主厨的餐桌 第一季

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原名:Chef's Table又名:一厨一世界

分类:纪录片 /  美国  2015 

简介: Netflix美食纪录片.影片分别记录了来自意大利,美国,阿根廷,澳大利亚,瑞典


主厨的餐桌 第一季影评:Francis Mallmann:所谓登峰造极 大概就是这样了

很少直接从纪录片里摘抄原句,然而看完了这一集之后的几个月,耳边总是时不时会响起这位已然登峰造极的南美大厨说过的诸多金句。 关于人生,关于成长,关于事业,关于自我,关于人际。他前半生作为主厨扬名立万,后半生与其说是主厨,更不如说是热爱食物的诗人、哲学家。面对镜头娓娓道来的几段话,想想如果换个人,连打过草稿都说不了这么好。原汁原味既以如此掷地有声,又何必再拾人牙慧打散再包装。I will simply take it down in its raw form, may these words support you through the hard moments in your life, may the wisdom beneath inspire you down the road.


I don't know where I live
For the last 30 years, I take an average of 4 or 5 airplanes a week
So I am sitting on a plane and I am changing locations probably every two days
It's just like a drug for me
I need this constant change of structures of people and ambiences and languages
They are very inspring
they are very romantic
They make me breathe
They make me... tremble
They make me live


I seldom invite people to have lunch or dinner with me
but they are really chosen
because I can't spend time with people that i don't enjoy
I can't do any more theater
I make choices
And that's a beautiful thing about growing up, learning to say no
In a nice way, but you say no
I have this friend of mine, he was in the island in fact, thirty years ago when we just started
And we parted, you know, we just went different ways in our lives
Once, he came back to me, and says, Francis you don't like me anymore
And I said, no, it's not that I don't like you, we've chosen different styles of life
I still have this beautiful souvenirs of all the things we did together, and how close we were, and so on,
but the truth is, it's not that you bore me,
but I don't enjoy talking to you anymore,
and I don't want to fight with you,
but you know, there's nothing in common between your life and mine nowadays
I would have never said that to him, but he asked me
So what could I say I said the truth
But you know, growing up has a bit to do with that too,
to be able to tell the truth to show who you are, even if it hurts


Every person that works for you
You have to let it go in the best moment
When, he and you, are in the happiest moment
When, he and you think, that you are doing your best
They have to go
Because, from there on, there is only one way, which is down
And if that person stays, and he says, God, this is a comfortable chair, I have nice salary, good job,
and from there, he would get bored
I think it's important that he goes on, and somebody else will come up
And that transfer of energy, of work, makes a little difficult moment,
but then, it passes
And new people grow up to it

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