亢奋 特别篇

0.0 很差

原名:Euphoria Special又名:亢奋 新冠特别篇

分类:剧情 /  美国  2020 





Rue: Look, Ali, I know you don't believe me, but I'm doing really good, actually. I mean like, you know, everything could suddenly shit flip and get super dark? I mean it could, but, I feel like I've found this, like, amazing balance, where I'm like happy and healthy, and I'm not, like, looking to anybody else for that happiness, you know? Fucking jules.......

Rue: I'm the point, you know?
Ali: The point is your sobriety.
Rue: Yeah. Of course. Yeah, and like, my, my general overall well-being.
Ali: Which starts with your sobriety
Rue: Yeah. Mm-hmm. And, like finding an emotional balance, you know?
Ali: You just said you found an amazing balance.
Rue: I...I did, I have. I, I mean, but I'm not perfect, you know, so... I'm, I'm sane, though, like, I'm sane, saner. I'm making sane decisions.
Ali: Rue.You're high.
Rue: I feel like you're not listening to what I'm saying.
Ali: Rue, I don't think you're listening to what you're saying.

Rue: Yeah, I mean, it's not like I'm doing a bunch of shit. I'm just smoking a little bit of weed.
Ali: My point is, it's not gonna last.
Rue: Yeah, well, neither do my moods when I'm sober.
Ali: Okay ,well, you know, I'm not saying you're a paragon of mental health. You've got your issues, and you're gonna be struggling with those issues for the rest of your life. That's a fact. The problem is ,is that you look at sobriety as a weakness in the face of those issues, and I'm saying is, sobriety is your greatest weapon.


Rue: Ali, can I tell you something?
Ali: What were you gonna say?
Rue: ...Ah, it doesn't matter. It's stupid.
Ali: All right, I'm sorry. Come on.
Rue: Nah. I don't wanna...
Ali: Say it.

Rue: When I'm, when I'm clean, you know, when I'm present, like a part of this world, I don't just think about relapsing. It's, it's darker than that. And, you can say that sobriety is my, greatest weapon, but...to tell you the truth, drugs are probably the only reason I haven't killed myself.
至此,rue终于开始说实话。ali 指出rue之前的不真诚,rue却表示,她一直都很真诚。看完第一季的我们都知道,rue可能是剧中最真诚的人了,那问题出自哪儿呢。

Ali: "Whatever,man"? whatever, man. Listen, young blood. I was shooting dope before your mama's egg dropped.I've lived a whole motherfuckin' life to get to this diner to sit across form your arrogant ass, so don;t you ever "whatever" me. You're 17, you don't know shit. You think you're hard? I'm harder. You think you're tougher? I'm tougher. You got clean and want to kill yourself? Same motherfuckin' story here. You want to know why?I'll tell you why. 'Cause you don't know how to live life. You don't have the tools ,You're too busy running around, trying to bullshit everybody into thinking you're hard, and you don't give a fuck, when in reality, you give so much of a fuck, you can't ever bear to be alive. 这里ali指出了rue的两重性,一面她故态复萌,所有人的知道她是个addict她生活不易,而她本人也并不【在意】,而另一方面,她又是如此在意她在人们心中的看法以至于痛苦到不能继续生活。换句话说,她同时可以很好也可以很糟,一切都指向了那句"whatver",叔本华说人生在痛苦和无聊之间摇摆,那rue就是I'm good和I'm a piece of shit之间的叠加态,答案就是她的自由意志不由她。但我们能说她是不真诚的吗?第一季里她和Jules的画风,就是泥石流里的清流,就是世界上唯一的美好。

Ali: Why'd you relapse?
Rue: I don't know. Couldn't stop my mind from racing.
Ali: Racing about what?
Rue: Everything.
Ali: Hey, hey, get specific.
Rue: All the things I remember and all the things I wish I didn't.




Ali: Do you wanna get clean?
Rue: No
Ali: You sure?
Rue: Yep
Ali: I get it. I get it.
Rue: Is that fucked up?
Ali: What? That you don't want to get clean? Yeah, yeah, Of course it's fucked up.
Rue: Ah, I'm a piece of shit?
Ali: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a piece of shit. You're a piece of shit. All right, but, here's the silver lining. You're not a drug addict because you're a piece of shit. You're a piece of shit because you're a drug addict. You follow?



这句大概总结了rue和jules的关系,有点类似《伦敦生活》第二季中菲比与神父的关系,我们为什么要爱上帝?因为爱世人是如此痛苦。把Jules当药物替代的rue不可能真正戒掉毒瘾,只会让她像在开头一样嘟嘟嚷嚷着I'm good,以及在圣诞节听一首悲伤的歌。



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