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原名:The North Water又名:北方海域 / 北海鲸魂

分类:剧情 / 悬疑 /  英国  2021 

简介: 改编自伊恩·麦奎尔所著同名获奖小说,聚焦19世纪一次灾难性的捕鲸活动。故事围绕帕


北海鲸梦影评:Roll the Old Chariot Along

安德鲁·海格(Andrew Haigh)新剧《北海鲸梦》(The North Water)片尾曲《驾着老战车前进》(Roll the Old Chariot Along)是一首水手号子(sea shanty),是水手们在帆船上劳作时唱的歌,往往由一名水手起头领唱,随后其他水手加入合唱,据说源自黑人灵歌(African-American spiritual),亦有一说歌词源自基督教救世军的赞美诗,而曲调来自苏格兰里尔舞曲,这首歌在岸上亦颇为流行,被用作棒球比赛的助威歌,版本不同歌词有出入,《北海鲸梦》第一二三五集片尾曲版本便不同。

水手号子(或译为海船号子、海员号子)是从英法两国海军的劳动号子演化而来,16世纪中叶首次出现相关记载,而英文中"sea shanty"一词作为水手的劳动号子是在19世纪早期才出现在美国的商船上。sea shanty不同于sea song(船歌),号子只在体力劳动过程中唱,船歌却可以在航程中翘脚闲唱,且号子从来没有伴奏,船歌却可有五花八门的伴奏。

剧中还唱过另一首著名的《水手小子,离开她》(Leave Her, Johnny),her/she指船,这是在船抵达目的地后停靠抛锚、清理甲板时才唱的保留曲目,研究者Frank Thomas Bullen在《海上劳作之歌》(Songs of Sea Labor)中写道:“在最后一天之前就唱这首歌,其效果无异于叛变。”


以下歌词选的是民谣歌手David Coffin所唱版本。

Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails

We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails

We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails

And we'll all hang on behind...

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind!

Oh, we'd be alright if we make it round The Horn

We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn

We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn

And we'll all hang on behind...

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind!

Well a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm

A night on the town wouldn't do us any harm

Oh, a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm

And we'll all hang on behind...

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind!

Now, another festival wouldn't do us any harm

Oh, another festival wouldn't do us any harm

Woah, another festival wouldn't do us any harm

And we'll all hang on behind...

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind!

And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!

And we'll all hang on behind...


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.4分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


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  • 6.4分 高清


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  • 7.7分 高清



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