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分类:悬疑  地区:日本  年份:2014 

主演:向井理 比嘉爱未 寺岛进 山中崇 大杉涟 寺尾聪 

导演:国本雅广 / 




乐比TV为您提供2014年由向井理,比嘉爱未,寺岛进,山中崇,大杉涟,寺尾聪主演,国本雅广导演的《死亡快递》/原名《死の発送》悬疑 电影在线观看完整版,《死亡快递》百度云网盘资源以及《死亡快递》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《死亡快递》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

七年前官僚冈濑正平涉嫌侵吞十亿日元公款而锒铛入狱,但其中的三亿日元始终下落不明。如今此人重获自由,某三流杂志主编山崎治郎(寺尾聪 饰)派出全无干劲的的记者底井武

Plot Summary:Reporters Takehara and Tsumura Aki work for the magazine "Shukan Dodongo". Their chief editor tells them to monitor Okase Shohei who is an ex-bureaucrat and was recently released from prison. 7 years ago, Shohei was arrested for embezzling 1 billion yen. The investigation seven years ago was able to track down 700 million yen but unable to locate the remaining 300 million yen. Now, the chief editor is sure Shohei will go to wherever the remaining 300 million yen is hidden. Shohei stops by a racehorse training center and heads to a street lined with expensive restaurants. Reporters Takehara and Tsumura lose Shohei in this area. Later, Shohei is found dead at a cemetery in Katsuura, Chiba Prefecture. He was strangled to death. The chief editor at the magazine believes Shohei was killed over the 300 million yen. The chief editor and Takehara go to the racehorse training center where Shohei stopped by earlier. They learn that the owner of the riding stable is Nishida Ryuzo and the owner ...


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