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原名:Laal Singh Chaddha又名:阿甘正传(印度版) / 拉辛正传(台) / 打死不离喇星梦(港) / Lal Singh Chadda

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 /  印度  2022 

简介: 阿辛从小就和辛苦抚养他长大的单亲妈妈相依为命,并且从他妈妈身上学到坚定不移的正面



被国人亲切称呼为米叔的印度国宝级演员和导演阿米尔·汗,他主演了翻牌自美版《阿甘正传》的新电影《阿辛正传》,讲了平凡小人物阿辛(Laal Singh)在印度历史上的大故事。一起看这部电影学英语。

1 "Life is like golgappas.Your tummy may be full,but your heart always craves more."生活啊就像golgappas。你肚子可能是圆鼓鼓的,但总想再吃几个。


原版是:“life was like a box of chocolates.You never know what you're gonna get.”

2 "Shoes are like an identity card.Judge a man by his shoes, not his face."鞋像是个人身份证。通过他的鞋而不是脸来评判一个男人。

原版则是:“there's an awful lot you could tell about a personby their shoes:Where they're going,where they've been.”

3 The thing is…used to introduce related comment or explanation.

例句:The thing is, my parents like me to be home by ten o'clock.

4 pesticides,a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other unwanted organisms.杀虫剂

5 dimwit,a stupid person.

6 hound,to chase someone or to refuse to leave someone alone, especially because you want to get something from them.缠着某人

7 elope,to leave home secretly in order to get married without the permission of your parents.私奔

8 affluent,having a lot of money or owning a lot of things 富有

9 paratha,a type of South Asian flat bread that is fried in a pan or baked in a tandoori印度饼

10 carrots and peas=getting along very well

11 auto-rickshaw,嘟嘟车

12 " Life is full of miracles. " 生活充满了奇迹。

原版说的是:“Miracles happen every day.”

13We won't spare you! 我们不会放过你的。

spare,to not hurt or destroy something or someone

14 rupees,the standard unit of money used in India, Pakistan, Mauritius, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Seychelles 印度、巴基斯坦等国的货币,卢比

15 broken off ties 断绝关系a connection or relationship between people, or a connection a person has with a place, interest, activity, etc.

16 home help,someone who is employed to clean and do other small jobs.

17 chariot,a two-wheeled vehicle that was used in ancient times for racing and fighting and was pulled by a horse or horses战车

18 namesake,a person or thing having the same name as another person or thing. 同名人/物

19garland,a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration 此处是动词,给...带上花环。

20 A-front or V-front 四角短裤还是三角短裤。用字母A和V来表示,非常形象了。

21 armhole,an opening in a shirt, coat, etc. through which you put your arm 袖孔



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