并能够在我晚年雇用我。但苏似乎是唯一一个这样做的人成功做到了!” 2

On the birth of their idea to create a film adapation, Birtwistle recalls: "[Andrew and I] were watching a version of Northanger Abbey and after the credits had rolled and the lights went up, I said to Andrew, ‘We simply have to make Pride and Prejudice...and we shook hands on it there and then. That was seven years [before our film finally came out]. We both knew that it was the other's favorite book." 3
在他们 改编 创作的想法诞生时,伯特维斯特回忆道:“[安德鲁和我]正在观看《诺桑觉寺》的一个版本,在片尾字幕滚动、灯光亮起后,我对安德鲁说,‘我们必须拍《傲慢与偏见》……我们当时就握手了。那是七年(我们的剧集最终上映之前)。我们都知道这是对方最喜欢的书。” 3

On writing the screenplay, Davies remarks: "Adapting Pride and Predjudice was certainly no chore for me. I wouldn't have done it were that the case. No, it [was a] sheer pleasure. Even when one knows that this is one of the greatest classics in the English language, and that it is a well-known and much-loved book to hundreds of thousands of fans. Inevitably there are favorites as well, and there can be few opening lines ('It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of good a fortune, must be in want of a wife') of a novel that are known so well, and quoted so often." 4
在写剧本时,戴维斯说道:“改编《傲慢与偏见》对我来说当然不是一件苦差事。如果是这样的话,我就不会这么做。不,这纯粹是一种乐趣。即使人们知道这是一部英语中最伟大的经典著作,并且它是一本广为人知且深受数十万粉丝喜爱的书。不可避免地,也有最喜欢的书,并且可以有很少的开场白(“这是一个放之四海而皆准的真理”)承认,一个拥有巨额财富的单身男人一定需要一个妻子,这本小说如此广为人知,并被如此频繁地引用。” 4

As a freelance television producer, Birtwistle needed the support of the British Broadcasting Company (BBE) and the Arts and Entertainment Network (A&E) to make her dream of producing a $6 million dollar "Pride and Prejudice" into a reality: "Every single character in Austen's book is introduced by a phrase about how much they are worth. And everybody's money is discussed by everybody else... Personally, I am rather feckless about money, I'm afraid, though incredibly responsible as a producer." 5 Birtwistle's responsible nature allowed her to stay within her budget and make a modest profit from the film.
作为一名自由电视制片人,伯特威斯尔需要英国广播公司 (BBE) 和艺术娱乐网络 (A&E) 的支持才能实现制作价值 600 万美元的《傲慢与偏见》的梦想:“每个角色奥斯汀的书中用一句话介绍了它们的价值。每个人的钱都是其他人讨论的……就我个人而言,恐怕我对钱相当不负责任,尽管作为制片人非常负责任。” 5 比特威索的责任心使她能够将预算控制在预算之内,并从电影中获得微薄的利润。

Before the BBC signed on, Birtwistle and Davies had to peddle their idea to several television executives. In meeting with one executive, Birtwistle recalls pitching the story of five young women seeking husbands and their pushy mother: "We made it sound very modern, very contemporary. [The executive] was beside himself and asked if we'd secure the rights to the book! We assured him that we had -- and he was totally taken aback when we told him that it was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice that we'd been talking about!" 6
在 BBC 签约之前,伯特威斯尔和戴维斯不得不向几位电视高管兜售他们的想法。在与一位高管会面时,伯特维斯特回忆起讲述五位年轻女性寻找丈夫和她们咄咄逼人的母亲的故事:“我们让它听起来非常现代、非常当代。[这位高管]欣喜若狂,问我们是否能确保获得这些权利的权利。”这本书!我们向他保证我们已经——当我们告诉他我们正在谈论的是简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》时,他完全大吃一惊!” 6

After commissioning three scripts, the company that first signed on with Birtwistle and Davies decided to scrap the project, thinking that it was too soon after BBC's 1979 version for another version. Birtwistle and Davies then approached BBC, whose executives surprisingly leapt at the idea.
在委托完成三个剧本后,最初与 Birtwistle 和 Davies 签约的公司决定放弃该项目,认为在 BBC 1979 年版本之后再推出另一个版本还为时过早。伯特威斯尔和戴维斯随后联系了 BBC,令人惊讶的是,BBC 的高管欣然接受了这个想法。

Director Simon Langton envisioned a Mr. Darcy that was slightly different from his predecessors: "Our Darcy is warm-blooded and passionate. Yes, he's aloof and arrogant at times, but Colin [Firth] shows what's attractive about him underneath." 7
导演西蒙·兰顿想象中的达西先生与他的前任略有不同:“我们的达西是热血而热情的。是的,他有时很冷漠、傲慢,但科林[费斯]却展现了他内心深处的魅力。” 7


Producer Sue Birtwistle had previously worked with actor Colin Firth in a 1985 British film about a group of English schoolboys. Firth had never read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice when Birtwistle called to offer him the lead role as Mr. Darcy. Birtwistle recalls: "He told me he was not interested because 'it's girlie stuff' -- but later, when he had read five pages of [screenwriter Andrew] Davies' script, he was hooked." 8
制片人 Sue Birtwistle 此前曾与演员科林·费斯 (Colin Firth) 合作拍摄了一部 1985 年的英国电影,该片讲述了一群英国男学生(此处应该指的是荷兰女孩)的故事。当伯特威斯尔打电话邀请他扮演达西先生的主角时,费斯从未读过简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》。伯特威斯尔回忆道:“他告诉我他不感兴趣,因为‘这是女性化的东西’——但后来,当他读了[编剧安德鲁]戴维斯的五页剧本时,他就被迷住了。” 8

Firth admits: "I didn't have the slightest clue on earth [who] Darcy was. I hadn't read any Jane Austen at all, chiefly because when her novels were offered as potential coursework at school, I thought they'd be rather, well, sissy. And I certainly never dreamed of lifting an Austen off the library shelves or at a bookstall... I had this prejudice that [the novel] would probably be girls' stuff. I had never realized that Darcy was such a famous figure in literature. [But whenever I mentioned the script,] everyone would tell me how they were devoted to this book, how at school they had been in love with Darcy." 9
弗斯承认:“我对达西是谁一无所知。我根本没有读过简·奥斯汀的任何作品,主要是因为当她的小说作为学校潜在的课程作业提供时,我认为它们会是相反,好吧,娘娘腔。而且我当然从来没有梦想过从图书馆的书架上或书摊上拿起一本奥斯汀的书......我有这样的偏见,认为[这部小说]可能是女孩的东西。我从来没有意识到达西是这样的文学界的著名人物。[但每当我提到剧本时,]每个人都会告诉我他们是如何致力于这本书的,他们是如何在学校爱上达西的。” 9

On receiving the script for the first time, Firth recalls: "When Pride and Prejudice was offered I just thought, without even having read it, 'Oh, that old warhorse' and I unwrapped the huge envelope with great trepidation. Another reason for that hesitation was that I really didn’t want to take part in a ‘classic serial’ type of costume drama. Purely because my memories of them were all from the seventies. All rather formal, rather stiff, and with stilted scripts. When I opened up the package that Sue Birtwistle sent across to me, I saw that I couldn’t have been more completely wrong. Andrew Davies adaptation just leaps off the page at you..." 10
第一次收到剧本时,费斯回忆道:“当《傲慢与偏见》被提供时,我什至没有读过它,只是想,‘哦,那匹老战马’,我带着极大的恐惧打开了巨大的信封。犹豫的是,我实在不想演“经典连续剧”类型的古装剧,纯粹是因为我的记忆都是七十年代的,都比较正式,比较生硬,剧本也比较生硬。翻阅苏·伯特维斯特寄给我的包裹,我发现我完全错了。安德鲁·戴维斯的改编版就在你面前跃然纸上……” 10

Despite his misgivings, Firth was sold on the project: "I think I was only about five pages in [the script] when I was hooked. It was remarkable. I don't think any script has fired me up quite as much, just in the most basic, romantic-story terms... I knew I had to listen to the voice inside me which said 'You enjoyed this. It's the only script you've been able to read for long time'. I had to take that seriously... I knew that I wanted to be involved. I realized in the end that if anyone else played the part, I’d be extremely envious of them. And the way the story moves you’re kept guessing at what might happen to Darcy and Elizabeth until the very last episode. I’m the man who didn’t know how it finished off at all and when I first met Sue to discuss the project, I hadn’t got around to reading the final part - and I confess that I was more than slightly surprised when Sue let slip that the pair of them actually get married!" 11
尽管费斯心存疑虑,但他还是对这个项目很感兴趣:“我想我只读了大约五页的剧本,就被迷住了。这太了不起了。我认为没有任何剧本能让我如此兴奋,只是用最基本的浪漫故事术语来说……我知道我必须倾听内心的声音,它说“你喜欢这个。这是你长期以来 唯一能够读下去的剧本”。我必须接受,说实话……我知道我想参与其中。最后我意识到,如果其他人扮演这个角色,我会非常羡慕他们。故事的发展方式让你不断猜测可能会发生什么直到最后一集才发生在达西和伊丽莎白身上。我是一个根本不知道它是如何结束的人,当我第一次见到苏讨论这个项目时,我还没有抽出时间来阅读最后一部分 -我承认,当苏透露他们俩真的结婚时,我感到非常惊讶!” 11

Although Birtwistle seemed to want Firth as her Mr. Darcy, Firth admits that he was "absolutely terrified" when he arrived for his first casting audition: "I was so wound up that I went into the gents toilet to have a fit of nerves. Well there I was, surrounded by about fifty actors, only one or two of whom I knew, and required to put flesh and bones on Darcy. In a situation like that you're asked to get the measure of the man purely by using your voice. And it became immediately apparent to me that what Darcy doesn't say at times is far more important, or a least equally so, than what he does. He's rather inscrutable, very taciturn. He's used to keeping his emotions in check. He certainly never really lets on to others what his innermost thoughts are. So the immediate thought I had as the day progressed was... 'I'm rather dull,' especially when you remember that this is Austen's wittiest novel, and all the rest of my colleagues were making everyone laugh with their characterizations." 12
尽管伯特威斯尔似乎希望费斯成为她的达西先生,但费斯承认,当他第一次参加试镜时,他“非常害怕”:“我太紧张了,以至于我走进了男厕所,感到紧张。好吧,我周围有大约五十个演员,其中只有一两个是我认识的,我被要求把达西的骨肉放在身上。在这种情况下,你被要求纯粹通过使用你的能力来衡量这个人。声音。我立即意识到,达西有时不说的话比他所做的要重要得多,或者至少同样重要。他相当难以捉摸,非常沉默寡言。他习惯于控制自己的情绪。他当然从来没有真正向别人透露过他内心深处的想法。所以随着时间的推移,我的第一反应是……“我很无聊”,尤其是当你记得这是奥斯丁最诙谐的小说,而且所有的我的其他同事的描述让每个人都笑了。” 12

Firth almost did not accept the role of Mr. Darcy for fear that he would not be able to live up the expectations for his character. Firth admits that he usually chooses lesser known projects and often "gravitate[s] towards things that are doomed." When Birtwistle offered him the part, Firth was apprehensive: "I looked in the mirror and I didn't see Darcy. I started to think... '[Lawrence] Olivier was fantastic [as Darcy in an earlier film version] and no one else could ever play the part.' ... I didn't feel I was right for Darcy. I didn't feel I would be able to make him what he should be. He seemed too big a figure somehow." In addition, Firth's aunt begged him to turn down the role of Darcy so that he wouldn't ruin her schoolgirl ideals for the romantic hero. Despite his insecurities, Firth read through Andrew Davies' script and became attached to the character of Darcy: "I realized that I had begun to appropriate the character and I now owned [him]. The thought of anyone else doing [Darcy] made me feel rather jealous." 13
费斯几乎没有接受达西先生的角色,因为担心他无法达到人们对他的角色的期望。弗斯承认,他通常选择鲜为人知的项目,并且经常“倾向于注定失败的事情”。当伯特威斯尔向他提供这个角色时,费斯很担心:“我照镜子,没有看到达西。我开始想……‘[劳伦斯]奥利维尔(在早期电影版本中饰演达西)太棒了,而且没有其他人也可以扮演这个角色。 ......我觉得我不适合达西。我觉得我无法让他成为他应该成为的样子。不知怎的,他似乎是一个太大的人物。”此外,费斯的姨妈恳求他拒绝达西这个角色,这样他就不会破坏她对浪漫英雄的女学生理想。尽管缺乏安全感,费斯还是通读了安德鲁·戴维斯的剧本,并对达西这个角色产生了浓厚的兴趣:“我意识到我已经开始适应这个角色,并且我现在拥有了[他]。一想到其他人会扮演[达西],我就感觉比较嫉妒。” 13

Actor Crispin Bonham-Carter (third cousin to actress Helena Bonham-Carter) had not expected to audition or to be cast as the amiable Mr. Bingley: "Funnily enough, when the project first came up, I actually auditioned for the part of Wickham, the baddie. But after a short while the producer and director thought I'd be far better playing Bingley, and I was delighted to accept." 14
演员克里斯平·博纳姆·卡特(女演员海伦娜·博纳姆·卡特的三表弟)没想到会试镜或被选为和蔼可亲的宾利先生:“有趣的是,当这个项目第一次出现时,我实际上试镜了威克姆这个角色。 ,坏人。但不久之后,制片人和导演认为我扮演宾利会更好,我很高兴接受了。” 14

When actress Susannah Harker won the role of Jane Bennet, she wasn't the first in her family to play the gentle-mannered sister. Harker's mother, Polly Adams, played Jane in an earlier TV adaptation of the novel! Harker remarks: "That's an amazing coincidence, don't you think? Of course, we talked about it, and she told me how she played Jane all those years back in the sixties. But I didn't dig out any archive tape or film or anything. I wanted to play it for myself." In accepting the role of Jane, Harker sought to dedicate her performance to her grandmother, whose favorite book was Pride and Prejudice: "She helped bring me up, and I owe a lot of what I am to her. In a sense, I did this role for her, in her memory." 15
当女演员苏珊娜·哈克(Susannah Harker)赢得简·班纳特(Jane Bennet)这个角色时,她并不是家里第一个扮演这位举止温柔的妹妹的人。哈克的母亲波莉·亚当斯在该小说的早期电视改编中扮演简!哈克评论道:“这是一个惊人的巧合,你不觉得吗?当然,我们讨论过这件事,她告诉我她在六十年代是如何扮演简的。但我没有挖出任何档案磁带或电影什么的。我想自己玩。”在接受简这个角色时,哈克试图将她的表演献给她的祖母,她最喜欢的书是《傲慢与偏见》:“她帮助我长大,我的成就很大程度上归功于她。从某种意义上说,我做到了在她的记忆中,这个角色适合她。” 15

Actor Adrian Lukis won the role of Wickham after a screen test on the set of another film, as he recalls: “I was given a coat that was too small, huge side whiskers and a ruffled shirt, and away I went. One of the crew ended up playing Elizabeth. It was wonderful to get the role. I’d been doing theater for two years and it was a good way back into television." Lukis had just finished reading the novel before he landed the role: “I’d read Pride and Prejudice for [school], but I enjoyed it more when I read it again before I got the role. It’s a phenomenal book, beautifully written, with gentle humor." 16
演员阿德里安·卢基斯 (Adrian Lukis) 在另一部电影的试镜后赢得了威克姆 (Wickham) 的角色,他回忆道:“我得到了一件太小的外套、巨大的胡须和一件荷叶边衬衫,然后我就走了。其中一名工作人员最终扮演了伊丽莎白。得到这个角色真是太棒了。我已经在戏剧界工作了两年,这是重返电视界的一个好方法。”卢基斯在获得这个角色之前刚刚读完小说:“我在[学校]读过《傲慢与偏见》,但我很喜欢它在获得这个角色之前,当我再次阅读这本书时,我的感受更加深刻。这是一本非凡的书,文笔优美,充满温和的幽默。” 16

When Alison Steadman was offered the role of Mrs. Bennet, she was "just absolutely delighted because I didn’t honestly think that I'd be the actress that a director, producer or writer would instantly think of to play someone like her. I was really quite pleased when, after one of the first read-throughs, Andrew Davies said 'Alison, we knew you'd bring something to Mrs. Bennet, but we didn't know what! It's great!'" Steadman adds: "When people learned that I was going to play her, a lot of them said ‘Oh, but we always thought she was quite old. Aren’t you a bit too young for it?' But then I said 'No, because if you work it out, she married at eighteen, she's got a daughter of fifteen as her youngest child, so that would put her at the forty or early forties mark. She's still quite a young woman herself!" 17
当艾莉森·斯特德曼被邀请扮演班纳特夫人时,她“非常高兴,因为老实说,我并不认为我会成为导演、制片人或作家会立即想到扮演像她这样的人的女演员。在第一次通读后,安德鲁·戴维斯说:“艾莉森,我们知道你会给班纳特夫人带来一些东西,但我们不知道是什么!太棒了!”,斯蒂德曼补充道:“当人们得知我要扮演她时,很多人都说:“哦,但我们一直认为她很老了。你是不是有点太年轻了?”但后来我说‘不,因为如果你算一下,她十八岁就结婚了,她最小的孩子是一个十五岁的女儿,所以这会让她处于四十岁或四十岁出头的年纪。她自己仍然是一个相当年轻的女人!” 17 号

Steadman was excited to be part of a period film: "You see, it really was an acting challenge. Just one of the reasons is because the language is structured completely differently to the way we talk now. We had to be very careful to get everything precisely right. Now normally when I'd do a television piece, I find that it's okay for me to learn the lines the night before shooting, and then polish them on the way to the studio or the location in the taxi. But not with this. It was far more like working for the stage--learning a lot in advance. It’s been a very good discipline for me, and a challenge--which I enjoy. I haven't done a great deal of costume drama [before]...” 18

Actress Julia Sawalha (Lydia Bennet) was filming another BBS period miniseries, she began reading the scripts for both “Pride and Prejudice” and yet another period miniseries. Sawalha decided to accept both roles: "I was initially slightly concerned about doing two classic series almost back-to-back, but I realized that they would be shown about a year apart, and then, of course, when they’re both prestige productions, you don’t sit down and ask too many questions. You grab the opportunities when they come along." 19
女演员朱莉娅·萨瓦哈(莉迪亚·班尼特饰)正在拍摄另一部 BBS 时期迷你剧,她开始阅读《傲慢与偏见》和另一部时期迷你剧的剧本。萨瓦拉决定接受这两个角色:“我最初有点担心几乎连续出演两部经典剧集,但我意识到它们将相隔一年左右上映,当然,当它们都享有盛誉时制作时,你不会坐下来问太多问题。当机会出现时,你会抓住机会。” 19

Joanna David, mother of Emilia Fox, who played Georgiana Darcy, was cast alongside her daughter as Mrs. Gardiner.


One of the principal locations for "Pride and Prejudice" was Lacock, in Wiltshire, England. In order to transform the town into a Regency period village, set designers paid special attention to detail and had to ask residents and storeowners for permission to change the paint, doors, windows, and doorknobs of their homes and shops.

On her first Regency film, costume designer Dinah Collin sought to create dresses that were authentic. With a camera and sketchbook in hand, Collin searched costume shops and museums from Bath to Bradford, from Winchester to Worthing, and from Manchester to Rome in pursuit of Regency style examples. Collin also read everything she could about the period.
在她的第一部摄政时期电影中,服装设计师黛娜·柯林 (Dinah Collin) 试图设计出真实的服装。带着相机和素描本,科林搜索了从巴斯到布拉德福德、从温彻斯特到沃辛、从曼彻斯特到罗马的服装店和博物馆,寻找摄政风格的例子。科林还阅读了有关这一时期的所有资料。

The scene in which Mr. Darcy indulges an impetuous fancy and dives into a lake was more complicated than expected. First, screenwriter Andrew Davies intended Darcy to dive in completely undressed. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC), however, wanted to preserve its reputation for family-friendly programming and suggested that Darcy wear undergarments. Unfortunately, men in the Regency period did not wear undergarments appropriate for swimming. So costume designers created knee-length pantaloons, hoping to fake the Regency period style. Actor Colin Firth was fitted for the counterfeit undergarments but looked so uncomfortable in them that everyone decided that Darcy should dive in fully clothed instead!
达西先生浮想联翩跳入湖中的场景比预想的要复杂。首先,编剧安德鲁·戴维斯想让达西赤身裸体地潜入水中。然而,英国广播公司(BBC)希望保持其适合家庭观看的节目的声誉,并建议达西穿内衣。不幸的是,摄政时期的男性并没有穿着适合游泳的内衣。因此服装设计师创造了及膝的马裤,希望模仿摄政时期的风格。演员科林·费斯 (Colin Firth) 穿上了假冒内衣,但穿着它们看起来很不舒服,因此每个人都决定达西应该穿着全套衣服潜水!

Firth recalls: "Originally I was supposed to take all my clothes off and jump into the pool naked. The moment where the man... is a man, instead of a stuffed shirt. He's riding on a sweaty horse, and then he's at one with the elements. But the BBC wasn't going to allow nudity, so an alternative had to be found." The alternative was that Darcy would dive in "via underpants, which, actually, were not historical. He would never have worn underpants. They would have looked ridiculous anyway." In the end, the inevitable decision was reached: "If you can't take them all off, just jump in." 20
弗斯回忆道:“本来我应该脱掉所有衣服,赤身裸体跳进泳池。那一刻,那个男人……是一个男人,而不是一件填充衬衫。他骑在一匹汗流浃背的马上,然后他就在“但 BBC 不允许裸体,所以必须找到替代方案。”另一种选择是达西会“通过内裤潜入,这实际上不是历史。他永远不会穿内裤。无论如何,它们看起来都很可笑。”最后,不可避免的决定是:“如果你不能把它们全部脱掉,那就跳进去吧。” 20

In addition, the underwater sequence was filmed in a large tank. Firth slammed his nose on a steel girder in the tank during the first take. Firth's nose was so bloody and swollen that the crew had to shut down filming for a day. Firth was not allowed to jump into the pond because, "there's a thing called Wiles disease, which means you can't be insured to jump into a pond, because you can get sick from rat's [urine]. So we got a stuntman to do the actual dive. Everything is me, except there's a very, very brief shot of the stuntman in midair. Everything else is me." 21
此外,水下场景是在一个大水箱中拍摄的。在第一次拍摄时,费斯的鼻子撞到了坦克里的钢梁上。费斯的鼻子流血肿胀,剧组不得不停止拍摄一天。弗斯不被允许跳进池塘,因为“有一种叫做怀尔斯病的病,这意味着你不能投保跳进池塘,因为你可能会因为老鼠的[尿液]而生病。所以我们找了一个特技演员来进行实际的俯冲。一切都是我,除了有一个非常非常简短的特技演员在半空中的镜头。其他一切都是我。” 21

As Elizabeth Bennet, actress Jennifer Ehle especially enjoyed donning the Regency costumes. Ehle remarks that the costumes for the Bennet girls, who were supposed to be of modest means, were quite simple and comfortable: "Anna Chancellor (Miss Bingley) [had] some marvelously rich things to wear, but I didn't envy her having to put all those things on in the heat of the midsummer, when we did most of the filming. The wardrobe people were wonderful to me, and gave me a wide-ranging selection of dresses to choose from... You don't often get the chance to have a choice like that, and I was very grateful. They were also very comfortable to wear. Often in costume drama you're really constricted and pulled in. But the dresses were light, and the corsets not tight at all. My daily mix-and-match became part of the pleasure of making the series." 22
女演员詹妮弗·艾莉饰演伊丽莎白·班纳特时特别喜欢穿上摄政时期的服装。艾勒评论说,班纳特家女孩的服装本来应该是朴素的,但实际上却非常简单和舒适:“安娜·钱斯勒(宾利小姐)[有]一些非常丰富的东西可以穿,但我并不羡慕她有在盛夏炎热的天气里穿上所有这些衣服,那时我们进行了大部分的拍摄。衣柜里的人对我来说很棒,给了我各种各样的衣服可供选择......你不经常能有这样的选择,我很感激。穿起来也很舒服。很多时候在古装剧里,你真的很压抑,很拉。但是衣服很轻,紧身胸衣一点也不紧.我每天的混搭成为了制作这个系列的乐趣的一部分。” 22

Susannah Harker, who played Jane Bennet, also loved wearing the Regency dresses: "I loved all the costumes. Doing a series like this is always wonderful because you get to dress up, which is what every actor really wants to do!" 23
扮演简·班纳特的苏珊娜·哈克也很喜欢穿摄政时期的礼服:“我喜欢所有的服装。拍这样的电视剧总是很棒,因为你可以盛装打扮,这是每个演员真正想做的!” 23

Actress Julia Sawalha (Lydia Bennet) adds: "Of course all those wonderful costumes helped. As I said, I’d just [another BBC miniseries], where the period is about thirty years after ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ and the women’s costumes in early Victorian times were very constricting--corsets, tight dresses, bonnet right to the side of the head, impairing vision. In Jane Austen’s day, there was a totally opposite fashion movement. The dresses were flowing, very free.” 24
女演员朱莉娅·萨瓦哈(莉迪亚·班尼特饰)补充道:“当然,所有这些精彩的服装都有帮助。正如我所说,我只是[另一部 BBC 迷你剧],其中的时期是《傲慢与偏见》之后大约三十年,以及女性的服装“维多利亚时代早期的时尚是非常束缚的——紧身胸衣、紧身连衣裙、帽子一直盖在头的一侧,损害了视力。在简·奥斯汀的时代,有一种完全相反的时尚运动。衣服是飘逸的,非常自由。” 24

Actor Benjamin Whitrow (Mr. Bennet) enjoyed the locations of the film: "One of the delights of making a series like ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is that you get out to some absolutely breathtaking locations. Luckington Court, the ‘home’ of the Bennets, for example is a completely unspoilt gem...the lady who has lived there for some forty or more years has preserved it like the treasure it is." 25
演员本杰明·惠特罗(班尼特先生)很喜欢这部电影的拍摄地:“制作《傲慢与偏见》这样的连续剧的一大乐趣就是你可以到一些绝对令人惊叹的地点。卢金顿宫,是电影的‘家’。”例如,班尼茨是一颗完全未受破坏的宝石……一位在那里住了四十多年的女士像珍宝一样保存着它。” 25

Whitrow recalls a particular day of shooting which wasn’t quite as pleasant: “I remember one sequence, which was a sort of party scene, with a lot of food on the table. It may have looked pretty wonderful, but under the lights, when we finished shooting on the third day, no-one wanted to go near the stuff, it was getting pretty high!" 26
惠特罗回忆起拍摄过程中的某一天,情况并不那么令人愉快:“我记得有一个场景,那是一种派对场景,桌子上有很多食物。它可能看起来很美妙,但是在灯光下,当我们第三天完成拍摄时,没有人愿意靠近这些东西,它变得相当高!” 26

Actor Crispin Bonham-Carter cherished his experiences filming "Pride and Prejudice": " 'Pride and Prejudice' [was] the first major television I've done, and I really don't think I could have enjoyed myself more. It was such a wonderful group of people to be around... ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is, after all, very much a quality production, with amazingly high standards and values to it. But it is also interesting and accessible. And a lot of fun.” 27
演员克里斯平·博纳姆·卡特 (Crispin Bonham-Carter) 非常珍惜自己拍摄《傲慢与偏见》的经历:“《傲慢与偏见》是我拍摄的第一部大型电视剧,我真的认为我没有比这更享受的了。一群很棒的人在一起……毕竟,《傲慢与偏见》是一部非常高质量的作品,具有令人惊讶的高标准和价值观。但它也很有趣、易于理解。而且很有趣。 ” 27

Bonham-Carter also admits that he was swept away by the glamour and romance of the Regency period: “And an actor's dream is to put on a good period costume and some sideburns...you've got the character straight away! Seriously, when you're surrounded by such total realism in the sets and the clothes, it would be very hard indeed not to have some of the naturalism rub off on you. And that Regency period was such a time of style that you do indeed stand and move in a different way. You almost feel ashamed to climb out of it all at the end of a day and put your jeans and T-shirt back on. What Bingley would have thought of today's casual dress would be anyone's guess. I think he'd have been horrified!" 28
博纳姆-卡特也承认,他被摄政时期的魅力和浪漫所吸引:“演员的梦想就是穿上漂亮的古装,留上鬓角……你立刻就能扮演这个角色!说真的,当你被如此真实的布景和服装所包围时,你很难不被一些自然主义所感染。摄政时期是一个非常时尚的时期,你的站立和行动确实以不同的方式进行。一天结束后,你几乎会羞于摆脱这一切,穿上牛仔裤和 T 恤。宾利对今天的休闲装会怎么想,谁也说不准。我想他一定会吓坏的!”28

Sawalha remarks: “ ’Pride and Prejudice’ was a unique experience in every way, from the sets to the locations, from the casting to the locations, and the script. It was one of the most relaxed and rewarding experiences I’ve ever had, and I look back on it with great affection. I think, by the way, that I was one of the few people involved who hadn’t read the book before the script arrived!" 29

Although the actors all agreed that the atmosphere on location for "Pride and Prejudice" made for some of the happiest times of their careers, director Simon Langton often worried about the proximity of their sets to military bases: "I'm delighted that [our actors were happy] and I always believe that you get the very best from your cast and crew when everyone is relaxed. But every director will tell you that when you're working on a major project like this, every single morning you wake up and wonder what the hazards are going to be. Is it going to be rain, will the sun shine for you? Has anyone got a cold or the flu? And when we were making Pride and Prejudice, were the RAF going to do a close formation exercise bombing raid right over the top of us just as Elizabeth Bennet has something important to say to Darcy? The locations we used were absolutely stunning, but fate decreed that the main ones were almost invariably near the RAF or NATO base, and we had to do a bit of persuading of the various commanders that they wouldn't overfly at certain times and places. When we explained the situation they were consideration itself." 30
尽管演员们都一致认为《傲慢与偏见》的拍摄现场气氛让他们度过了职业生涯中最快乐的时光,但导演西蒙·兰顿经常担心他们的场景靠近军事基地:“我很高兴[我们的演员们很高兴]而且我一直相信,当每个人都放松时,你的演员和工作人员会得到最好的结果。但是每个导演都会告诉你,当你在制作这样的大型项目时,每天早上你醒来都会发现想知道会有什么危险。会下雨吗?阳光会照耀你吗?有人感冒或流感吗?当我们拍摄《傲慢与偏见》时,英国皇家空军是否会进行近距离编队在我们头顶上空进行轰炸袭击,就像伊丽莎白·班纳特有重要的事情要对达西说一样?我们使用的地点绝对令人惊叹,但命运决定主要地点几乎总是在英国皇家空军或北约基地附近,我们不得不说服各个指挥官他们不会在特定时间和地点飞越领空。当我们解释情况时,他们正在考虑本身。” 30


Actress Julia Sawalha (Lydia Bennet) remarks: "Looking back, I think the nicest thing about ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was that, as the Bennet Family, we really did feel like a family. We all got on really well together, and ate out together in the local restaurants after a day’s work was finished. That’s not always the case. There are times when you definitely DON’T want to see someone you’ve been working with!" 31
女演员朱莉娅·萨瓦哈(莉迪亚·班内特饰)说道:“回想起来,我认为《傲慢与偏见》最美妙的一点是,作为班内特一家,我们确实感觉像一家人。我们相处得很好,一起吃饭。”一天的工作结束后一起去当地的餐馆。情况并非总是如此。有时你绝对不想见到和你一起工作的人!” 31

Benjamin Whitrow (Mr. Bennet) agrees: “One of the chief pleasures of doing ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was the wonderful actors the BBC assembled. It genuinely was like having your own family around you on the set.” 32
本杰明·惠特罗(班尼特先生)对此表示同意:“拍摄《傲慢与偏见》的最大乐趣之一就是 BBC 召集了出色的演员。这真的就像在片场有自己的家人在身边一样。” 32

While Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet courted on screen, actors Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle also began dating early during the filming. By the time the actors performed the final wedding kiss, however, Firth and Ehle had parted amicably after one year together. Firth admits that having a relationship with Ehle during the filming made the acting process a greater challenge: "I actually find that if you're involved with an actress that you're having to tell a love story with, it's more difficult. I don't find it easy to draw on it. Your relationship, your feelings aren't the same as those of the characters. She's not that person. And you're not telling your own story. So I think you have to put all your own stuff aside completely and reconceive your relationship as other people. So I think it stands in the way, to be honest." 33
当达西先生和伊丽莎白·班尼特在银幕上求爱时,演员科林·费斯和詹妮弗·艾莉也在拍摄期间很早就开始约会。然而,当演员们表演最后的婚礼之吻时,费斯和艾勒在在一起一年后友好地分手了。费斯承认,在拍摄期间与艾莉的关系让表演过程面临更大的挑战:“实际上,我发现,如果你和一个必须与之讲述爱情故事的女演员在一起,那就更困难了。我不认为觉得画起来并不容易。你的关系、你的感受和角色不一样。她不是那个人。而且你不是在讲你自己的故事。所以我认为你必须把你所有的完全把自己的东西放在一边,重新审视你们与其他人的关系。所以说实话,我认为这会阻碍你。” 33

In addition, the media's interest in Firth and Ehle's relationship proved to be a headache, as the actor recalls: "They only discovered it after it was over... They get your number and phone up, pretending to be BT, then ask, 'Are you and your leading lady in love?' You let them write about it, and all this invented stuff comes out. It's astounding, breathtaking, what gets invented." 34
此外,媒体对费斯和艾勒关系的兴趣被证明是一件令人头疼的事情,正如演员回忆的那样:“他们是在事情结束后才发现的……他们拿到你的号码和电话,假装是 BT,然后问, “你和你的女主角相爱吗?”你让他们写下来,然后所有这些发明的东西就出来了。发明的东西令人震惊,令人惊叹。” 34

Producer Sue Birtwistle was extremely fond of Firth: "[In Firth,] we have the definitive Darcy. He's just perfect in every regard." 35
制片人 Sue Birtwistle 非常喜欢费斯:“[在费斯],我们有真正的达西。他在各个方面都很完美。” 35


All in all, Firth thinks that "Pride and Prejudice" was "an intoxicating story. The language is wonderful. I think it's very romantic, beautifully structured, and the actors do a good job." 36
总而言之,费斯认为《傲慢与偏见》是“一个令人陶醉的故事。语言很棒。我认为它非常浪漫,结构优美,演员们也做得很好。” 36

In spite of the unexpected fame that Mr. Darcy brought to actor Colin Firth, he sheepishly admits that he doesn’t share much in common with the proper Regency gentleman: "There's this other person called Mr. Darcy who I have very little to do with. He's like a bizarre doppelganger that I've spawned who walks around doing things without me. I've not really allowed myself to get hung up about it. Life has gone on perfectly satisfactorily. It hasn't held me back. It dominates what gets written about me, but it doesn't affect me any closer than that... It's not going to bring anyone any closer to Mr. Darcy to find out more about me." 37
尽管达西先生给演员科林·费斯带来了意想不到的名气,但他羞涩地承认自己与真正的摄政绅士没有太多共同点:“还有一个叫达西先生的人,我与他没什么关系。”和他在一起。他就像我创造的一个奇怪的分身,在没有我的情况下四处走动做事。我并没有真正让自己为此而烦恼。生活一直在完美地令人满意地进行着。它并没有阻止我。它主导了关于我的报道,但它不会对我产生比这更进一步的影响……它不会让任何人更接近达西先生以了解更多关于我的信息。” 37

Firth adds, "I felt as if I'd lost my whole personality [after 'Pride']. It's been very strange, this idea of Mr. Darcy appealing so much to women. Because obviously, as you can see, I don't carry that around with me. I'm not so Mr. Darcy every day of my life. If people expect to see a saturnine, dark, smouldering tall aristocrat, they are going to be disappointed." Firth is widely known to be "completely unassuming, friendly, and funny." 38
弗斯补充道,“(在《骄傲》之后)我感觉自己好像失去了整个个性。达西先生对女性如此有吸引力的想法非常奇怪。因为显然,正如你所看到的,我不知道”不要随身携带它。我的生活中的每一天都不是达西先生。如果人们期望看到一位阴郁、黝黑、闷烧的高大贵族,他们会失望的。”费斯以“完全谦逊、友好且有趣”而闻名。 38

Firth remarks of his character: "Colin Firth of the twentieth century would not be happy in this period, but as an actor I adore exploring Jane Austen's strict social conventions... And Mr. Darcy has a few absurd aspects to him. But playing him, you can't try to be funny. Darcy himself says, 'It's been my study to avoid ridicule.' He's definitely not a man to be laughed at, which of course causes the comedy." 39
费斯这样评价他的角色:“二十世纪的科林·费斯在这个时期不会快乐,但作为一名演员,我喜欢探索简·奥斯汀严格的社会习俗……而达西先生也有一些荒唐的一面。对他来说,你不能试图搞笑。达西本人说:“我的研究就是避免嘲笑。”他绝对不是一个可以被嘲笑的人,这当然会引发喜剧。” 39

Although Firth initially wanted to play Darcy differently from his predecessors, he decided to remain faithful to the character: "I reasoned: 'To make myself different...I will have to do an awful lot.' But doing anything is the last thing that is right for playing Darcy. The only way for it to work is to be Darcy." Firth’s commitment to play Darcy as Jane Austen’s enigmatic and quiet hero was more exhausting than Firth expected: "In the first [ballroom] scene, I had to go in and be hurt, angry, intimidated, annoyed, irritated, amused, horrified, appalled and keep all these reactions within this very narrow framework of being inscrutable because nobody ever knows quite what Darcy's thinking... The physical dimention is essential. He's basically a taciturn person, and what he doesn't say is much more important than what he does a lot of the time. I've played some far more physically energetic parts, but I don't think I've ever been as physically exhausted at the end of a take as I have with Darcy." 40
尽管费斯最初想扮演与他的前任不同的达西,但他决定继续忠实于这个角色:“我推理道:‘为了让自己与众不同......我必须做很多事情。’但做任何事情对于扮演达西来说都是最不合适的。唯一的方法就是成为达西。”费斯致力于扮演简·奥斯汀笔下神秘而安静的英雄达西,这比费斯预期的更令人疲惫不堪:“在第一个[舞厅]场景中,我不得不走进去,感到受伤、愤怒、恐吓、恼怒、恼怒、好笑、惊恐、震惊。并将所有这些反应保留在这个非常狭隘的难以理解的框架内,因为没有人完全知道达西在想什么……身体尺寸至关重要。他基本上是一个沉默寡言的人,他不说的话比他说的重要得多很多时候都是这样。我演过一些体力消耗大得多的角色,但我认为我在拍摄结束时从来没有像达西那样感到身体疲惫。” 40

Of course, Firth confesses that playing a taciturn character like Darcy was difficult also because of the vibrant cast of characters about him: “[Darcy] used to keeping his emotions in check. He certainly never really lets on to others what his innermost thoughts are. So the immediate thought I had as the [filming] progressed was... ‘I’m rather dull,’ especially when you remember that this is Austen’s wittiest novel, and all the rest of my colleagues were making everyone laugh with their characterizations." Firth admits that Darcy’s brooding nature actually made it easier at times to finish a shoot: "I've always believed, somehow, that the more 'miserable' a character you play is, the more interesting they become. I'd rather play someone like Darcy, who is very uptight and proper and controlled, and leave him at the end of the day to go 'up' to my normal self, than be relentlessly cheerful in a comedy part day after day, and have to come 'down' to normality afterwards! At least when the director shouts 'Cut!' you can return to some semblance of being yourself." 41
当然,费斯承认扮演像达西这样沉默寡言的角色很困难,因为他周围的角色充满活力:“[达西]过去常常控制自己的情绪。他当然不会真正向别人透露他内心的想法。因此,随着[拍摄]的进展,我的第一反应是……“我相当迟钝”,尤其是当你记得这是奥斯汀最诙谐的小说,而我所有其他同事的人物塑造都让每个人都发笑时。 ” 弗斯承认,达西沉思的性格有时会让拍摄变得更容易:“不知何故,我一直相信,你扮演的角色越‘悲惨’,他们就会变得越有趣。我宁愿扮演像达西这样的人,他非常紧张、得体、克制,并在一天结束时离开他,让他“上升”到正常的自我,而不是日复一日地在喜剧部分中无情地快乐,并且之后必须“回归”正常!至少当导演喊“停!”的时候你可以恢复做你自己。”41

On understanding Darcy’s essence, Firth remarks: "I remember reading a very helpful saying: 'A man who is eligible needs to entertain no one.' For me that was a great key to understand Darcy. I thought that if he was charming as well, life would be intolerable for him. So out of both shyness and lack of necessity he remained aloof." Firth adds: “One of the key moments in the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy is when she rejects his first proposal of marriage. I don’t think that he can actually believe that someone would turn him down. He’s certainly guilty of social snobbery, and that’s something he realizes as the book ends. He makes assumptions about other people, and basically, that’s ignorance." 42

On the unfolding of Darcy’s character, Firth remarks: "Jane Austen is rather vague in her description of Darcy [when he meets Elizabeth at Pemberley], and I found myself foraging for clues about how he is supposed to come across. There are contradictions. People often ask whether Darcy changes in the course of the story or whether we find out what he is really like. I think it is a mixture of the two. His housekeeper talks affectionately of him and reveals that he has always looked after his sister and taken care of his household in a very kindly way. He hasn't suddenly turned into a good man; I think he has always been a good man underneath that stiff exterior." 43
关于达西这个角色的展开,费斯评论道:“简·奥斯汀对达西的描述相当模糊(当他在彭伯利遇见伊丽莎白时),我发现自己在寻找关于他应该如何给人印象的线索。其中存在矛盾。人们经常问达西是在故事的过程中发生了变化还是我们发现了他真正的样子。我认为这是两者的混合体。他的管家亲切地谈论他,并透露他一直照顾他的妹妹和妹妹。他非常友善地照顾家庭。他并不是突然变成一个好人;我认为,在他僵硬的外表下,他一直都是一个好人。” 43

At the same time, Firth believes that Darcy's character changes after meeting Elizabeth: "[Darcy] learns his lesson when he falls in love with one of those barbarians and realizes that she's at least his equal, if not his superior, in terms of wit, intellectual agility and sense of personal dignity. He is so profoundly challenged by her that his old prejudices cannot be upheld..... His real crime, I think, is silliness. I know that's a terribly undignified way to look at him, but I believe his failing is foolish, superficial, social snobbery, and that's the bitter lesson he has to learn. And I think in that sense he does change." 44
与此同时,费斯认为达西的性格在遇到伊丽莎白后发生了变化:“[达西]在爱上其中一个野蛮人时吸取了教训,并意识到她至少在智慧上与他平等,即使不是比他优越。 ,智力敏捷性和个人尊严感。他受到她的深刻挑战,以至于他的旧偏见不能再坚持了……我认为,他真正的罪行是愚蠢。我知道这样看待他是一种非常不尊严的方式,但我相信他的失败是愚蠢的、肤浅的、社会势利的,这是他必须吸取的惨痛教训。我认为从这个意义上说,他确实改变了。” 44

On the future of Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage, Firth speculates: “[Darcy] makes a tremendous journey throughout the book. He finally comes to realize that Elizabeth is at least his equal [so] I think the marriage is going to be an interesting one. I don’t think that he’s quite learned not to take himself too seriously, although that might come with time. Whether or not he ever learns to fully tolerate Mrs. Bennet as a mother-in-law, is another question entirely!" 45
关于达西和伊丽莎白婚姻的未来,弗斯推测:“(达西)在整本书中经历了一段巨大的旅程。他终于意识到伊丽莎白至少与他平等,所以我认为这场婚姻将会是一场有趣的婚姻。我认为他还没有学会不要太认真地对待自己,尽管这可能会随着时间的推移而发生。他是否学会完全容忍班纳特夫人作为岳母,完全是另一个问题!” 45

On Elizabeth, Firth remarks: "Lizzy is a most extraordinary character. In every way. She sort of predates a whole list of very individual, free thinking ladies. She has so many different aspects and so many layers. I think she got a giddy side and a solemn side. She is pertinent and cheeky, but she is also extremely sensible and judicious. Although she clearly despises [Darcy], she also seems to be very much preoccupied with him, and very concerned with his opinion, which is not quite consistent with the feelings towards someone you despise. So one will have to make of that what one will: ascertain when her feelings towards him start to change. But I think it's their similarities that bring them to clash. I think it's the pride in both of them that does so. Also she is clearly blinded to his... to huge elements of his true nature." 46
关于伊丽莎白,费斯评论道:“莉兹是一个最非凡的人物。从各个方面来说。她早于一系列非常个性化、思想自由的女士。她有很多不同的方面和很多层次。我认为她有点令人眼花缭乱。”一面严肃,一面中肯,厚脸皮,但同时又极其理智和明智,虽然她明显鄙视【达西】,但她似乎也很关心他,很在意他的看法,这并不奇怪。与你所鄙视的人的感觉非常一致。因此,人们必须做出这样的决定:确定她对他的感觉何时开始改变。但我认为正是他们的相似之处导致了他们的冲突。我认为这是他们的骄傲他们两人都这样做。而且她显然对他的……对他真实本性的巨大元素视而不见。” 46

Jennifer Ehle, who played Elizabeth Bennet, first read Pride and Prejudice when she was twelve years old, and "fell in love with it, right from the very first page." Ehle remarks: "I still love it now -- even after working intensely on the television adaptation... That really is the test of something -- that you still admire and enjoy it after being so very close to it. As soon as I get a little time to myself, I’ll be back with Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors. [Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park] are the only two I haven’t read as yet, and I’m looking forward to getting to know them." 47
饰演伊丽莎白·班内特的詹妮弗·艾莉十二岁时第一次读到《傲慢与偏见》,并且“从第一页就爱上了它”。艾勒评论道:“我现在仍然喜欢它——即使是在为电视剧改编而紧张工作之后……这确实是对某件事的考验——在如此接近它之后你仍然钦佩并享受它。一旦我给自己一点时间,我会回来和简·奥斯汀一起,我最喜欢的作家之一。[诺桑觉寺和曼斯菲尔德公园]是我还没有读过的仅有的两本,我期待着去读认识他们。” 47

Ehle always admired Elizabeth Bennet "very much indeed, she's such a likable person, I never dreamed that I'd get to play her. She has such an incredible sense of humor, it's a fundamental part of her make-up. That comes out in the book I think, and it certainly is there in Andrew Davies' marvelous screenplay." 48
艾莉一直很欣赏伊丽莎白·班内特,“确实,她是一个非常讨人喜欢的人,我从来没想过自己能扮演她。她有一种令人难以置信的幽默感,这是她性格的基本组成部分。结果就是这样。”我认为在这本书中,安德鲁·戴维斯精彩的剧本中也肯定有这一点。” 48

On understanding Elizabeth, Ehle remarks: "I see Elizabeth as independent and very strong minded... witty with a wonderful sense of humor... great intelligence. And she thinks her integrity is perfect. She does have integrity, she's just a bit misguided on the prejudice bit." Ehle also approves of the match between Elizabeth and Darcy: "I think Elizabeth Bennet is perfectly matched with Mr. Darcy! They fit perfectly... You sort of feel that the characters are not quite whole 'till they've met... till they've come together." 49
在了解伊丽莎白时,埃勒评论道:“我认为伊丽莎白是一个独立且意志坚强的人……机智且幽默感十足……非常聪明。而且她认为自己的正直是完美的。她确实有正直,只是有点差了。”被偏见误导了。”艾勒也很赞同伊丽莎白和达西的搭配:“我认为伊丽莎白·班纳特和达西先生是绝配!他们非常般配……你会觉得两个角色在相遇之前并不完整……直到他们走到一起。” 49

On the story itself, Ehle remarks: "The book was originally going to be called First Impressions, I believe, and that's really what it is all about...[Elizabeth’s] first impressions of Darcy as a bit stuck-up, her first impression of Wickham as an agreeable companion instead of a bounder. Then both Elizabeth and Darcy's pride lead them to inevitable prejudices. Even though it is nearly 200 years old, it's still a very modern novel -- the emotions of today are the same, or nearly the same, as the emotions then. People don't change that much." 50
关于故事本身,埃勒评论道:“我相信,这本书最初的名字是《第一印象》,这就是它的全部内容……(伊丽莎白)对达西的第一印象是有点自大,她的第一印象威克姆给人的印象是一个令人愉快的伴侣而不是一个束缚者。然后伊丽莎白和达西的骄傲使他们不可避免地产生偏见。即使它已经有近200年的历史了,它仍然是一部非常现代的小说——今天的情感是一样的,或者几乎和当时的情绪一样。人们不会改变那么多。” 50

In order to prepare for her role as the headstrong Elizabeth, Ehle "re-read the book carefully, and then I read a couple of very interesting biographies of Jane Austen herself. And I also looked at a lot of pictures to get the 'feel' of the time and the way people looked. I think that's very important." 51
为了准备扮演任性的伊丽莎白,艾莉“仔细地重新读了一遍这本书,然后我读了几本非常有趣的简·奥斯汀本人的传记。而且我还看了很多照片来感受‘感觉’。” ’关于那个时代和人们的外表。我认为这非常重要。” 51

Crispin Bonham-Carter loved playing the affable Mr. Bingley: "It was really like a dream come true, because while [Bingley] seems to come across as a perpetual 'Mr. Nice Guy,' he really does make a journey of his own. At first, he's totally in thrall to his older friend Darcy. He's completely influenced by the older man, who he perhaps sees as a sort of social mentor. After all it’s Darcy who tells him not to marry Jane Bennet, and at first he does completely what he says. But then he does a bit of growing up, and has opinions of his own. He grows and becomes his own man. And, of course, he changes his mind, independently, about Jane." 52
克里斯平·博纳姆·卡特 (Crispin Bonham-Carter) 很喜欢扮演和蔼可亲的宾利先生:“这真的就像梦想成真一样,因为虽然 [宾利] 似乎永远都是‘好人先生’,但他确实开启了自己的旅程. 起初,他完全被他的老朋友达西所束缚。他完全受到这位年长的男人的影响,他也许将达西视为一种社会导师。毕竟是达西告诉他不要嫁给简·班尼特,一开始他“他完全按照他所说的去做。但随后他长大了一些,并有了自己的看法。他成长并成为自己的人。当然,他独立地改变了对简的看法。” 52

On Bingley, Bonham-Carter remarks: "People tend to forget that Jane Austen had a sense of humor, and Bingley wasn't a total stuffed shirt. I loved playing him... I tried to make him natural and friendly, he’s a very genuine sort of chap... Being the 'nice guy' is so much harder than being the Mr. Nasty, so that's why I was grateful to Andrew Davies for letting Bingley make his own journey to self-fulfillment." 53
关于宾利,博纳姆-卡特评论道:“人们往往会忘记简·奥斯汀有幽默感,而宾利也不是一个十足的填充衬衫。我喜欢扮演他......我试图让他自然而友好,他是一个非常真诚的小伙子……做一个‘好人’比做一个讨厌先生要难得多,所以这就是为什么我感谢安德鲁·戴维斯让宾利踏上自我实现之旅。” 53

Actress Susannah Harker, who played Jane Bennet, fell in love with Jane Austen’s literature when she read Northanger Abbey as a required book in school: "Far from making me shun Austen forever, [reading Northanger Abbey] turned the key in the lock for me and opened the door to the rest of her work." 54
扮演简·班纳特的女演员苏珊娜·哈克在学校将《诺桑觉寺》作为必读书籍后爱上了简·奥斯汀的文学:“(阅读《诺桑觉寺》)非但没有让我永远避开奥斯汀,反而为我打开了锁里的钥匙。并为她其余的工作打开了大门。” 54

On playing the sweet-tempered Jane, Harker remarks: "When I found I'd been cast as Jane, I was more pleased than I can say. I think she's a charming young girl, accomplished, quiet, very dutiful -- a typical product of her time and upbringing. The difficult part was getting that over on the screen. Playing nice people is always far harder than playing the nasties. You want to make people pleasant and agreeable, without turning them into... goody-goodies. Jane is one of Austen's perfect heroines, very romantic. But there's also a lot of humor and irony in the book, and sometimes that's difficult to inject, although Andrew Davies' script and adaptation is a delight to work from. He captures the vivacity of the writing, which I always think must be the hardest task of all." 55
在饰演性格温和的简时,哈克说道:“当我发现自己被选为简时,我感到无比的高兴。我认为她是一个迷人的年轻女孩,多才多艺,安静,非常尽职——典型的她的时间和成长的产物。困难的部分是在屏幕上表现出来。扮演好人总是比扮演坏人困难得多。你想让人们愉快和愉快,而不是将他们变成……好人。简是奥斯丁笔下完美的女主角之一,非常浪漫。但书中也有很多幽默和讽刺,有时很难注入,尽管安德鲁·戴维斯的剧本和改编令人愉快。他捕捉到了简的活泼性。写作,我一直认为这一定是所有任务中最困难的。” 55

Actor Adrian Lukis, who has been consistently cast as the bad guy, says of his role as Wickham: “I love playing cads. They’re more interesting and so many of them seem to have a special kind of power and aura about them... Playing Wickham was a bit daunting because Pride and Prejudice is so well-known and everyone has their own ideas about the characters. I tried to present him as appearing to be a gentle man and a good listener whom people feel they want to confide in. It would have been wrong to make Wickham too overtly caddish. It doesn’t give the audience anything to guess at and, also, Elizabeth is an extremely observant and intelligent woman who’s taken in by Wickham, so he can’t be too obvious." Lukis gives credit to his wife, a former actress, for his success as Wickham: “She’s great for bouncing ideas off. She’s got a great theatrical instinct... [but]I’m certainly not a cad, I’m a happily married man!" 56
一直扮演坏人的演员阿德里安·卢基斯 (Adrian Lukis) 谈到自己饰演的威克姆 (Wickham) 角色时表示:“我喜欢扮演无赖。他们更有趣,而且很多人似乎都有一种特殊的力量和光环……扮演威克姆有点令人畏惧,因为《傲慢与偏见》太出名了,每个人对角色都有自己的想法。我试图把他塑造成一个温和的人,一个善于倾听的人,人们愿意向他吐露心声。如果把威克姆塑造得太过分粗鄙,那就错了。它不会给观众任何猜测的机会,而且伊丽莎白是一个非常善于观察和聪明的女人,她被韦翰收养了,所以他不能太明显。”卢基斯将功劳归功于他的妻子,一位前演员,对于他饰演威克姆的成功:“她非常善于提出想法。她有很强的戏剧本能......[但是]我当然不是一个无赖,我是一个幸福婚姻的男人!” 56

Actress Alison Steadman (Mrs. Bennet) confesses that truly understanding her character was challenging: “I thought a great deal about her character, building up layers of her unique personality. I can certainly relate her to people I actually know now, in the way she behaves--but I'd better not tell you who I'm thinking of!" 57

On Mrs. Bennet’s behavior toward her youngest daughter, Steadman remarks: “I think one of the reasons why she’s so forgiving towards Lydia is that she can see herself doing exactly the same thing when she was younger. But she, too, is admiring of handsome men, and Lydia has not only managed to find herself a good-looking partner, she’s also married him. So that’s also a bonus--a daughter off Mrs. Bennet’s hands." 58
关于班纳特夫人对她小女儿的行为,斯特德曼评论道:“我认为她对莉迪亚如此宽容的原因之一是,她可以看到自己年轻时也在做同样的事情。但她也很欣赏英俊的男人,莉迪亚不仅找到了一个漂亮的伴侣,还嫁给了他。所以这也是一个额外的好处——从班纳特夫人手中生下了一个女儿。” 58

Of the Bennets’ marriage, Steadman remarks: “In a lot of ways, I thinks [Mrs. Bennet]’s the perfect balance for Mr. Bennet, because he’s very down-to-earth and quite serious with his books, and she’s all over the place, getting excited, forever changing her mind and having attacks of the vapors. Mr. Bennet’s one job in life is to tease and vex her, but when the chips are down, he’d defend her to the last. She may drive him wild, but then a lot of relationships are like that - it doesn’t mean that you loathe someone. I rather fancy that she was a bit anarchic and wild as a girl and Mr. Bennet fancied her because of that. And Lydia’s just like that too, so she welcomes her back with open arms.” 59
谈到班纳特夫妇的婚姻,斯特德曼说道:“在很多方面,我认为[贝内特夫人]”班内特]对于班内特先生来说是完美的平衡,因为他非常脚踏实地,对待他的书也非常认真,而她则到处都是,变得兴奋,永远改变主意,并遭受蒸汽攻击。班纳特先生一生的工作就是取笑和惹恼她,但当危急关头时,他会保护她到最后。她可能会让他发疯,但很多关系都是这样的——这并不意味着你讨厌某人。我更喜欢她作为一个女孩有点无政府主义和狂野,班纳特先生因此喜欢她。莉迪亚也是这样,所以她张开双臂欢迎她回来。” 59

Steadman adds: “I loved playing [Mrs. Bennet], there are so many facets to her that I discovered. I don’t honestly think that she’s all that bright really...she backtracks all the time, she’s forever changing her mind and her opinions, she blows hot and cold and she goes with the wind. Look at the way she thinks Darcy is absolutely wonderful when she first sees him and then, only a short time later, she can’t stand the sight of him... Mrs. Bennet is a silly old thing, but you can’t help being fond of her." 60
斯特德曼补充道:“我喜欢玩[夫人。 Bennet],我发现她有很多方面。老实说,我并不认为她真的那么聪明……她总是在后退,她永远在改变她的想法和观点,她忽冷忽热,随风而去。看看她第一次见到达西时就觉得他太棒了,然后,不久之后,她就无法忍受看到他了……班纳特夫人是个愚蠢的老东西,但你不能帮助喜欢她。” 60

Actor Benjamin Whitrow (Mr. Bennet) remarks that the chief joy of Mr. Bennet’s life "is making his wife cross! He sits there, listening to all that idle chatter from the girls, all the giggling and silliness, and he’s terrifically patient with Mrs. Bennet, who’s a bit of a daft old goose, and then he drops in a comment which throws them all...he’s a delightful character to play, and I was overjoyed to be offered the role." 61
演员本杰明·惠特罗(班纳特先生)评论说,班纳特先生生活中最大的乐趣“就是让他的妻子生气!他坐在那里,听着女孩们的闲聊,所有的咯咯笑声和愚蠢的声音,而且他对妻子非常有耐心。”班纳特夫人,有点像个愚蠢的老鹅,然后他发表的评论让他们都震惊了……他是一个令人愉快的角色,我很高兴能得到这个角色。” 61

Whitrow adds: “Secretly, I rather think [Mr. Bennet] wishes that he’d been given at least one child who was a boy, so that he could escape from that house, and go out shooting or fishing with his sons. I rather fancy he’ll be looking forward to Lizzie and Jane getting married, because then he can get off with his sons-in-law. In the meantime, he just retreats into his library with his books and his newspapers." 62

On Mrs. Bennet, Whitrow remarks: “I think she was a very... fun and attractive girl when he met her, and that she just swept him off his rather staid feet. He loves her dearly still but now he teases her just for the sheer fun of it. I think Alison Steadman has her to a tee, don’t you?" 63
关于班纳特夫人,惠特罗评论道:“我认为,当他遇见她时,她是一个非常……有趣且有吸引力的女孩,她让他从他那相当稳重的脚下迷住了。他仍然深爱着她,但现在他只是为了好玩而取笑她。我认为艾莉森·斯特德曼已经和她打成一片了,你觉得呢?” 63

Whitrow is full of praise of Andrew Davies’ adaptation: “I’ve read quite a bit of Jane Austen, and I rather like her work. But Andrew has caught the tone and nuances of it all precisely. I don’t think there’s a sentence he’s invented - it all features in the original. The dialogue is faithfully reproduced and since it’s the sort of English that we don’t speak any more, that makes it terribly hard for an actor to learn.” Whitrow adds: “The odd thing about Austen, that not many people realize, is that nowhere in her novels does she have two men alone together, talking to each other. I think the only book of Austen’s I haven’t completely read is Emma, which also has a nice strong male part in it--Mr. Woodhouse--which I could quite cheerfully play, if I were lucky enough to be asked. But the thing is, you get cast in something as good as this series, a really excellent costume drama, and you’re not asked to do anything like it again for another ten years. That’s the way this business goes." 64


Before the series premiered, actor Benjamin Whitrow (Mr. Bennet) remarked: “Because I shall be working [on another production] in the evenings, I shall probably have to tape the series, and I’ll watch it alone later on. Why alone? Because I just hate watching myself when I’m in company!" 65
在该剧首播前,演员本杰明·惠特罗(班尼特先生)说道:“因为我晚上要忙(另一部作品),所以我可能需要录制该剧,稍后我会独自观看。为何孤身一人?因为我就是讨厌在有人陪伴的时候看着自己!” 65

Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle both received nominations in the Best Actor and Best Actress categories for the prestigious Bafta Award (the British equivalent of an Emmy). Ehle won in her category.
科林·费尔斯 (Colin Firth) 和詹妮弗·艾莉 (Jennifer Ehle) 均获得著名的英国电影和电视艺术学院奖(相当于英国艾美奖)的最佳男主角和最佳女主角提名。艾莉在她的类别中获胜。

Firth was completely surprised by the attention he received for his role as Mr. Darcy: “There's me working my socks off for ten or so years and the response is fairly modest... Then [a film in which] I hardly open my mouth gets me noticed. I have to start thinking it's to do with things other than me. I don't have Mr. Darcy's money, I don't have his castle and I don't own Derbyshire. You can't overestimate that part of his appeal for women and Jane Austen doesn't. Elizabeth [Bennet] wouldn't have married me." 66
弗斯对自己饰演达西先生所受到的关注感到完全惊讶:“我辛辛苦苦工作了十年左右,但反响相当平淡……然后(在这部电影中)我几乎张不开嘴。”让我注意到。我必须开始思考这与我以外的事情有关。我没有达西先生的钱,我没有他的城堡,我也不拥有德比郡。你不能高估他对女性的吸引力,而简·奥斯汀则不然。伊丽莎白[班内特]不会嫁给我。” 66

In addition, Firth remarks that Ehle should have received the fame from the miniseries instead: "She won a Bafta for it. Darcy is the romantic destiny. She's the one you're meant to identify with." 67
此外,费斯还表示,艾莉应该从迷你剧中获得名气:“她因此赢得了英国电影和电视艺术学院奖。达西是浪漫的命运。她是你注定要认同的人。” 67

Firth first heard of his sudden fame among British women in particular (which has since been called "Darcymania"), while he was filming "The English Patient." Firth recalls: "I thought my mum was having me on. She would ring me up every so often and say, '[’Pride and Prejudice’] is popular. People like it.' Then she'd ring again and say, 'Actually, they're going a bit mad about it.' Then, 'This seems to be getting out of control.' My initial reaction was, 'Yeah, right, Mum.'" 68 As it turned out, Mrs. Firth was being a little understated with her son, because more than ten million viewers tuned in every week, and the BBC video series instantly sold out.
弗斯第一次听说他在英国女性中突然声名鹊起(后来被称为“达西狂热”),是在拍摄《英国病人》时。弗斯回忆道:“我以为我妈妈在逗我玩。她经常给我打电话说,‘[《傲慢与偏见》]很受欢迎。人们喜欢它。’然后她会再次打电话说:“事实上,他们对此有点生气。”然后,“事情似乎已经失控了。”我最初的反应是,‘是的,没错,妈妈。’” 68 事实证明,弗斯夫人对她的儿子有点低调,因为每周都有超过 1000 万观众收看,BBC 视频系列立即售出出去。

On "Darcymania", Firth remarks: "It seems obvious that what happened with the Darcy character was very special, not just to me but to a lot of other people, and I feel that I must look at it all again, absorb it, understand this bewildering golden moment... I'm not Mr. Darcy, though I sometimes wished I were. Certain tabloid newspapers have suggested I'm sick of the image and loathed all the publicity. Nonsense, I never said that. The great thing about Darcymania was that it had no down side; it was great even though it all seemed so unreal, as if it was happening to someone else. But it wasn't really me that everyone went crazy about -- it was the character, who'd been around for a couple of centuries... And that's just a simple fact of life." 69
在谈到《达西狂热》时,费斯说道:“很明显,达西这个角色所发生的事情非常特别,不仅对我来说,而且对很多其他人来说,我觉得我必须重新审视这一切,吸收它,理解这个令人眼花缭乱的黄金时刻...我不是达西先生,尽管我有时希望我是。某些小报暗示我厌倦了这个形象并厌恶所有的宣传。胡说,我从来没有这么说过。伟大的《达西狂》的特点是它没有缺点;它很棒,尽管这一切看起来那么不真实,就好像它发生在别人身上一样。但每个人都为之疯狂的并不是我,而是这个角色,他已经存在了几个世纪了……这只是生活中一个简单的事实。” 69

With the 2001 release of "Bridget Jones' Diary," a film in which Firth plays Mark Darcy, a character based upon Mr. Darcy, Firth admits that he is reluctant to keep rehashing what he refers to as "the Darcy business." He remarks: "I do feel that I am talking about something which I know nothing about. It honestly doesn't mean anything to me. I don't have anything to do with anything I did six years ago. I don't know if you remember how you spent your summer of '94, but that's how I spent my summer of '94, and that's about it... If I spent 20 years training to be an astronaut, the headlines would still say Darcy Lands On Mars!... 'Pride And Prejudice' wasn't the most rigorous or challenging thing I've done." 70
2001 年,随着电影《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》上映,费斯在影片中扮演马克·达西(Mark Darcy),一个以达西先生为原型的角色,弗斯承认,他不愿意继续重复他所说的“达西生意”。他说道:“我确实觉得我正在谈论一些我一无所知的事情。老实说,这对我来说没有任何意义。我与六年前所做的任何事情都没有任何关系。我不知道如果你还记得你是如何度过94年夏天的,但这就是我度过94年夏天的方式,仅此而已……如果我花了20年的时间训练成为一名宇航员,头条新闻仍然会是达西登陆火星!……《傲慢与偏见》并不是我做过的最严格或最具挑战性的事情。” 70

In fact, Firth is not sure that he would do the miniseries again. "I'd be bored... [Darcy] was somebody else's party. I'm still trying to think it all through." 71
事实上,费斯不确定他是否会再次出演迷你剧。 “我会很无聊……[达西]是别人的派对。我仍在努力思考这一切。” 71

Footnotes: 1. Unknown source; citation pending. 2. AandE.com on TV: Pride and Prejudice (hereinafter "AandE.com"). 3. Id. 4. Id. 5. Id. 6. Id. 7. Bart Mills, "Colin Firth Talks About 'Pride And Prejudice' in the 21st Century," TV Times. 8. Unknown source; citation pending. 9. AandE.com, supra. 10. Id. 11. Id. 12. Id. 13. Sue Birtwistle and Susie Conklin, The Making of Pride and Prejudice (Penguin Books, 1995). 14. AandE.com, supra. 15. Id. 16. Id. 17. Id. 18. Id. 19. Unknown source; citation pending. 20. The Observer (April 9, 2000). 21. Id. 22. AandE.com, supra. 23. Id. 24. Id. 25. Id. 26. Id. 27. Id. 28. Id. 29. Id. 30. Id. 31. Unknown source; citation pending. 32. Unknown source; citation pending. 33. Jasper Rees, "Interview with Colin Firth," The Independent (January 19, 1997). 34. Susie Steiner, "Twice Shy," The Guardian (March 31, 2001). 35. AandE.com, supra. 36. Carol McDaid, "There's No Escaping Mr Darcy," The Independent (June 9, 2000). 37. Elizabeth Grice, "He's back - Without the Breeches," The Telegraph (April 3, 2001). 38. William Leith, "Interview with Colin Firth," The Observer (April 9, 2000). 39. Bart Mills, "Colin Firth Talks About 'Pride And Prejudice' in the 21st Century," TV Times. 40. Rachel Kelly , "Pride and Passions: How Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy Has Become the Nation's Heart-Throb," The London Times (October 25, 1995). 41. AandE.com, supra. 42. Unknown source; citation pending. 43. Unknown source; citation pending. 44. Unknown source; citation pending. 45. Unknown source; citation pending. 46. Unknown source; citation pending. 47. AandE.com, supra. 48. Id. 49. Unknown source; citation pending. 50. AandE.com, supra. 51. Id. 52. Id. 53. Id. 54. Id. 55. Id. 56. Id. 57. Id. 58. Id. 59. Id. 60. Id. 61. Id. 62. Id. 63. Id. 64. Id. 65. Id. 66. "Interview with Colin Firth" (1999). 67. McDaid, supra. 68. John Carman, "Austen's `Pride' Glows Enchanting Evenings in A&E Series," San Francisco Chronicle (January 12, 1996). 69. Id. 70. Gabrielle Donnelly, "I'm Stuck With Mr Darcy Forever," NOW Magazine (April 25, 2001). 71. Steiner, supra.

附注: 1. 来源不明;引文待定。 2. AandE.com 电视节目:《傲慢与偏见》(以下简称“AandE.com”)。 3.身份证号。 4.同上。 5.同上。 6.同上。 7. 巴特·米尔斯,“科林·费尔斯谈论 21 世纪的‘傲慢与偏见’”,《电视时报》。 8、来源不明;引文待定。 9. AandE.com,同上。 10.同上。 11.同上。 12.同上。 13. Sue Birtwistle 和 Susie Conklin,《傲慢与偏见》的制作(企鹅出版社,1995 年)。 14. AandE.com,同上。 15.同上。 16.同上。 17.同上。 18.同上。 19. 来源不明;引文待定。 20. 观察家报(2000 年 4 月 9 日)。 21.同上。 22. AandE.com,同上。 23.同上。 24.同上。 25.同上。 26.同上。 27.同上。 28.同上。 29.同上。 30.同上。 31. 来源不明;引文待定。 32. 来源不明;引文待定。 33. Jasper Rees,“科林·费斯访谈”,《独立报》(1997 年 1 月 19 日)。 34. Susie Steiner,“Twice Shy”,《卫报》(2001 年 3 月 31 日)。 35. AandE.com,同上。 36. 卡罗尔·麦克戴德,“无法逃脱的达西先生”,《独立报》(2000 年 6 月 9 日)。 37. Elizabeth Grice,“他回来了——没有穿马裤”,《电讯报》(2001 年 4 月 3 日)。 38. William Leith,“采访 Colin Firth”,《观察家报》(2000 年 4 月 9 日)。 39. 巴特·米尔斯,“科林·费尔斯谈论 21 世纪的‘傲慢与偏见’”,《电视时报》。 40. Rachel Kelly,“骄傲与激情:科林·费尔斯饰演的达西先生如何成为全国的万人迷”,《伦敦时报》(1995 年 10 月 25 日)。 41. AandE.com,同上。 42. 来源不明;引文待决。 43. 来源不明;引文待决。 44. 来源不明;引文待定。 45. 来源不明;引文待定。 46. 来源不明;引文待定。 47. AandE.com,同上。 48.同上。 49. 来源不明;引文待决。 50. AandE.com,同上。 51.同上。 52.同上。 53.同上。 54.同上。 55.同上。 56.同上。 57.同上。 58.同上。 59.同上。 60.同上。 61.同上。 62.同上。 63.同上。 64.同上。 65.同上。 66. “科林·费斯访谈”(1999)。 67. 麦克戴德,同上。 68. 约翰·卡曼,“奥斯汀的‘骄傲’在 A&E 系列中闪耀迷人的夜晚”,《旧金山纪事报》(1996 年 1 月 12 日)。 69.同上。 70. Gabrielle Donnelly,“我永远和达西先生在一起”,NOW 杂志(2001 年 4 月 25 日)。 71. 斯坦纳,同上。


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