
6.0 还行

原名:Komisario Palmun erehdys又名:Inspector Palmu's Error

分类:喜剧 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 /  芬兰  1960 

简介: 赫尔辛基富有、好色而臭名昭著的花花公子布鲁诺,在主持完一场以犯罪为主题的聚会之后


神探帕穆的错误影评:[Film Review] Inspector Palmu's Mistake (1960)

A vintage murder mystery from Finland, based on Mika Waltari’s popular novel. Inspector Palmu (Rinne) is a slightly grumpy, Stalin lookalike, as all those iconic screen sleuths, he is intuitively astute, whip-smart and cannot suffer fools gladly, he can smell foul play after a single look at the lock on the door, and throw back talk like nobody’s business.

Before the decadent fop Bruno Rygseck (Jurkka) is found dead in the bathroom (a lavish one with a leisure pool), we glimpse a gathering of friends the night before, where the soon-to-be victim dresses up as the Grim Reaper, an antic prefiguration enhanced by the impression of a stiff-looking manservant Veijonen (Kuuranne, Gothically saturnine), who becomes an obvious suspect after acting strangely and flubbing his memory, the first red herring.

Director and scenarist Matti Kassila is well versed in the modus operandi of a whodunit, every suspect has something to hide, which can be traced by their individual temperaments. It is a smorgasbord of one-note performers, a buffoonish lush Aimo (Siimes) and his seemingly innocuous sister Airi (Salo), whose finance Erik (Oravisto, showing horrible teeth) is a humorless square. There is Bruno’s harpy aunt Amalia (Saara Ranin, a hairy mole near her mouth almost steals her thunder) and his estranged wife Alli (Mantsas) who has a proclivity of hysteria. Also obliviously join the fold is a meet-cute between an appealing socialite Irma (Pohjanpää) and a name writer Laihonen (Riuttu). Ergo, it requests some quality time to suss the whole ensemble, plus subtitle-reading does not help.

So just when audience gets a rough picture of who is who, Kassila cunningly muddies the waters by introducing a second murder and in the person of Palmu’s two goofy, none-the-wiser assisting detectives Virta and Kokki (Matti Ranin, Saara’s son and Jokela), several possible scenarios are sketched out (to further complicate the myth), but one might wonder, what is Palmu’s titular mistake? That part is lost on me.

Proficiently carving out Palmu’s investigation with a keen eye on mobility and composition, Kassila asserts himself as a competent filmmaker and raconteur. INSPECTOR PALMU’S MISTAKE takes a dim view on the wealthy class, whose empty life is rife with caprice, debauchery, deceit, blackmailing, venality and lunacy. In toto, the film doesn’t take itself or the murder cases too seriously, Osmo Lindeman’s arch score is a boon, a sense of humor always breathes in amid the macabre affairs and the routine procedures, the culprit is a joke but you can see the inspiration of psycho-biddy from here, a fun watch, but if there is anything endemically Finnish, Yours Truly needs some enlightenment.

referential entries: George Pollock’s MURDER AT THE GALLOP (1963, 5.9/10); Aki Kaurismäki’s LE HAVRE (2011, 8.3/10).

English Title: Inspector Palmu's Mistake
Original Title: Komisario Palmun erehdys
Year: 1960
Country: Finland
Language: Finnish
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Director/Screenwriter: Matti Kassila
based on the novel by Mika Waltari
Music: Osmo Lindeman
Cinematography: Olavi Tuomi
Editing: Elmer Lahti
Joel Rinne
Matti Ranin
Leo Jokela
Elina Pohjanpää
Matti Oravisto
Pentti Siimes
Elina Salo
Leo Riuttu
Aino Mantsas
Leevi Kuuranne
Saara Ranin
Jussi Jurkka
Risto Mäkelä
Arvo Lehesmaa
Toivo Mäkelä
Rating: 7.1/10


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