
6.0 还行

原名:Mulholland Dr.又名:失忆大道(港) / 穆荷兰大道(台) / 黄褐色的旅车 / Mulholland Drive

分类:剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 /  法国   2001 




电影实在太抽象了, 边看我边想:

.. 难道 Betty+Rita都是候选演员在演戏中戏?
..难道Betty=Rita=Camilla=Diane ,一个人的精神分裂?过度自恋?

后来为了理清头绪索性边看边把剧本(screenplay,后附) 扒下来了:


作为神秘学爱好者,之前我曾经说 ,神秘学作品的公式 = 超自然现象+犯罪事件——将两者以不同比例混合就可以得到一个神秘学故事。

只是这里大卫林奇直接把超自然和追梦+女同元素混合起来了。 这你受得了,我傻了。


场景1 Scene 1

The One after the Accident

Act 1 A car driving on Mulholland Dr. crashed, and a lady with black hair/in a black dress survives the accident and sneaks into a housing community, hiding, appearing amnesiac.
Act 3 A Canadian girl named Betty flies to LA to chase her movie star dream, moves into her aunt Ruth's apartment, meeting the landlord lady Coco and bumping into the lady from Act 1 saying her name is Rita.
Act 10 With the address from Yellow Page, the two (Betty & Rita) plan to visit Diane Selwyn's place to find out.
Act 12 Back at their place, Rita rehearses with Betty to help her preparation for an audition. Noticing the unregistered guest, Coco asks Betty take care of the Rita situation. Betty takes a taxi to the audition and then performs spectacularly in front of a film crew led by Mr. Wally Brown, her aunt Ruth's old friend. (also specifies other crew members including Bob Brooker (director). Linnie James (actress, Wally's wife) etc)
Act 15 Back, Rita wears a blonde wig which makes her look noticeably similar to Betty, and sleeps with Betty. Betty says she is love with Rita. Later that night, Rita remembers a bar called Silencio, the two decide to go there, where they find a blue box and Rita's blue key happens to be able to open it.

场景2 Scene 2

The one at Winkie's

Act 2 A slim tall man of a disturbed look, without specified name, talks about some illusion/dream he keeps having recently about this specific Winkie's, passes out after confronting the anonymous black-faced man who he says is responsible
Act 8 The two called the police to check whether there was an accident, and then visit Winkie's, served by a waitress named Diane, Rita claims/remembers her name is Diane Selwyn
Act 20 (Reveal 揭示3) Back at Winkie's Betty (Diane) see a waitress with name tag of Diane. Betty (Diane) goes on talking with the jacket-wearing hippie young man from Act 5, showing Rita (Camilla)'s photo and hinting she's got the money. Betty (Diane) is told she will get the blue key to what she wants after it is done. Betty (Diane) also sees the slim tall guy from Act 2.
(here doesn't explicitly communicate Betty (Diane)'s true intention, what the hippie will do, and what's the key for)

场景3 Scene 3

The One with the Film

Act 4 Adam Kesher the Director discusses casting in a three-party conversation, when Castigliane brothers denies his request for "fair" casting and demand him cast **Camilla** for leading actress
Act 6 Unhappy, mr. Rogue, the behind-curtain boss of Castigliane brothers, calls off the film, and dismisses the crew
Act 9 Informed of being broke, Adam recedes to Cookie's and calls her assistant **Cynthia**, who suggest him meet a cowboy
Act 11 Meeting the cowboy, Adam is once again asked to cast Camilla
Act 13 Thinking Wally is a washout, Linnie takes Betty to a shooting studio where Adam is holding an music video style audition, watching Carol and then Camilla Rhodes. He tells Jason that he'd choose Camilla
Act 17Reveal 揭示1)On set of Adam's film, Rita (Camilla) is the leading actress, but Betty (Diane) supporting. Diane is heart-broken seeing Adam, the frivolous director flirting with Rita (Camilla)

场景4 Scene 4

The one with the Ed's Black Book

Act 5 Murders x 3 committed by a jacket-wearing hippie young man in an apartment to steal the Ed's Black Book: The history of the world...in phone numbers?

场景5 Scene 5

The one at Adam's residence

Act 7 Rejected, Adam came home caught his wife Lorraine cheat with Gene the Clean guy|
Act 19 (Reveal 揭示2) Betty (Diane) goes to the party in the same car from Act 1. At the party where Coco turns out to be Adam's mother, she introduces herself and shares how she met Rita (Camilla) when competing for the same role for a movie. Betty (Diane) was shocked after hearing that Adam announces he plans to marry Camilla, turning her head

场景6 Scene 6

The one at Diane's place

Act 14 The two arrives at the Diane's room no.17, only to finding out a dead woman in the bed.
Act 16 (Closing大结局) The blue box transforms the "reality" to room No.17 where **Betty becomes Diane, and Rita becomes Camilla** , they try to make out on the couch, but ends with a squabble
Act 18 Crying, Betty (Diane) comforts herself on the couch. Later at night, Rita (Camilla) calls Betty (Diane) if she'd come to a party at 6980 Mulholland Drive, which turns out to be Adam's residence
Act 21 (Ending) Having opened the blue box with the blue key, Betty (Diane) met the same anonymous black-faced man from Act2, losing her mind, her reality is haunted by the couples from her memory who she met taking the same flight from Canada. Unbearable, she shoots herself.

最后再对Scene 4中Ed's Black Book做一些补充解释。

一般超自然现象会伴随一些不可解释的超自然之物,在游戏控制中它们被称为OOP (The Object of Power),它能赋予拥有者某些特定的超能力,例如雷神之锤。


个人推测,这里的Ed's Black Book也就是蓝盒子里放的就是这样一个东西,它应该是一个可以改变个人记忆个人对现实感知的超自然之物。而Betty (Diane)也是如愿得到这个东西之后,按照自己的意愿在自己大脑里“自导自演”了这个记忆。
另外一个解读可能是和Rita (Camilla)交换记忆或是身份,因为电影中有一个小片段里偷Black Book的嬉皮小哥问是否在街上看到有同Rita (Camilla)一样有深色头发落魄女人。

其他同样使用过这本Black Book,而这些人的记忆/感知会交织在一起,比如Act 8中 Betty的本尊Diane在Winkie's做服务员, Act 2中在Winkie's中说自己的梦被一个黑面男控制的小哥。
可以说Act 16前的剧情基本都是基于原生记忆的二次创作。
启动这个效果可能需要一个仪式,电影中的这个黑面男很可能和这个仪式有关。 虽然Black Book很强大,但是它的副作用也就是不可控,所以Betty (Diane)最终也是被它夺舍而自杀了。


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.4分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.1分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 7.7分 高清



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