梅赛德斯先生 第三季

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原名:Mr. Mercedes又名:宾士先生 / 奔驰先生 / 梅塞德斯先生

分类:科幻 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 /  美国  2019 

简介: Mr. Mercedes第三季主要改编自斯蒂芬·金小说三部曲中的第二部Finde


梅赛德斯先生 第三季影评:第三集 Lost Love(更新到第五集)

第五集 Great Balls of Fire
之前有点小瞧控方律师Ms. Pace了,刚出场的时候。上集庭论开始觉得她很有激情,辩论有理有据。而这一集她召Hodges到庭提问,知道Hodges是辩方的王牌证人,一招“打蛇打七寸”,稳,准,且狠。
If you had the chance, would you have killed him?
In both cases, you stopped yourself, didn't you, Detective?
Hodges不得不回答确实如此。至于为什么,他只能以“不记得”来搪塞。Ms. Pace犀利地指出,你两次收手,是因为你不想做违法的事,让Brady赢。
...because you did not want to sink to Brady Hartsfield's level. You did not want to be lawless like him.
You even said to be rendered lawless means Brady Hartsfield wins.
Bravo, Ms. Pace, Bravo.说实在的,我现在不想Lou赢下官司了,感觉绝望地非要自由的,是Brady。Holly和Hodges显然也已经意识到了这一点。

第四集 Trial & Terror

控方地检律师Ms Pace先是一句话简单介绍了梅赛德斯案件,接着一个以people为主语的小排比列出了受害人,以及他们可能的身份:母亲,女儿,孩子,婴儿等等。看到这时我在想,这不正说明Brady该杀吗?接着描述了寻找真凶过程的艰难,看过第一季的人都了解当时的凶险和迷雾重重。然后一个“终于”,嫌犯落网,人们等待审判。Lou本来是来指证Brady的,可是她预谋杀了他,这里是以she指代Lou作为主语的一串大排比。最后的中心思想就是Brady的受害人没有得到应有的了结,这个了结应该以Brady坐牢甚至死刑为终点。

Ms Pace:
A little over four years ago, Brady Hartsfield stole a Mercedes S 600 and diliberately drove it into a crowd of people. People who were standing innocently in line to attend a jobs fair. People a bit down on their economic luck, hoping to turn a corner. They stood in line. Daughters. Mothers. Boys. Men. Babies. Innocent people. And he mowed them down, maimed many more. We're still so stuck in that day. The police couldn't catch the monster. So we just lost hope. Evil had won out, so it seemed. But then we did get him, a foiled attempt to kill a hundred, maybe a thousand more at an arts gala. The monster was caught. He needed medical treatment, so we'd have to wait until he was healed before we put him on trial. So we waited. And waited and waited and waited. Finally, the day came. We had Brady Hartsfield in a courtroom. The community of Bridgeton, the victims stood poised to finally get the closure we were all so desperate for. Lou Linklatter, the defendant, she was in the courtroom that day giving testimony against Brady. But as the evidence will show, she was not about to concern herself with anyone's need for closure. She was not here for law and order. She was here for revenge. And vengeance she got. She pulled out a 3-D printed gun which she herself made, walked right up to him calmly, said, "I do not forgive you, " and she then blew out Brady Hartsfield's brains. Witnesses, you will hear from some, say that as Brady lay there, he looked almost at peace. A smile, even, on his face. Maybe he sensed he'd won in a way. No prison. No suffering. No facing the wrath of those he so devastated. He was spared. Spared a trial, spared prison time, spared having to face down the pain of all his victims. She spared him. People who waited so long to address the monster and make him see, make him feel their anguish. They didn't get that. She took that from them. She took the law in her own hands and committed premeditated murder. That is not in dispute. Now, we know who and what Brady Hartsfield was. And we know who the defendant is, a victim of Brady's, who let herself be overtaken by her rage. And we know what the law is, don't we? Now, if you really think about it, the only thing we don't know here is, which this trial will ultimately decide, is "who are you?"


What the district attorney left out, Brady Hartsfield wasn't in court that day to stand trial for his sins. It was a competency hearing where Brady was seeking to avoid being held accountable, and as that was going on, the federal government had issued a habeas corpus motion to take control of him so that they could put Mr. Mercedes in a hospital, study him to help chart medical progress on the brain. Brady Hartsfield wasn't destined for prison or the death penalty. He was headed for "60 Minutes". He was going to be celebrated, a poster boy for the miracles of modern medicine. Ms. Pace talks about closure. Honestly, I don't even know what that means. Vindication, revenge, getting even? What's closure? My best guess is it's this feeling of settling the score somehow. Lou Linklatter settled a score, one that this justice system was not willing to address. Put him in a cushy hospital room. Give him three squares. Let him help doctors win peace prizes? That is not the score the victims of the jobs massacre had in mind. It is most certainly not closure! Ms. Pace wants to prioritize Brady's victims today, make sure their nees are met. Who do you think gave them what they crave most? The judicial process? Or Lou Linklatter?


Lou真的是越来越像Brady了。最后这一幕向律师建议召Holly作证人,说话的神态,肢体动作,唱那首Holly Holy(Neil Diamond)时的样子,都活生生的,是Brady再现。她提议传唤Holly作证时也有一大段独白,这里词汇的选择已经不是Lou的风格,而完全是Brady。尤其是中间律师想打断她时,她吼出的那句;I'm not finished。悚然,怪异。

所以Hodges梦中的Lou变成了女巫,要架在火上烧吧。大概在他的潜意识中,Lou已经有了危险的苗头。在这个梦中,Rothstein说要召回恶魔,因为没有恶魔就没有上帝。喻意大概是Brady死后还有别的魔鬼在世间游荡,比如杀了Rothstein的Morris(他真是喜欢听Black Keys的歌),也许这个恶魔也指Lou。
Morris在Sauber家中的时候,心都提到了嗓子眼。气氛极度紧张。所以他们没找到东西后的plan B到底是什么呢?



第三集 Lost Love
到现在为止,一集杀一个人的节奏:第一集的文豪,第二集好心没好报的修理工,这一集Alma怒砍丹妮尔,就像Alma说的,We're all sick。可千万别找上捡到钱的小男孩啊,让大胡子男主先找到他吧——祈祷中。
邻居艾达与文豪还有过一段过往,这一集的标题lost love说的就是她吧。Jereme开始研究文豪留下的信件等文档,对破案可能会提供线索。这种凶手已知的侦探剧也蛮好看,就看双方斗智
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