Heute abend und morgen früh(1980)

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分类:未知 地区:东德   年份:1980 


导演:Dietmar Hochmuth / 




乐比TV为您提供1980年由未知主演,Dietmar Hochmuth导演的《Heute abend und morgen früh》/原名《》/又名《Tonight and Tomorrow Morning / Сегодня вечером и завтра утром》未知电影在线观看完整版,《Heute abend und morgen früh》百度云网盘资源以及《Heute abend und morgen früh》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Heute abend und morgen früh》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A busy week is over. Friday evening. The huge stomatology department of the university empties, patients, doctors, students want to go home. However, she waits until she is almost alone, calls home. Nobody there yet. And suddenly the intense desire to break the loop of everyday life, not rushing home quickly to open the door for others, but the strong need for the enjoyment of being received. So she takes the time to choose detours this evening and experiences life differently than usual, is touched and affected by what she discovers in another life that is not so far from her own. Strengthened in her need for warmth and security, she finally enjoys the happiness of being expected. A non-daily morning, a recurrent exception: Saturday morning. The most precious thing: you have time for each other. We experience what their strength is to be there with fun and self-evidentness for others, not to feel duties as burdens. These are short scenes of a marriage in which we learn how a man and a woman interact with each other. In its exception a common occurrence, especially a human one.

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