布莱克书店 第一季

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原名:Black Books又名:黑书 / 布莱克书店

分类:喜剧 /  英国  2000 

简介: 伯纳·布莱克(迪兰·莫兰 Dylan Moran 饰)是伦敦最荒唐的书店店主。他


布莱克书店 第一季影评:It's not Dylan Moran.


Dylan Moran的推特内容。个人感觉妙语如珠,翻译了些来玩儿。但是一旦翻成中文,感觉也没那个味道了。

Most everything on twitter can be summarized adequately by the phrase "I've got nothing to say."

Grapefruit is one of worst tasting things I've had. Eating one is like punishing yourself with health.

People, if left alone, will only remember the good stuff. Those 45 seconds you weren't breathing through your mouth and spouting bigotry.
(如果孑然一人,那只会想起美好的回忆。那45秒,你不会用嘴呼吸,会磨损掉自己的顽固。*额 什么意思 看不太懂*)

Never ask people if they missed you. You're forcing them to think about how much they didn't miss you.

Want to know if someone is obsessive-compulsive?

I don't really know traditional jokes. People often begin with things like "3 nuns walk into a bar" and I think to myself "no, they didn't."

True freedom is getting to the age where you just don't give a shit anymore.

I don't understand salad.

True adulthood isn't when one turns whatever age, it begins at the moment one begins to fathom the depths of their own ignorance.

Every man, at some point feels that they would have made a very excellent spy.

As you get older, you begin to actively enjoy scowling. You practice in front of the mirror to get that perfect blend of anger and disgust.Then you start scowling at things. You sit in front of screens, yelling at the news for hours, and being perfectly happy in your misery.

Cheesecake is the purest form of love.

Yogurt I think is inherently funny. It's a delightfully mediocre choice for both food and fun.

I find it amusing that people often say "You only live once" while doing things specifically designed to kill them.

Some people are like slinkies. They exist to give you pleasure when you push them down the stairs.

You know why the samples are free? Because they're shite. That's why they're free.

There's nothing more depressing than going shopping and seeing the people waiting in line for free samples.

Neck tattoos aren't really neck tattoos. They're more like eternal job-stoppers.

Congratulations, you're not dead. Because it's not fun. A bit of a downer, actually. 6 feet to be precise.
(祝贺你,你还没死。因为这并不好玩。其实还有点让人郁闷,准确地说是6英尺。*what does that mean><*)

Whatever you are doing, it's always best to start with baked goods.

to be continued.


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