小恶鬼Mauvais esprit(2003)

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分类:喜剧  地区:法国   年份:2003 

主演:蒂埃里·莱尔米特 Ophélie Winter 让-马利·文灵 

导演:帕特里克·亚力桑德罗 / 帕特里克·亚力桑德罗 Patrick Alessandrin/Laurent Chouchan

帕特里克·亚力桑德罗 Patrick Alessandrin/Laurent Chouchan




乐比TV为您提供2003年由蒂埃里·莱尔米特,Ophélie Winter,让-马利·文灵主演,帕特里克·亚力桑德罗导演的《小恶鬼》/原名《Mauvais esprit》/又名《人细鬼坏 / Mean Spirit》喜剧 电影在线观看完整版,《小恶鬼》百度云网盘资源以及《小恶鬼》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《小恶鬼》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

文森特·波莱尔(Thierry Lhermitte 饰)是一家大型建筑公司的老板,他事业有成,春风得意,妻子克莉丝蒂(Ophélie Winter 饰)美丽迷人

Plot Summary:Simon is a down-on-his luck artist who gets no breaks from any quarter. While out working as a street sketch artist, he stumbles across the construction site for a new museum that is very obviously stolen from a design he created as an architecture student. Enraged, he storms into the office of architect Vincent Porel and demands an explanation, but is immediately hauled out by security. When the police arrive to arrest Simon, he makes a break for freedom, only to be accidentally struck down in the street by Porel himself. As Simon lays dying on the hood of Porel's car, his soul is transferred into the body of a newborn baby, none other than Porel's own son, born at that very instant. Remembering his past and realizing that he is now in the care of the man who stole his work and killed him, Simon resolves to make his new father's life hell.


酸辣小星星 • 很好玩

实在是很好笑。 小鬼长得可爱的不得了。 故事也显得相当有创意。 就是下载版本的字幕竟然是用




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