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原名:Hitler's Children又名:希特勒的孩子

分类:纪录片 /  以色列  2011 

简介: 五个名字,记载一段无法抹灭的过去。纳粹德国进行灭种计划,导致六百万名犹太人在十二


希特勒的子孙们影评:What the future holds?

Katrin Himmler - Heinrich Himmler's great-niece (born in 1967)

The negative feelings overwelmed me whenever I left Germany... I dealt with the same problems that other young Germans faced. It wasn't because of my family specifically. I heard from many other people from my generation that when they went abroad, they tried not appear to be German. In other words, not to speak German, not to tell anyone they came from Germany, to try not to stick out, to fit in. We'd be thrilled if they thought we were Dutch or Swedish... The main thing was that no one would think we were Germans. I devoted myself to learning foreign languages so well that no one noticed my German accent.
I tried as much as I could to tie something positive to this name. I tried to correct this history, personally I think. That I no longer have to be ashamed of this family relationship. I did my best to distance myself from it, and to confront it critically. Of course, it never ends. I don't think this process is ever finished... I'm sure I'll be dealing with it for my entire lift, but not as something that always comes first, but more gradually. There are other important things in my life. It feels good to realize that.

Niklas Frank, son of Hans Frank

I don't trust any of you. Who knows? If the economy turns bad again, you might get those ideas again, and follow a strong leader, restrict ethnic minorities, maybe even imprison them. You don't have to call them concentration camps. Here and there you have a little murder, a little killing. Besides, it will create more jobs for the "real" Germans.


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