Novelle licenziose di vergini vogliose(1973)

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分类:喜剧  地区:意大利  年份:1973 

主演:Gabriella Giorgelli 玛格丽特·罗丝·凯尔 Enza Sbordone 

导演:Joe D'Amato / Joe D'Amato/Diego Spataro

Joe D'Amato/Diego Spataro




乐比TV为您提供1973年由Gabriella Giorgelli,玛格丽特·罗丝·凯尔,Enza Sbordone主演,Joe D'Amato导演的《Novelle licenziose di vergini vogliose》/原名《》喜剧 电影在线观看完整版,《Novelle licenziose di vergini vogliose》百度云网盘资源以及《Novelle licenziose di vergini vogliose》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Novelle licenziose di vergini vogliose》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Boccaccio dreams of making a trip to hell and listening to the licentious tales of the damned: Story1: Two couples, unknown to each one of them agree for swinging, but each meets one's own spouse. Story2: A friar takes advantage, with deception, of a young bride obsessed with her insatiable husband. Story3: A merchant is absent from home by entrusting his wife to her nephew and she initiates him to sexual experiences. Story4: A husband has a homosexual relationship with one of his workers; the wife threatens the worker and requires too much sex from him and causes to his death. Story5: A husband entrusts his wife and daughter to a music teacher who is considered inverted and therefore inoffensive: he has relationships with two women separately and together.

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