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分类:剧情 / 同性 / 传记 / 历史 /  英国   1993 

简介: 这是一部现代风格的戏剧,介绍了生于维也纳,在剑桥读书的哲学家Ludwig Wit



只是摘录 + 扭曲了的翻译. 这么短的电影居然看了三个小时.
不评论. 见第二条"扭曲". 不仅仅是艺术.

If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.
- 不间歇性地干点傻×事的人, 通常也干不出什么真正有意义的事情.

In art, it is hard to say anything, as good as saying nothing.
- 对艺术的最好的赞赏就是什么都不说.

Every morning, he begins his work with hope, and every evening he ends in despair. We both have the same feeling, one must understand or die.
- 他每天清晨都在希望中开始探索, 到了夜晚则停止于绝望. 我们[对于世界和真理?]有着相同的认知: 无法理解, 就去死.

Cambridge was miserable. There was no oxygen there.
- 大学校园是无趣的, 那里没有氧气.

The solitude is bliss. I can do more work here in a day than I can in a month around people. Cambridge was absolutely unbearable! A brothel.
- 孤独是种多么宝贵的财富. 在这儿一天可思考的东西比呆在人群里一个月的都多. 大学是一个多么令人无法容忍的地方. 简直是, 妓院.

Where two principles meet which cannot be reconciled with one another, then each calls the other a fool or a heretic.
- 当两种不相容的原则在同一处相遇的时候, 撕扯, 质疑就开始了.

I'm surrounded by people who hate me. The nearness of death brings me the light of life.
- 周遭都是仇视的目光. 死亡的逼近, 带给了我新生的光芒.

I know this world exists. But its meaning is problematic. Am I good or am I evil? When my conscience upsets my equilibrium, then I am not in agreement with something. What is it? Is it the world? Or is it God?
- 我知道这世界存在, 却无法领悟它存在的意义. 我是好的, 还是坏的? 当我的良心[?]动摇着我[认知的?]平衡, 我知道我不再认同某些东西. 不过那是什么? 是这个世界, 还是上帝?

Where I come from there are no adults, and so no doubts.
- 我的家乡没有大人, 所以也没有疑问. [这句要怎么翻译出原来的谐音效果捏.]

We must improve ourselves. That's all we can do to better the world.
- 我们必须要完善自我, 这是我们能为改进这世界所做的全部的/唯一的事情. - 要改变世界, 先让自己强大.

A philosopher is a citizen of no community. - 一个哲学家是没有[不需要?]社交的.

It's what we do and who we are that gives meaning to our words. I can't understand the lion's language, because I don't know what his world is like. How can I know the world a lion inhabits? Do I fail to understand him because I can't peer into his mind?
- 我们语言的意义由[外在的]我们的行为/表现和[内在的]我们本身给予和确定. 我无法理解狮子的语言, 因为我无法知晓狮子的世界是什么样子. 我怎么才能了解一只狮子所处的世界呢? 是因为无法触及它的意识本身所以才认为它无法/难以理解的么?

We imagine the meaning of what we say as something queer, mysterious, hidden from view. But nothing is hidden! Everything is open to view! It's just... it's just philosophers who muddy the waters.
- 我们总是想象着语言背后藏着什么谜一样复杂的奇异的东西. 但事实上没有被藏起来的东西, 一切都是清明可见的. 只是, 只是总有那么一帮总是多想的人[哲学家]搅混了那一池清澈的水.

Philosophy is just a by-product of misunderstanding language!
- 哲学只是被曲解的语言的副产物.

- Is that what you're planning to do for the rest of your life?
- I shall start by committing suicide.
- 你计划着怎么度过你的余生呢?
- 我打算先自杀看看...
[居然无耻地看出笑点= =]

I'm the woman. You are the philosopher.
- 我是个女的, 而你是哲学家...

- You made me feel like a vegetable.
- How could it possibly? It doesn't feel like anything to be a vegetable.
- 你让我有一种变成烂菜叶的赶脚.
- 这怎么可能呢. 菜叶是没有感觉的...

every hour, every day, I keep my feet with the greatest difficulty, and the slightest gust of dishonesty would be enough to bowl me over forever. --That's why people think I'm so strange
- 每天, 每时每刻, 我都在最艰难的路上行走. 即便是最轻最小的坎坷也会让我永远都遭受折磨. 这就是为什么人们都觉得我很怪异.

You're suffering from a terminal case of moral integrity. If you'd just allow yourself to be a little more sinful, you'd stand a chance of salvation.
- 折磨你的, 正是你的节操. 如果你能让自己的节操掉得更干净些, 就可以获得解救自己的机会了.

Philosophy is a sickness of the mind.
- 哲学是一种精神疾病.

At the centre of philosophy, was a picture of the lonely human soul brooding over its private experiences.
- 哲学的核心[本质?] 就是一幅孤独的人反复用心思考个人经验的图画.

This soul is a prisoner of his own body, and he's locked out from contact with others by the walls of their bodies.
- 灵魂被肉体囚禁了, 我试图与外界建立起联系, 却被躯壳束缚了"手脚".

What I meant was that I tried to show the sort of things that philosophy could say, and these aren't really important. What's much more important is all the things it can't articulate.
- 我曾经试图把哲学中可以说的事情说给你们看. 但是能说的那些都不重要. 真正重要的, 反而是那些我们没办法言说的事情.

The meaning of the word is just the way it's used in a particular language game.
- 语言的意义只不过是在特定的语言游戏中特定的使用方式.

Philosophical puzzles arise because we tend to mix up one language game with another.
- 哲学问题正是因为我们试图将多个语言游戏夹杂在一起而产生的.

It's death that gives life its meaning and shape.
- 失去了死亡, 生命将不复其意义与形态.

Let me tell you a little story.

There was once a young man who dreamed of reducing the world to pure logic.
Because he was a very clever young man, he actually managed to do it.
When he'd finished his work, he stood back and admired it.
It was beautiful.
A world purged of imperfection and indeterminacy.
Countless acres of gleaming ice stretching to the horizon.
So the clever young man looked around the world he'd created and decided to explore it.
He took one step forward and fell flat on his back.
You see, he'd forgotten about friction.
The ice was smooth and level and stainless.
But you couldn't walk there.
So the clever young man sat down and wept bitter tears.
But as he grew into a wise old man,
he came to understand that roughness and ambiguity aren't imperfections,
they're what make the world turn.
He wanted to run and dance.
And the words and things scattered upon the ground
were all battered and tarnished and ambiguous.
The wise old man saw that that was the way things were.
But something in him was still homesick for the ice,
where everything was radiant and absolute and relentless.
Though he had come to like he idea of the rough ground,
he couldn't bring himself to live there.
So now he was marooned between earth and ice, at home in neither.
从前有一个年轻人, 他试图在一个纯粹的理论里还原世界真实的面貌.
他是一个非常聪明的年轻人, 非常非常聪明. 聪明到, 他真的做到了.
当他完成了他的工作, 他停下, 回头看并且崇拜着这个结果.
一个完美的, 不存在错误的世界.
就像, 薄薄的冰覆盖在无边的大地上, 一直延续到天的那一边.
审视再三, 他决心开始探索这个由自己构建出的完美的世界.
可是他刚刚迈出步伐, 就摔倒在地上.
但是冰无法提供摩擦力, 因而我们不能在上面行走.
年轻人坐在那里, 心碎了一地.
但是当他渐渐成熟起来, 有一天他终于明白了.
他想跑, 想跳舞.
都是被扭曲的, 被弄脏的, 模棱两可的.
但是在他的心里. 永远视那一片无际的冰原作为自己的故乡, 为之心驰, 为之神往.
那片冰原, 那片冰原. 在那里一切都发着光, 纯粹, 绝对, 没有过多的牵连.
但是, 在那样的地面上, 他无法生存.
他一辈子都徘徊在冰原和地面. 在哪一边都无法归属.

And this was the cause of all his grief.
这, 就是他忧伤的根源.


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