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分类:剧情 / 传记 / 历史 /  意大利   1973 

简介: 本片讲述的是巴伐利亚国王Ludwig II的历史故事,从他1864年加冕直到18



He is so young,but it is as if he has got to the end of his life without having lived it.His ambitions are dipped in bitterness.They have turned into sorrow and fear.He is extremely lonely.He does not sleep for more than two hours a night.He is unable to rest.He was desperately looking for happiness in something unreachable and security in what outside the rules.
What's wrong with that?The world around us is unbearable and miserable.Men are only after material security,nothing else.They are ready to lose their lives in order to achieve that.I want to be free!Free to look for happiness in the unreachable.But unlike my brother,I try to act upon my thoughts.That is why I abandoned this silly war that I was not able to prevent.I am not a coward!I hate lies.I want to live in truth,always.
Forgive me,Sire.Allow a common man to express his opnion.Your majesty said that he wants to live in truth.But I think what you meant is that you want to live as a free man following your instincts and your tastes without hypocrisy or lies.Am I right?In my opinion,the truth doesn't have anything to do with this search for the unreachable.When freedom is a privilege of the few,it does not have anything to do with real freedom,the same freedom that belongs to every man and that each of us has the right to hold on to.We live in a world where there are no innocents,where nobody has the right to judge anybody,I am speaking as a friend.The generosity that your majesty showed me when we were both younger gives me the courage to speak my mind as men do with each other.I am a soldier who was left alone on the battlefield at a time of danger and bitterness.But I do not feel neither contempt nor rancor for the king who abandoned me.Instead,I feel great pity.My king thinks he has made a brace decision,but he is mistaken if he thinks he can find happiness outside the rules and the duties of men.Those who love life cannot afford to search for the unreachable but have to be extremely careful.This is true even for a monarch.Even for a monarch,because the great power that a monarch has is limited by the boundaries of the society of which he is part.Who could ever be able to follow him outside those boundaries?Certainly not the weak and humble whose only worry is to find security,both material and moral.The same security your majesty was talking about with such contempt.The only ones following him will be those who see freedom as a search for pleasure beyond any moral boundary.No,you surely do not want this.Being followed only by despicable servants,exploiters,traders of illusions.No,I do not believe it.You Majesty cannot like such breed who would take advantage of his generosity and would try to deceive him.Why would a young person,who has a whole life ahead of him not be tempted to find a different reason to live?Even if it is difficult because it is the one of common people who accept mediocrity.It takes a lot of courage to accept mediocrity for somebody who is pursuing sublime ideals beyond this world.I know it.But it is the only way to be saved from a terrible loneliness.
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