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原名:Hustlers又名:艳舞大盗(港) / 舞娘骗很大(台) / 拉客 / 皮条客 / The Hustlers at Scores

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 犯罪 /  美国  2019 

简介: 戴斯特尼(康斯坦斯·吴 Constance Wu 饰)是一名单身母亲,独自拉扯着


舞女大盗影评:“That Hyper-realistic Superheroines Scene”


主导色彩是轻微的紫粉色和暖黄色/橙色。根据色彩心理学,"粉色 "暗示着浪漫和女性化,这给画面增加了一丝幻想,并将这两个女人描绘成近乎超现实的超级英雄;同时,黄色和橙色包裹着她们,特别是在Ramona身上,这将她转变成一个理想化的精力充沛又温暖的人,被Destiny所崇拜。


灯光帮助摄影师Todd Banhazl创造了这个超静态的场景。主灯是一个巨大的背光--一个带有橙色凝胶的24K钨丝灯,放置在三个街区外的一个带有大型建筑起重机的兀鹰上。由于Destiny被Ramona迷得神魂颠倒,钨丝灯给Ramona带来了巨大的华丽的温暖光环。补光灯放在相机的右侧,一个弹跳器正对着他们的脸,把他们皮肤上看到的金色背光反弹回来。在相机的左侧是一个粉红色的LED灯(一个数字Sputnik),它在他们的皮肤、高光和珠宝中描绘出粉红色;它也突出了背景中的空调机。由于更大的光源会产生更多的反射,它帮助场景变得不那么干净,而且接地气,与电影般的锐利形成对比。


对比和平衡得以实现,元素和主题的视觉权重通过一个人造屋顶窗台得到调整。最初,演员们没有什么可坐的,所以一个建有LED灯的窗台进入场景,模仿来自建筑内部的光源。这个场景需要一个白点,让观众的眼睛可以停留在上面,作为一个基点,因为场景的其他部分需要显得超级有色彩和黑暗。这是一种让它变得黑暗而不感到阴暗的方法。此外,托德-班哈兹尔用潘那维申DLX 2拍摄了这个场景;通过使用解调潘那速度镜头,他可以打开镜头,改变一些特性,让捕捉到的图像和镜头更容易闪光,软化黑色和高光的光芒。



In this scene, the construction of mood through cinematography is the greatest attribute that aided in depicting the highlight moment where the two main protagonists are emotionally bonding. The key subtext of this moment is to show how Destiny is becoming intoxicated by Ramona during their first interaction.

The dominant colours are slight purplish-pink and warm yellow/orange. According to the colour psychology, 'pink' suggests romantic and feminine, which adds an ounce of fantasy to the screen, and portrays the two women as nearly hyper-realistic superheroines; Meanwhile, yellow and orange colours wraps around them, especially on Ramona, which transfers her into an idealized energetic yet warm person, being adored by Destiny.

In terms of tonality, this scene is well saturated, which lends a sense of sentimentality, and radiance. In the scene, Destiny has just seen Ramona for the first time after downstairs giving her killer performance. In this scene, Ramona wrapped Destiny up with her giant coast when Destiny asked for a light. Destiny falls in love with Ramona’s halo, basically intoxicated by her. With its saturated tonality, colour choices played their roles well and helped the subjects to burst off the screen, carrying an amount of vibrancy, energy, and warmth which are generating between them.

Lightings helped cinematographer Todd Banhazl to create this hyper-stylized scene. The main light is a giant backlight - a 24K tungsten light with an orange gel, placed three blocks away on a condor with a large construction crane. Since Destiny is so intoxicated by Ramona, the tungsten light gives a big gorgeous warm halo on Ramona. Fill light is placed on the right side of the camera, and a bouncer facing their face, to bounce back the gold backlight that’s seen in their skin. On the left side of the camera is a pink LED light (a digital Sputnik ) which paints the pink in their skin, in the highlights, and in their jewelry; it also highlighted the AC unit in the background. Since bigger light sources can create more reflections, it helped the scene to get a little less clean, and grounded, to contrast with its cinematic sharpness.

Dimensionality depth is well aided by lighting as well. Off to the left behind the air conditioning unit hid a fogger back, it pushes fog which catches the warm backlight, giving the background weighted steam and haze to achieve a Chiaroscuro and Atmospheric perspective combined effect. Moreover, one mover light called a Solaframe is used to paint the background. This theatrical light helped the background buildings that were getting too dull and flat to gain a colour contrasted blue so that the warmer pink-orange characters stand out; it mimics moonlight, hitting on the women, to provide further romance.

Contrast and balance are achieved, the visual weights of elements and subjects are adjusted with an artificial rooftop ledge. Initially, the actors had nothing to sit on, so a built ledge with an LED light that imitates light source coming from inside the building comes into the scene. The scene needs a white point that audience can rest their eyes in and hold on to, as a base, because the rest of the scene needs to appear super colourful and dark. It’s a way to make it dark without it feeling murky. Additionally, Todd Banhazl shot the scene with Panavision DLX 2; by using detune Panna speed lenses he could open up the lenses and change some of the characteristics, allowing captured images and lenses to flare easier, softens the blacks and highlights glow.

Personally, I learned from Banhazl’s cinematography techniques that how to use various light sources and bouncers could help me to create a hyper-stylized scene, and also a balanced scene with needed dimensional weights. I will definitely practices utilizing small and big light sources to deliver the tonality a scene needed and use colour contrast to balance the visual elements or even create dominance.


洛凡 • 舞女
  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.4分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.1分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 7.7分 高清



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