
6.0 还行

原名:Stardust Memories又名:星尘回忆录

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 /  美国  1980 

简介: 桑迪(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)是一个颇有名气的导演,他所拍摄的喜





Sandy: Wait a minute ,don't go, I've got some questions.

ETs:we can't breathe your air.

Sandy: Yeah, at the rate we are going we are not able to ,either. You guys gotta tell me, why is there so much human sufferings?

ETs: This is unaswerable

Sand: Is there a god?

ETs:These are the wrong questions.

Sandy:Look,Here is my point, if there is nothing last, why am I bothering to make films or do anything for that matter?

ETs: We enjoy your films, particularly the early funny ones.

Sandy:But the human condition is so discouraging

ETs:There are some nice moments,too.

Sandy:Yeah, with Doire,

ETs:That's right. And Isabelle, be honest.

Sandy:You prefer Isabelle?

ETs:There is no comparison, She is a mature woman

Sandy:A mature woman? What are you ?My rabbi?

ETs:Hey look I am a super intelligent being.By earth's standards, I have a IQ of 1600.and I can't even understand what you can expect to get from that relationship with Dorie.

Sandy: I loved her.

ETs:Yeah, I know it. two days a month she was the most exciting woman in the world, the rest of the time, she was a basket case. On the other hand Isabelle is some one you can count on.

Sandy: Should I stop making film s and do something that counts.Like helping blind people and becoming a missionary or something?

ETs: Let me tell you, you are not the missionary type, you never last. and it's not that you are the super man, you are a comedian, you wanna do real mankind service? Tell funnier jokes.

Sandy: Yeah, but I gotta find meaning.


这是全片我最喜欢的一个片段。把真实的伍迪艾伦内心的纠结苦闷啥的说的很直接。唉,知识分子总能在他的电影里看到哲学命题。Is there a God?上来就用永恒把人问倒。


这部片子怎么看都有些像是老爷子的自传。不过他忙着自己的事儿的同时,还不忘替人类操心下。可我们人类就是这样的啊,永远有用不完的爱和恨,我们不断想要挣脱自己的格局,现实却告诉我们恪守本分,do you job。所以这就是伍迪老头电影材料的来源。他就是喜欢搞这种人类一思考上帝就发笑的戏码。 按照中国哲学思想的话,伍迪肯定是信道家学说吧,因为在他其他的电影里,你也眼见他没完没了的追问爱恨、生死的缘由边界,存在的意义之类,比如在《曼哈顿》里就信誓旦旦的说,“Because nothing worth knowing can be understood with the mind..Everything really valuable has to enter you through a different opening.If you'll forgive the disgusting imagery."。这几句也是看了这么多伍迪艾伦电影里最喜欢的台词之一了。很好奇他读没读过我们中国老子庄子苏轼呢。

摘录的这个小片段本来是讨论严肃话题,但伍迪就是伍迪,谢谢老天他总有办法让语境不那么沉重,你还是能感受到他的幽默以及浪漫(对话完后,美妙的爵士乐moonlight serenade响起)

你不仅能从此片看到伍迪作为一个艺术大师对自己的电影人生的拷问反思, 还会不禁回忆起自己的人生种种,好似星辰坠向大海,被放逐的心该往哪里去?
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