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分类:剧情 / 音乐 /  美国  2022 

简介: 影片故事设定在古典音乐的世界,主人公莉迪亚·塔尔(凯特·布兰切特 饰)被视为现今


塔尔影评:And what she might be after.Langsam,ruhevoll,empfunden,(Languid,peaceful,deeply felt.)缓慢,平静,充满感情.

1.Lydia Tar:Time is the essential piece of interpretation.时间是转译中最本质的东西.
Be specific
Host:As if that's not enough,her new book,Tar on Tar,will be published by Nan Talese's at Doubleday双天书局 just n time for Christmas,a perfect stocking stuffer一个绝佳的礼物,especially if you have a very large stocking.
Lydia,I couldn't help but see you flinch just a alittle bit as I was reading your bio.Was it because I forgot some other amazing achievement?Or do you have a slight self-consciousness about the incredibly varied things that you've accomplished?
Lydia:Well,in today's world,"varied,"it's a dirty word.I mean,our era is one of specialists,事业专业性很强,and if you're trying to do more than one thing,it's,you know,it's often frowned upon.可能别人就会皱起眉头.
Host:Evety artist gets typecast.每一位艺术家都有自己的专长.
Lydia:Oh,yes.Aggressively so.非常对.
Host:Well,do you think there'll be a moment,though,when the classical music community,uh,decides not to use sexual distinctions to differentiate artists?
Lydia:I'm probably the wrong person to ask since I dont read reviews.
Lydia:No.But it is odd,I think,that anyone ever felt compelled to substitute "maestro" with "maestra"用女音乐家来代替音乐家是迫不得已很奇怪.I mean,we dont call women astronauts "astronettes."But as to the question of,uh,gender bias性别歧视,I really have nothing to complain about.Nor,for that matter,should Marin Alsop美国指挥家与小提琴家,JoAnn Falletta美国指挥家,uh,Laurence Equilbey法国指挥家 and Nathalie Stutzmann法国女低音和指挥家.I mean,there's so many incredible women who came before us.You know,women who did the real lifting.那批女性才是真正的开拓者.
Host:That's facinating.Can you,Who,for instance?
Lydia:Ok,uh,first and forermost,Nadia Boulanger法国音乐教育家,作曲家,指挥家,I mean,that would be the happy example.Th sad one would be Antonia Brico(名言:I do noy call myself a woman conductor...I call myself a conductor who happens to be a woman.) who be all accounts an incredible conductor,but was ghettonized into the non-glamorous status of a "guest conductor" and essentially treated as a dog act.
Host:A dog...uh,she never got the chance to lead a major onchestra?
Lydia:Well,yes,yes,she did, uh,conduct.the Berlin Philharmonic,as well as the Met.but again,only as a guest conductor.You know,at,I mean,at that timen it was all gender spetacle性别有色眼镜.But fortunately,times change,and the Pauline conversion地位互换 not completely,then it's evolving nicely正在进行中.
Host:No less,um,having fallen off its horse.Um,Lydiamcould we talk a little bit about,uh,traslation?演绎作品.I think there're still people who think of the conductor as a kind of human metronome.打拍子.
Lydia:Well,yeah,that's partly true.
Host:Yeah,but it's...
Lydia:But keeping time掌控时间,it's no small thing,
Host:But I suspect there's a lot more to it than that.
Lydia:Yeah,well,I would hope so,yes,but time is the thing.Time is the essential piece of,uh,interpretation.时间之这种转译中最本质的东西.You cannot start without me.See,I start the clock.Now, my left hand shapes做出手势,but my right hand marks time and moves it forward.However,unlike a clock,sometimes my second hand stops.which means that time stops.Now,the illusion is that,like you,I'm responding to the orchestra in real time making the decision about the right moment to restart the thing,or reset it,or throw time out the window altogether.The reality is that right from the very beginning,I know precisely what time it is.
Lydia:That's and the exact moment that you and I will arrive at our destination together.You know,the only real,uh,discovery for me is in rehearsal,it's never,never in performance.
Host:Hard question,I know,but if you could define one thing that Bernstein gave you,what would it be?
Lydia:Kavvanah.Yes,it's the Hebrew word for attention to meaning or intent.意思是专注或意图.You know,what are the composer's priorities (what are they be after),and what are yours,and how do they complement one another互相补充.
Host:Right,kavvanah(心灵的方向),I think that's a word that will have a slightly different meaning for many in our audience.(观众嘘声)
Lydia:Well,yes,yes,I imagine so.
Host:Am I right in thinking that a conductor was not always,uh,an on stage presence and classical music?
Lydia:Yes, the first violinist,whether they had any interest or skill in it or not.不管他们是喜欢还是有能力来指挥.
Host:When did that change and who changed it?
Lyida:With the French composer,Jean Baptiste Lully,who reportedly,uh,used a rather enormous rather pointy stuff to pound the tempi into the floor.It's not something I imagine the players particularly,uh,appreciated.Uh,anyway,that technique ended during a performance,when Lully accidentally stabbed himself in the floor with the thing and died.Yeah,of gangrene.伤口溃烂.Aha,but anyway,yeah(观众鼓掌).Anyway,but the conductor really becomes essential as ensembles get bigger规格配置变大.And once again,we go back to Beethoven,ba ba ba ba ba ba,that doesnt start with the eight note.the dowm beat is silent,right?So someone had to start that clock.Someone had to plant their flag in the sand,and say,"Follow me双降调",you know.And when that someone was Lenny,the orchestra was led on the most extraodinary tour of pleasures.Casue he knew the music,Mahler马勒奥地利作曲家 especially,as well or better than anyone.马勒最懂音乐.And he would often play with the form.cause he wanted an orchestra to fell that they had never see,let alone heard or perfomed any of that music.So he would do radical things.like disregarding the tempo无视音乐原速,or ending this phrase molto ritardando,或者以忽然慢速结束一个乐句,even though it had no such marking,尽管乐谱上完全,没有这样的标记符号.
Host:Was he over egging it?那会是做的太过了吗?
Lydia:Oh,nonono,Not at all.He celebrated the joy of his discovery.他是在庆祝发现的喜悦.
Host:You tol us a moment ago,that your discovery takes place in rehearsal.When will that process begin again for you?
Lydia:We start on Monday.With this one,it really,is about trying to read the tea leaves of Mahler's intention,是真的要从蛛丝马迹中研究马勒的意图了.I mean,we know a great deal about his other symphonies.交响乐的事.You know,he was so inspired be the poetry of Ruckert吕克特(德国诗人)that for yeas he didnt set another author to music,设立过别的音乐主题.But all of this changes with the Five,马勒第五曲.The Five is a mystery.And the only clue he leaves us is on the cover of the manuscript itself.Yes,the dedication to his wife,Alma,So,if you wanto go with Mahler,on his fifth symphony.the first thing you must do is try to understand that every complex marriage.
Host:What would you say that you have a different interpretation of that marriage than Bernstein did?
Lydia:You mentiioned my ethnographic feildwork in the Amazon.民族志学(人类学和社会学的分支,注重社群研究)田野调查.Well,Adam,the Shipibo-konibo柯尼波人only recieve an icaro,or song,if the singer is there,只有歌手在场唱歌在能接受到一首icaro歌曲,on the same side of the spirit that created it.在创作的时候才能与创作者的意志相重合.And in thatway,the past and the present converge,it's the flip sides of the same cosmic coin.这恰好是宇宙硬币的两面.That definition of fidelity makes sense to me.这种忠诚度是我要的.But Lenny,he believed in teshuvah.通过忏悔回归上帝.The Talmudic power to reach back into time.<塔木德经>中回到过去的力量.and trasform the significance of one's past deeds.So when he played the Adagietto at Rovert Kennydy's funeral,it ran for 12 minutes.He treated it as a mass.他把它看成一首弥撒.You will no doubt feel the tragedy and the pathos.And of course,that,inerpretation was very true for Mahler late in life after the professional bottom dropped out.事业失败.And Alma had left him for Gropius.格罗佩斯.But,as I said before,we are dealing with time.And thid piece was not into aching tragedy这首曲子不
是为了玩剜心之痛而创造的.It was born into young love.
Host:And so you chose?
Host:Right,but precisely how long?
Lydia:Well,seven munites.


3.What does love teache me?Langsam,ruhevoll,empfunden,(Languid,peaceful,deeply felt.)缓慢,平静,充满感情.

4.Free bowing,自由射弓.There's no glory for a turin.机器人不会有荣耀.Do your own thning.

5.Schopenhauer measured a man's intelligence against his sensitivity to noise.叔本华衡量一个人的智力,取决于其对噪音的敏感程度.

6.I was attacked.Thank you.I'm fine,really.Should've seen the other guy.你们该看看袭击我的人的惨样.

7.女友:Sharin,女儿:Petra,助理:Franchesca,大提琴:Olga,Suicide前任:Krista Taylor.

8.Lydia:Lets talk about the composer's intence with this piece,And what she might be after.


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