
6.0 还行

原名:Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei又名:好日子到头了 / 大教育家 / 好景不再 / 替天行盗 / The Edukators

分类:剧情 / 爱情 / 犯罪 /  德国   2004 

简介: 故事发生在德国当代,简(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰),皮特(斯



Fear is an awesome drug. Don't let fear take control. Use it as a motor. It takes practice. Put urself into a situation where u'r scared stiff. First there's panic. But after a while, the body's self-protection system kicks in. U do things u never dared. U overcome ur limitations. U believe u can do anything.-Do u kno◇◇w it or think it?-I know it. Done it a thousand times. 

" …30岁以下左的人,是没灵魂的人;30 岁以上还在左的,是没大脑的人。…一切就是这么不知不觉地发生,有一天你就结婚、生了孩子,责任跟着来,为让孩子生活有安全感,于是贷款买房子,再来过着段清还贷款的日子,然后有一天去投票,你竟然发现,自己把票投给了保守党…"

Just like what the rich one said, agree to some thoughts but can't agree to the actions. The three young are just to aggressive. The movie skill is rough, no marvelous stunt, no special sound effect, but it was nominated for a series of awards. Then it must have a inspiring content. At first, I could only grasp the point that it was all about the young cynics who have to kidnap a rich by a clunch of accidents. It showed me a debate about the slums and the capitalism, the psychology of hatred for the rich. Maybe I was brainwashed because I have scarely had sympathy for this sort of things. No matterp how wealthy others are, premisely legally, it's none of your business. It is their own business to decide whether to help the poor, just stay out of the way,,so don't stick your finger into others' pie. If you are eager to help the poor, then work hard and help them yourself. It's naive to rely on others to achieve your goal. Wanna do something? Just strong yourself and go for it. 'cause someone will never change.(SEEMS TO BE STRAYING AWAY FROM THE POINT... :-P )

Until I read some reviews on the movie, I got it that it was not only a social problem but a nationwide, it's about two parts of Germany. Dunno the history well, so it's difficult for me to stand in the director's shoes.
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