米兰达 第三季

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分类:喜剧 /  英国  2012 

简介: 身高一米八三、身形魁梧、胃口极佳、常常被人误叫做“sir”的名副其实的女汉子Mi


米兰达 第三季影评:你们嫌弃的Miranda

Miranda was born on 14 December 1972 in Torquay, Devon, the daughter of Captain David Hart Dyke RN and Diana Margaret Luce.[5] Her father was commanding officer of HMS Coventry when it was sunk by the Argentinians in the 1982 Falklands conflict, and he was badly burned in trying to escape the stricken warship. She has a younger sister, Alice Louisa Hart Dyke (born 1975).

Hart descends from barons, marquesses, earls, and dukes,[5] but she has stated that she hates saying that she is from an aristocratic background and does not consider herself upper class.[6] Hart added that her genealogy can be traced back to the 12th century and that her aunt and uncle (Sarah and Guy Hart Dyke) live in a castle which they cannot afford to run.[citation needed]

Her paternal family can be traced through her grandfather, the Reverend Eric Hart Dyke. Her paternal great-great-great-grandfather was cricketer and Rector Thomas Dyke. Hart's patrilineal great-great-great-great-grandfather was Sir Percival Hart Dyke, 5th Baronet (1767–1846). Her distant cousin, the 10th and present baronet, Sir David Hart Dyke,[7] lives in Canada. One of her first cousins is plant hunter Tom Hart Dyke, creator of the World of Gardens at Lullingstone Castle.

Her maternal grandfather was Sir William Luce (1907–1977), who was Commander-in-Chief and Governor of Aden (1956–60).[6] Her mother's only sibling is The Rt Hon The Lord Luce, a former Conservative MP and Minister, later HM Governor and Commander in Chief of Gibraltar (1997–2000) and Lord Chamberlain of the Royal Household (2000–06). Richard's son, the journalist and author Edward Luce, is one of Miranda Hart's first cousins.

Her great-uncle, the brother of her maternal grandfather, was Admiral Sir David Luce, who served as First Sea Lord. The father of David and William, Miranda Hart's great-grandfather, was Rear Admiral John Luce. John's brother, her great-great-uncle, was Major General Sir Richard Harman Luce, who served as Member of Parliament for Derby from 1924–29.

Her other maternal great-grandfather (through William's wife Margaret Napier) was Vice Admiral Sir Trevylyan Napier, who was the Commander-in-Chief, America and West Indies Station (1919–20). His wife, Miranda's great-grandmother, was Mary Elizabeth Culme-Seymour, daughter of Sir Michael Culme-Seymour, 3rd Baronet, Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom (1901–20). Both the Culme-Seymours were implicated in the Mylius affair.

Hart is a fourth cousin, twice removed, of Diana, Princess of Wales. Their common ancestors were George Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer and his wife Lavinia Spencer, Countess Spencer.

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