傲骨贤妻 第三季

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原名:The Good Wife又名:“法”妻(港) / 法庭女王(台) / 律政巾帼 / 傲骨娇妻

分类:剧情 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 /  美国  2011 



傲骨贤妻 第三季影评:Diane安慰Eli,关于S03E09的劝酒戏

ELl: We're out of the cheese business.
The dairy people want a change of direction.
They're going with Stacie Hall.
I explained she made no sense as she represents fruit too, but they felt a nonsensical plan made more sense than I did.
I need something to drink.
Well, don't get morose.
Why not? It deserves a little wallowing, don't you think? Four or 5 million a year between us? Nora, why don't I have Scotch? Win them back.
Oh, yes, you're right.
What was I thinking? Do men really have that much success in their life that the first setback that comes along, they get all weepy? I'm not weepy.
I'm I'm tired.
It's hard doing this.
I don't sleep at night.
I stare at the clock.
I think about nothing else, and it's not productive time, it's stare-at-the-clock time.
You can always give up.
Can I just have a minute to feel bad for myself? Yes, I'm sorry.
I don't like losing.
I'm always looking for when things start to turn south.
What if it's now? Eli, we're gonna wallow for a few hours now.
We'll drink.
I'll put you in a cab.
You will sleep it off.
You won't feel good in the morning.
You will come in late, but you will come in.
We'll sit, we'll talk.
You've been lording it over us up until now.
- I have not.
- Yes, you have.
Don't argue.
You are brilliant, but you're not God's gift.
We'll sit and talk.
We'll hatch a plan.
And Stacie Hall is going to rue the day, and that's a fact.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

这期的题目是Whiskey Tango Foxtrot,我本来以为是Diane劝酒和Eli没有团队精神的梗,没想到我还是想多了,不管是军事电波暗语WTF,还是有些剧评媒体写的what the face,都是蛮妙的,每个人物这集都挺焦头烂额的,Will被法官迎头痛击外加成为州检察官的目标,Eli的cheese案黄了,Alicia和Jackie反目。种种。



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