
6.0 还行


分类:剧情 / 历史 /  英国  1999 

简介: 故事发生在十八世纪的英国。卡洛琳(塞雷娜·戈登 Serena Gordon 饰)


富贵浮云影评:Lines from Aristocrats

episode 3 主要篇幅在Sarah的婚事,部分对白摘录:
1——You are not quite as I remember you.
——I'm not? ——No.But every bit as pretty.
2.She's pretty enough but she has no ...air.
3.Mr Walpole is the very celebrated man of letters...Mr Selwyn is quite taken by death(==)
4.——I noticed you sleeping in the Commons again yesterday.
——Oh, mind you,I woke to vote.If one spends one's night in reverie,one must sleep sometime!
5.——Oh my dear Sarah, you look beautiful (Oh the sweetest rose in the depth of winter)
—— I'd rather say a brier.
—— Have you thorns, Lady Sarah?
—— Only in my tongue.
—— And will his Royal Highness be there tonight?
—— I have not enquired.
—— Have you read her conquest?
—— It seems that everyone has. More's the pity.
—— Lord,Sal! Don't hide your light.
—— I'm not a beacon.
... ...
——It seems everyone knows everything about my life more than I do myself.
——Never mind,Lady Sarah.We who live on gossip love those who provide it.
6.——A king needs merely to play a king, my dear sister.
——And we his loyal subjects?
——It is not the person. It is the office.
7.——Sister you do not think he will propose?
——Well..They say he admire your rural simplicity.(然后大嫂若干就让Sarah趁the king经过时堆草垛……))
8. (the king 的这段示爱是感人的,只是可怜的Sarah姑娘就是面瘫+无感……照着大嫂之前教的muttering 非常喜感和讽刺)
The King: We want you to ever remember that you hold the most passionate attachment of our heart.
Sarah: Your Majesty, I am surprised.
The King: You should not be. Has not our preference for your company been marked?
Sarah:I...I admit.
The King:Has not our happiness been evident when we see you?
Sarah:I do not like to assume it myself, but my friends assures me...
The King: I was ignorant of passion before I met you.Since then,I have been both misery and joy.Joy when I'm with you and grief when we part.
Sarah: Your majesty...
The King:Even though I am King and have responsibilities, I still have a heart. That heart was unlocked by you.
Sarah: I do not know what to say..
The King: Believe that we tell you the truth, Lady Sarah. And for God's sake, never forget.


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