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原名:Horizon: Did Cooking Make Us Human又名:Did the discovery of cooking make us human?

分类:纪录片 /  英国  2010 

简介: 本部纪录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档,以探讨烹饪对人类进化演变起到何种影响为命



once cooking enabled the gut to become smaller,then the energy spared from looking after the gut was made available to the brain a very expensive organ that certainly needs to be fuelled from somewhere.
So it seems likely that what cooking did was make those big brains possible.But the big brain which has served us so well is now causing us great problems in the 21st century.
We are left programmed to eat energy-rich, sweet, fatty foods.

烹饪使人类的肠胃变小 多余的能量就不用供给胃部 直接供给脑部了 这么耗能的器官 当然需要能源补给了 很可能正是烹饪 让人类大脑得以进化 但是我们一向表现良好的大脑 却为21世纪的我们带来了大麻烦 我们本能地想吃高能的 甜的 脂肪高的食物

The experiment shows that over millennia, we have evolved a battery of antennae to further our quest for fatty food. We in the modern world have used our hungry brains
to create an environment in which we can we eat what we want,
where we want,and when we want.
Here we are in the 21st century the foods that come out of our supermarkets are always, every year, more energy-rich than before.
We're constantly exposed to foods that give us tremendous amounts of energy and we can't resist them. That big, hungry brain, that's done so much to make us who we are is in danger of destroying us.
Modern humans have come a long way since our ancestors survived on a diet of raw fruit and vegetables.Our food has helped us
overcome the disadvantage of being relatively puny.But maybe it's the discovery of cooking which has equipped us with brains big enough to take over the planet.

实验证明 数千年来 我们进化出一连串本能反应 来增强我们对高脂食物的欲望 现代化的我们 用我们饥渴的大脑 创造出了新世界 我们可以随意地吃 随地地吃 随时地吃 我们已经进入了21世纪 出现在超市里的食品 年复一年地更加富含能量 我们每日都暴露于 高能食品的诱惑之下 根本无法抵挡 这颗饥饿的大脑 对造就人类有过卓越贡献
却也将我们推入毁灭边缘 自我们的祖先以生蔬果维生起 现代人类走过了漫长的进化之路 我们的食物帮助我们战胜了 体型弱小的弱点 但可能 正是烹饪的诞生 才让我们进化出一个强力的大脑 从而掌控地球


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