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原名:Our Brand Is Crisis又名:危机女王(台) / 选战伪术师(港) / 我们的品牌是危机 / 危机竞选手册 / 竞选危情 / 紧急关头

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 /  美国  2015 

简介: 简(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)是一位业务能力十分了得的法



1.Jane:Peopel forget what you say,but they remember how you make them feel.Warren Beatty.

2.Jane:Since love and fear can be hardly exist together.If we must choose between them,it is far safer to be feared than loved.Warren Beatty.No,it's not.It's Machiavelli.I'm sorry.I was just totally kidding.

3.Jane:Uh,I think you won't win.I think you're lookin' at mid-20s.Not enough to win.You're gonna have to make everyone else lose.That is,keeping them under 24%.You gotta go negative.你要走负面竞选.

4.Former stradgist Hugo:No,no.In the last campaign,we used attack adds,and it hurts us badly.
Jane:And that is why I brought my oppo out. Sarah LeBranc.对手研究专家.

5.Castillo:And what is this people's person?
Jane:The person is someone who can do as mush or as little as needed.她能视需求做多做少.

6.Jane:Oh,and I'd also like for her to do a vulnerability study on you,sir.也对你做弱点研究.
Enzo:I've already been through that.
Jane:Not with LeBlanc you haven't,sir.
You've been doing so badly,no one's been looking too hard.But if you start doing better,the press will start digging.会开始揭疮疤.And the last-minute surprises will kill.最后的意外会致命.

7.Jane:Do him first.

8.Jane:And if anyone has any qualms about this,think it's wrong in some way.You come talk to me.I will rent you a nice set of balls.Because there's only one wrong in this.Only one,and that is losing.There is only one wrong,losing.

9.Jane:He tells his campaign manager to start a rumor that his opponet fucks pigs.And the manager said,"Nobody's gonna believe that."And he says,"I know.I just wanna hear him deny it."我只想听他澄清.

10.Mackie:I've spent my life listening to voters from different backgrounds,different countries,and I've learned that they show tremendous wisdom about the choice facing them.You give them information,and they'll make the rational choice.

11.Mr.Candy:And she said,'Every thinking person will be voting for you."And Steven said,"Madam,that's not enough.I need a majority."Reason doesn't come into it,does it?

12.Mr.Candy:You like to pretend not one of us.But we both know who really started that story and ended that young girl's life,don't we?

13.Castillo:You're nasty.You are a terrible person.
Jane:No,I am a good person.But the means justifying the ends.方法决定落点.An nasty,terrible things that I've done,I‘ve done for people like you.我做过的龌龊烂事是为你这种人而做.So now you owe me.I am this close to winning this thing.

14.Jane:It maybe possible to hold power based on guns.It is far better to win the heart of a nation.Gothem.歌德.

15.Mackie:Just wanted to say congratulations.Neil said you were the best,and I should have believed her.
Jane:I think she said I was a disposable,didn't she?我想她是说用完即丢.Deosn't matter.It's all good. It's all good just as long as Castillo doesn't backslide.

16.Jane:But like the man said,"If voting changed anything,they'd make it illegal."I don't decide the man's policies.I cannot monitor his behavior after the election.That's not my job.Can't make him a good man.
Eddie:People will get hurt.
Jane:Well,you know what?Getting hurt is unavoidable if you wanna play this game.
Eddie:You say all these things that people say,Jane.But what do you do?What are you gonna do?

16.Jane:Is it soul-stealing?Yeah,it is soul-stealing.It's advertising. You convince people of something they don't need,and then you give it to them.And then you profit from it.然后你从中获利.That was the prize that you could grab,so you could keep goin' around.And that's exactly what I was doing.I just keep going around and round and round.So I got out.所以我退出了.I got off the carousel.旋转木马.

17.Jane:It's like someone said,"If you don't like the road you're on,start paving another one."如果你不喜欢你正在走的路,再铺一条.

18.Jane:It's a medicine bowl.It's based on a Mahawk design.莫霍克族.This whole area was Native territory.这一带是原住民领地.Take one.They have protective powers.It's supposed to ward off the evil spirits.有保护力量.Most people use them for fruits.装水果.

19.Neil:Well,it is quite a setup.
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